

zac - 23 - any pronouns

here’s to a liberated palestine and an end to the occupation in 2024، إن شاء الله


please don't buy keffiyah from unknown sources

for example: lots of keffiyah are being sold on amazon by chinese fast fashion companies

please buy keffiyah from palestinian sources

if you can't for some reason, please consider the most ethical choice you possibly can, or just donating the money you would have spent on one to a gaza supporting organization instead

In a piece for The New Inquiry from back in 2017, George Dust states that when queer people complain about there being a top shortage, what they really mean is “nobody is fucking me the way I want, and I have no agency in that.” Alongside co-authors Billy-Ray Belcourt and Kay Gabriel, Dust suggests that many queer people align themselves with a passive or “bottom” position because they believe that role will absolve them of the guilt of really wanting things. They present themselves as what they believe to be the sexual party with zero power; the receiver, the accepter of action rather than its cause.
This position is drawn in contrast to the bottom-identified person’s idea of a top: the one who approaches, the person with hungers and desires, the person who decides which sexual activities will happen and how intense they will get. The top, from this perspective, is the stronger, more capable, more dangerous person. They’re the only one who can ever be guilty of intruding or harming somebody else. This power is scary, but it’s also compelling.
Dust calls this fantastical version of a top a “brute” — and they are the most cartoonish stereotype of what it means in society to be a man. Because it’s a cartoonish stereotype, no human actually lives up to it — and we’d probably revile a person even if they could.
Though queer people know we are harmed by the gender binary and heteronormativity and all the social scripts those things force upon us, its biases are still embossed on our brains. Without meaning to, we reproduce tired gender stereotypes in our relationships. And so we see expressing a sexual want as masculine, and being masculine as being more capable of violence and coercive control, and thus bad. We see failing to communicate one’s desires openly as desirably feminine, as well as a sign of blamelessness and purity — because on some level we still feel it is wrong to have desires.
But this entire worldview is a complete lie. Desire is not evil. Expressing attraction is not a violation. Failing to express oneself can be just as dangerous as not listening to someone else’s limits. Women can be abusive. Bottoms can sexually assault. No matter our gender, presentation, or sexual role, we are each capable of harm. And the only way to make a safe, mutually pleasurable sexual encounter happen is by going after it, actively, and communicating from a position of inner strength.
So how do you do that, if society’s been telling you all your life that you’re meant to date by acting like a deer passively snapping twigs in the woods, waiting for some hunter to hear you, and pursue you? (That really is dating advice that Evangelical Christian counselors give to women, if you can believe it).
By not fixating so much on what you’re doing or not doing to draw other people toward you, and instead thinking in terms of what you want and what you observe beyond yourself.

thanks for these additions !

#long post#both articles are really really good#especially the second one#and everyone should read them #as a black person i'm expected to do all the heavy lifting of pursuing/flirting/initiating/fucking#and this makes it incredibly difficult for me to date#because i KNOW that#and i don't want to be in that role#i resent it#and i've come to resent dating because everyone i've dated in this area (vancouver is very very white)#has been suuuuuper passive/uncommunicative and it drove me insane#the second article uses “brutishness” and i think this encompasses the experience#of what you're expected to be while dating other queers #it's not just forwardness that's desired it's rawness they perceive as animalistic#which is extremely dehumanizing obviously!#which makes the whole experience extremely fraught#because ultimately it's all about that other person and how they feel and what they want#without them ever having to overtly express it#which allows them to wallow in passivity and sexual shame while still getting their needs met (but only partially)#(hence the whining about a top shortage) #it's part and parcel of a narcissism i've noticed in most white queers#where they position themselves at the center of the universe#they see themselves as The Most Oppressed and also The Most Desired#and they forcibly make you a part of this narrative#it's extremely insidious#it's also not just white people tbh nonblack poc are guilty of this too#but i won't even touch that rn#anyway great stuff and i need to show it to some people lmao#find later

A lot of people in mainland China are perfectly capable of getting around the so called 'Great Firewall of China' and interacting with the internet beyond it but the thing is a lot of them just flat out don't want to or don't really care all that much. Yeah sure the internet is heavily censored, but outside of that non-English spaces have gotten smaller and smaller while English takes over as the lingua franca of the internet, and they may or may not be able to read and understand English very well.

Also a lot of people on the internet beyond the 'firewall' are very hostile to them, they get treated like naive idiots or brainwashed infiltrators for the ccp. I remember a few years back when a lot of Chinese fanfic writers started uploading their stories on ao3 en masse because there had been a big uptick in websites that host fanfiction getting taken down and some people were so utterly vile about it, making jokes about how they could get the fics taken down by mentioning the Tiananmen Square massacre in the comments and things like that.

All because they were apparently offended by their favorite tags having more non-English works that can very easily filter out so they don't have to look at them at all. Because God forbid a fanfiction website that already greatly skews towards English fics have more works in other languages, right? That's like the only thing I miss about fanfiction.net, it had way more non-English fics, well that and more stories for certain fandoms than ao3 does.

And it's not like a lot of tech companies and other governments don't censor the internet to some extent or another, China isn't unique in that regard, it's just particularly infamous for being so heavy-handed and easy to use as a red herring.

hello, a chinese citizen here.

I do not like to type out long paragraphs here so I’ll try to sum it up.

Yes, I 100% agree with this guy, honestly it’s sad how most non-English communities (such as 3K) are getting reduced, and especially how some people treat Chinese people using typically banned websites like yt or twitter etc, i know that most people here are American or just not from china but cmon just give us a chance.

(sorry if my wording is kinda bad, im so sleepy rn lol)

No it's good, but even if it wasn't it would be nothing to apologize for. And trust me, 你的英文比我的中文好,我無法評斷你。



🙃 Regular reminder that while Hozier has amazing love songs, he is ALSO very outspoken about his leftist politics, specifically anti-fascism, anti-racism, reproductive rights, Palestinian rights and more.

Take Me To Church and Foreigner’s God are scathing critiques of organized religion, specifically the Catholic Church and the colonization of Ireland.

Moment’s Silence is about oral sex but it’s ALSO about how that specific sexual act is often distorted to a show of power rather than that of love.

Nina Cried Power is an homage to various (mostly Black) civil rights activists from the US and Ireland and a call to follow their path.

Be criticizes anti-migrant policies and Trump and his ilk.

Jackboot Jump is about the global wave of fascism and about protest and resistance.

Swan Upon Leda is about reproductive rights and the violent colonial oppression of Ireland and Palestine.

Eat Your Young is about the ruinous way the 1%/capitalism and arms dealers prioritize short-term profit over everything else to the detriment of the youth/99%

Butchered Tongue is about Irish and other indigenous languages being suppressed and erased by imperial powers.

If any of the above surprised you, please, please delve deeper into Hozier’s music, you’re missing such an important part of his work.


The Panthers used to ride around and follow the police.

So the cops would pull over some sorry black person, and get ready to rough him up, but then there were the Panthers right behind them. Watching, armed to the teeth, and citing legal statutes. It’s inspirational.

Bring it back.

Bring this back.


For real.

That’s why the FBI broke them up, isn’t it ?


That among other community initiatives. They had weapons training, self defense, their free breakfast program and ran a newspaper. They raised money to pay for bail and legal funding for people. And they used to notify the community of their rights and encourage people to know the laws and protest the one which were unjust. That type of shit irked the local police and damned sure struck a nerve with the FBI. They were taking back the streets and providing the protection the police were never interested in bringing to their neighborhoods from the very start. So it’s always fuck the FBI for me.

To be more specific they were communists distributing and teaching communist theory to their communities. Their organization also functioned and was organized by Marxism. And within that context it was Very Bad for the Black Panthers to be doing a better job of taking care of their communities than capitalists were.

For example, aside from aiming to monitor and end police brutality they also cared Deeply about their communities. So much that they also provided healthcare which included ambulances and vaccines. Black neighborhoods often had to wait Way longer for ambulances when necessary so the Black Panthers stepped up. They even had free clinics-funded by donations and ran by professionals- that provided some basic services that Black people were being underserved in.

Each local chapter was responsible for raising funds for its clinic from local businesses, churches, and healthcare professionals. Trusted volunteer professionals staffed the free clinics. These professionals included physicians, nurses, pharmacists, lab technicians, and medical students who also trained community members to staff the clinics as lab technicians, patient advocates, and community health workers.
[…]PFMCs primarily provided first aid and basic services such as childhood vaccinations and screenings for high blood pressure, lead poisoning, tuberculosis, and diabetes. In 1971 PFMCs began community education and screening of sickle cell anemia, a genetic disease mainly affecting people of African ancestry.

Free breakfast in school?

Also the Black Panthers. They saw hungry kids who were getting bad grades and falling asleep and decided to feed them to see if it helped. It did. So much so that schools and governments started implementing it.

Free Breakfast For School Children was one of the most effective. It began in January 1969 at an Episcopal church in Oakland, and within weeks it went from feeding a handful of kids to hundreds. The program was simple: party members and volunteers went to local grocery stores to solicit donations, consulted with nutritionists on healthful breakfast options for children, and prepared and served the food free of charge.
School officials immediately reported results in kids who had free breakfast before school. “The school principal came down and told us how different the children were,” Ruth Beckford, a parishioner who helped with the program, said later. “They weren’t falling asleep in class, they weren’t crying with stomach cramps.

Between healthcare, Marxism, providing food, monitoring police, and showing everyone that aid could be provided through voluntary donations and free of cost to those receiving it….

The Black Panthers were dangerous to capitalism.

(Wikipedia: Free Breakfast for Children, accessed 12 May 2024)


Tell me why this is the FIRST time I’ve heard about this organization.


This is a basis for positive nihilism btw. Nothing matters but for the decision that it should.


“When Why has no Answer” start asking “Why Not?”

There doesn’t have to be some grand purpose or meaning to make something worthwhile, so long as it’s meaningful to you.

[ID: Brian David Gilbert wears a grey suit while standing in front of a green screen. Subtitles show that he says, “But no matter how small and niche and insignificant something might seem, the very act of researching, or spending time with, or caring for it imbues it with meaning. To you, and to the people you share it with.” END ID] (ID courtesy of @greatdistractions)

Here is EVERY deal Hamas has tried to strike with Israel. It was never about the hostages.


[Video transcript:

Here's every ceasefire deal and prison exchange that Hamas has offered Israel since October 7th.

October 9th: Hamas offers Israel an unspecified number of women and children being held hostage in Gaza in exchange for 36 Palestinian women and children being held hostage in Israeli prisons.

October 16th: A Hamas official says they'd free all Israeli captives in Gaza in exchange for 6,000 Palestinian captives in Israel.

October 17th: A Hamas official tells NBC News that they'd release all of their Israeli civilian captives if Israel agreed to stop bombing Gaza.

October 28th: Hamas's leader in Gaza offers to release all of the Israeli captives in Gaza in exchange for all the Palestinian captives in Israeli prisons. This proposal, more commonly known as "all for all," was a demand widely adopted by Israelis protesting against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

November 17th: Qatari negotiators proposed a deal where Hamas will release 50 Israeli captives in exchange for 3-day ceasefire. Hamas agrees to the general outline of the deal. Israel refuses.

January 2nd: Hamas proposed a three-phase deal where Hamas releases 40 Israeli captives in exchange for a gradual withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza and the release of Palestinian captives. In the last phase, Israel would end the war and Hamas would release all of its Israeli captives. Israel rejected this offer.

January 18th: Members of the Israeli government make a proposal to Benjamin Netanyahu to reopen negotiations with Hamas. He refuses.

January 22nd: Israel rejects a deal where Hamas would release Israeli captives in exchange for the release of Palestinian captives, a withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza, and accepting Hamas's leadership in Gaza.

February 7th: Hamas proposes a three-phased 4-and-a-half month ceasefire where in the first phase Hamas would release all women, children, ill, and young male Israeli captives in exchange for the release of Palestinian women and children being held captive in Israeli jails. In the second phase, adult male captives on both sides would be exchanged. And then in the third phase, remains of the dead and an end to the war.

March 15th: Hamas offers to release Israeli women, children, elderly, and sick captives being held in Gaza in exchange for 700 to 1,000 Palestinian captives in Israeli prisons.

And most recently, yesterday Hamas offered to participate in a proposed three-stage deal where, in the first phase, Hamas would release Israeli female prisoners for 50 Palestinians held in Israeli prisons each. After 11 days of ceasefire, Israel would begin to dismantle its military structures in Gaza. In the second phase, there would be a halt to all military activity in Gaza. And then, in the final phase, the war in Israel's blockade on Gaza would end and the reconstruction process would begin. Israel rejected this deal.

Now you might be saying, well what about all of Israel's proposals that Hamas turned down? But all of Israel's proposals so far have been for temporary ceasefires - in other words, they would stop the fighting long enough to allow Israel to get its people out and then decimate Gaza without having to worry about killing any Israel hostages. This is fundamentally different from the ceasefire that Hamas and the vast majority of the world want, which is a permanent ceasefire that would end the war.

Now Israel is trying to say that they have no choice but to invade Rafa because Hamas refuses to negotiate. But this is obviously a lie. If Israel really wanted its hostages back, it could have had them back 7 months ago. This was never about hostages. Israel's been relentlessly carpet bombing the very place their hostages are being held and have killed an untold number of them. Israel was actually very clear from day one what this genocidal slaughter was all about. They said they would wipe the Gaza Strip off the face of the earth. They said they would bomb it so badly that Gaza would be a place no human being could exist.

This was never about hostages. Hostages were always just their excuse to justify the extermination of a people and destroy its ability to resist.]


From the article:

Civil society groups and citizens send creatively designed mass postcards and joint statements in over a dozen cities, condemning the lack of action against malpractice by BJP in election campaigning and urging the constitutional authority to abide by their mandatory requirement of unbiased fairness.
Disappointment with the functioning (or rather the non-functioning) of the current Election Commission of India (ECI) has resulted in a citizen-led protest. On May 11, citizens and civil society organisations from across the country led a joint campaign where they sent postcards to the constitutional authority with the slogan “Grow a Spine or Resign”. Through these postcards, the citizenry has expressed their anger over the lack of action taken against the ruling pollical party Bharatiya Janata Party even after the party’s star campaigners have been openly indulging in electoral malpractices. 

youve died a thousand times before who caaares just climb out of this grave again & again &agaian & agaian & again & again & aga

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