
from sprinkler splashes to fireplace ashes


My name is Patricia, and I'm a shipaholic. (Taking prompts)

Do you have any tips for how to slow down time in a story?


How to slow down time

To slow down time in your story you need to use a mix of different writing ingredients: you need different descriptions that capture the reader in the moment as well as internal monologue and different sentence structures.

Detailed Descriptions:

  • Sensory Details: Use the five senses—sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch to describe what the character is seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, and tasting in intricate detail.
  • Detailed Observations: Zoom in on small, often overlooked details. The sound a tea cup makes as it hits the ground, the way an expression on a character's face changes, the turning of heads as someone enters the room.
  • Slow Motion: Manipulate the time by describing how it feels like slow motion to the characters: "Time slowed down, and it felt as if the whole of humanity had decided to stop breathing for a moment."
  • Physical Reactions: A detailed description of the physical aspects of a scene. The movements a character makes, how their gaze turns, their breathing changes, their body begins to shake.
  • Psychological Aspects: Focus on the anxiety of a character looking at a clock that never seems to move, their nervousness seeping out of them

Internal Monologue:

  • Memories and Flashbacks: Add context by showing memories or flashbacks that relate to the situation.
  • Pondering: Let the character reflect on the situation, their feelings and their plan for the next steps. Let the reader explore the character's inner life.


  • Reduced Dialogue: Dialogue brings a scene into real time. Use it thoughtfully and sparringly, with lots of inner thoughts and reactions in between.
  • Silence: Make use of silence between the characters which can be filled with more descriptions.


  • Smaller Steps: Write out each action taken, no matter how small, and focus on describing each step that happens.
  • Control Pacing: Use your sentence structure to create long descriptions that slow it down, and short, impactful ones to pick up the pace if needed for a moment.

- Jana


Drafted and Disorderly

Hawkeye woke to the slow, treacherous spin of the Swamp, the kind of movement that meant either a bad hangover or a minor concussion. Given the dull throb behind his right temple, he decided to split the difference. His shirt smelled like stale beer, his ribs ached like someone had mistaken him for a punching bag, and somewhere in the distance, a memory itched.

He blinked his eyes open to a blur of dull grays and greens. His vision swam with the nauseating wobble of a boat adrift in a storm. He groaned, the sound echoing through the dense fog of his thoughts. The air around him had the scent of decay, the dampness clinging to him like a clammy blanket. He took a moment to breathe in the stagnant air, willing the world to settle around him.

When the confusion began to fade, Hawkeye turned to his left, facing BJ's cot. His eyes lingered on the sight of BJ fast-asleep on his stomach (as fast asleep as anyone could be with the war invading their dreams), face pressed deeply into the rough pillow. The way BJ's limbs seemed to hang limply off of the cot as if they were vestigial, useless extensions of himself told Hawkeye that he was even worse for wear.

As Hawkeye began to roll himself out of the army's unamusing excuse for a bed, an abrupt jolt of pain shot through his ribcage and he stayed seated, albeit upright.

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now that jimmy carter is dead can i just say what an absolute power move it was for him to run for governor of georgia with segregation as his platform, only to do a complete 180 once in office. insane

politicians just don't do it like this anymore


collection of useful things tumblr has taught me:

even if you can't fall asleep, laying down with your eyes closed will still rest your body

you don't have to brush your teeth standing up

you don't have to do any chore standing up, from dishes to showering

you don't have to shower with the lights on

if you can't brush your teeth, flossing and a tongue scraper gets rid of plaque and bad breath

if you can't do that, mouthwash kills a lot of bacteria

eating "unhealthy" food is better than eating no food

you can make the same meal everyday for however long you still want it

some pills come in syrups or chewables if you can't swallow them

kids nutritional shakes can be a quick way to get fuel if you can't eat/don't have time

if walking hurts/exhausts you on a regular basis, canes and rollers are for you, no matter how young you are

we have free will—if doing something "out of the ordinary" makes life easier for you, do it


“Hey, look who’s standing under the mistletoe!”

Chimney looks up and the whole world stops. His blood runs cold, but his heartbeat quickens. He can’t decide whether this moment is a representation of his worst nightmare or his greatest dream.

When Maddie looks up and sees their predicament, she immediately looks to Chimney, her eyes wide but not unpleasantly so. Surprised but not disgusted. Hopefully not uncomfortable.

“We don’t— we don’t have to do anything,” he finds himself telling her with a heavy heart, because he’s delusionally imagined the possibility of kissing her a million different times in a million different ways, but none of them included the watchful eyes of their coworkers or her potential discomfort or unease.

He must have said the wrong thing, or didn’t emphasize it enough, or something along those lines because something changes in Maddie’s still wide eyes. The intoxicating chocolate brown that had just reflected shock morphs into something pained, then withdrawn.

And Chimney suddenly has the distinct feeling that he just shoved his foot in his mouth.

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Anonymous asked:

What do you think are Maddie and Chimney’s favorite Taylor Swift songs?

I think Maddie is firmly in her reputation era but also with a soft spot for our song and the ten minute version of all too well

chimney is in his midnights era and does sing mastermind a hundred times a day

Anonymous asked:

I really need Buck to see Maddie hurt. Like after Boston he knows she’s not invincible but he didn’t get to see it. I need to see him processing his emotions while also dealing with chimney breaking down.

pleaseeee just let her bleed I’m asking so nicely


Hey remember when Maddie was planning to leave her abusive husband and gave her Jeep and extra cash to Buck without hesitation, because she knew she could lose another brother if she didn’t?

*sobs into her tea*


you kept me like a secret (but I kept you like an oath)

Written for Bad Things Happen Bingo prompt: Minor Character Death

Maddie walks behind Doug into his sister's house. His steps blow cool air in her direction, and her hair blows softly behind her.

They’ve only been dating for a few months now, but they’ve been the best months in a long time. Her whole life, even.

Her parents don’t approve because of his age and his general standoffish demeanor and how he’s a bit of a control freak, but Maddie doesn’t care because she’s pretty sure it’s her they disapprove of, not him. They never seem to approve, and she’s an adult now, free to make her own decisions, and he’s the best decision she’s made in her nineteen years of life, she thinks.

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On February 6th, 2023, on Monday morning, around 4:15AM (GMT +3), an earthquake happened in Turkiye, and a lot of people were caught off guard since they were asleep. 

The magnitude of the earthquake has been announced as 7.5, but later in the day, around 14:15PM, another earthquake has happened and this time it was 7.7. These earthquakes were the strongest that has ever happened in the southeast of Turkiye since 1939, and as I said above, many people were caught off guard. 

There had been many search and rescue operations, and still happening, but there isn’t enough people to help everyone who had been injured and trapped under the destroyed buildings. After these two (2) big earthquakes, there had been a lot of aftershocks, at least M4.4 and highest M6.0. These aftershocks had demolished whatever left from the damaged buildings and made the search and rescue operations even harder to proceed. 

The weather isn’t helping, either, because since the 1st of February, the snow has taken over the country and is more effective on the region where the earthquake happened. There are many, many cities where the search parties still could not reach and God knows how many dead. 

The current toll is:  1.541 dead, more than 10K wounded and more than 5K bulding are destroyed. 

People are in need of blankets, food, tent to stay in through the night as the buildings are very dangerous and there are still aftershocks happening, and diapers, water and hygenic peds. 

Please, if you are able to, consider helping my people by donating. You can donate money through the photos I will add below. Please reblog, so that this post can reach many many people. Thank you. 

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