
Patron Saint of Shitposts

@biggest-gaudiest-patronuses / biggest-gaudiest-patronuses.tumblr.com

Artisanal shitposts, handcrafted | Gaudy | they/them | autistic icon | ko-fi.com/GAUDY | paypal.me/GAUDIEST

we need more autistic jocks btw. jocks who are obsessive nerds about their sport of choice. jocks who are rigid about their workout routines and obsessed with the math of performance statistics and nutrition and reps. jocks who don't have time for alcohol or misogyny because why are you guys chugging beer and trash talking we need to be TRAINING. guy with no tolerance for homophobia because Teammate Trevor is an integral part of the strategy play who cares who he's dating

more jocks whose sole interest is playing the game to the very best of their ability, and infodumping doing a play-by-play review immediately afterwards at the sports bar while his teammates are trying to just get drunk and decompress


God isn't asleep; i cut its growling throat in the midst of its lumbering slumber. no the guards haven't yet noticed; morrow's dawn and howling trumpets are not scheduled for another 7 millennia. so come back to bed babe?


people will look at classic dystopian sci-fi like "wow how did the author predict this would happen" and the answer is they didn't. they hoped and hoped this wouldn't happen. (some of them, the lucky few perhaps, even died believing the worst had been averted.) these writers took a look at terrible things happening around them, and imagined a future where these terrible things dominated and warped reality, and they held it up to the audience and said "see? does this future not appall you??? it has already begun."

dystopian fiction isn't a prediction. it is a warning and a PLEA


A Curated List Of My Favorite Skeletons (and Skulls!)

We shall start, of course, with the obvious: Stringray!

Followed neatly by pufferfish!

gila monster skull (shh they are sleeping)

moving on to flamingos bc they have so little to work with but they stretch it so far

veiled chameleon skull (plus art by Elena Barbieri so you comprehend the importance of the sclerotic ring bone!) (bc some eyes have bones! some eyes have bones and that is so so valid)

love us a good old-fashioned mole

the tucan, always a fun classic

in conclusion, a few dainty gibbon skeletons to calm you soul, bc why the heck not <3

(yes the last one is a real vintage postcard sold in real Natural History Museum gift shops, before for some reason they reconsidered this marketing decision)

can't find the octopus post but I need to tell gaud new info I learned about them

their brains are donut shaped

their esophagus (i think?) goes through the middle of their head

they can literally die from brain damage if they eat something too big

love that this has nothing to do with this post (bc octopodes don't have skeletons, believe me i have INQUIRED) and yet manages to be the most relevant information I have learned in months. you! you understand the purpose of this website! octopus donut brains!!!

now someone ask me about the moral quandaries of octopus farming the problem is they build cities and cultures

The "some eyes have bones!" Thing is SO funny to me due to the eyeball tooth surgery that actually works! So yes, some humans get teeth IMPLANTED in their eyes to help them:3

I like eyeball facts since i used to and sometimes still do get shots in my eye:3

"Osteo-odonto-keratoprosthesis (OOKP), also known as "tooth in eye" surgery, is a medical procedure to restore vision in the most severe cases of corneal and ocular surface patients. It includes removal of a tooth from the patient or a donor."


I'm trying to think of the name of those off-brand hedgehog things but the only thing that comes to mind is enchilada


Heres some babies

This one is less baby

Fun fact. These motherfuckers can kill you

Their dicks have 4 heads

thank you! i hate this more than words can express. this is horrible, truly. DO NOT CLICK KEEP READING


why do people keep saying this


"do you want women competing against trans athletes" yes? I also want women competing against male athletes. and competing alongside them. because segregating sports by gender is extremely shitty actually?

this used to be an almost mainstream opinion btw, but then they remarketed "men are biologically superior to women" as Modern Feminism.

actual women athletes: we want equal pay and funding and opportunities, and the ability to have our achievements statistically measured alongside our male colleagues and recognized accordingly. and stop making us wear skimpy outfits and awkward useless breast armor this is insane

the patriarchal power structures that control society: scary TRANS athletes? you don't want to play with those icky TRANS athletes?you need to be protected from those TRANS athletes and their awful cooties??? fear not we shall rescue the girlies🤗


person trying to get out of a timeloop but they keep getting brutally murdered by the other person stuck in the timeloop, who is having the most amazing vacation of their life and refuses to leave


we don't make enough fun of Batman for not being a vampire. seriously this guy:

  • nightwalker, lurks in the shadows
  • goes flying through the city at night hunting down his quarry
  • romps around in a dramatic ass cape
  • lives in a gothic manor that is definitely haunted (by the narrative, the ghosts of the past, etcetera)
  • served by a single devoted familiar servant who seems to share some portion of his strange powers
  • has multiple fledglings proteges he recruits and trains to share his dark powers
  • the source of great, often contradictory lore (conflicting reports on his powers/weaknesses/backstory, varies by canon)
  • unaging (his publication history spans how many decades?)
  • clearly has some sort of arcane powers superhuman abilities, despite making a huge effort to pass as a Normal Human Guy
  • autistic bisexual

notice i didn't even mention the whole BAT themed everything. and we're expected to believe this character is NOT a vampire? i'm being baited.

"bisexual?" yes bisexual he's a transgressive leather daddy who goes out in public in his elaborate fursona getup. u dare to call this man a heterosexual?


good evening tumblr! for the low low price of $4.20 i will give you a fact that will ruin your night!

this was not my fact, and i am livid that it actually does make sense from an evolutionary standpoint (as it makes other male llamas sterile thus reducing competition). congratulations tumblr you have successfully ruined MY night 

the fact i was GOING to share, interestingly enough, also has to do with animal genitalia:

here is a photo of a blue whale penis mounted on a plaque, have a nice evening ♥

#for $6.66 i will give you one awful Premium fact that is directly related to the whale penis fact but is actually so much worse

pleasure doing business with ya. your fact is: the above photo was taking at the Icelandic Phallological Museum aka the


which houses the world’s largest display of penises (most of them non-human). yes this is a real place that exists, and is a popular tourist destination. and yes, many of the…exhibits have been mounted on plaques, for reasons best left unexplored

oh! here is a non-dehydrated blue whale. fun fact: the first photo was “just the tip!”

#and for one final payment of $6.66 i will give you ONE LAST BUT BY FAR THE MOST HORRENDOUS FACT about blue whale penises#much worse than the fact that a penis museum exists and has multiple whale penises on display

and here is your final Awful and Horrendous Whale Penis Fact:

whale penises were probably mistaken for sea monsters

nope, i’m not kidding. wish i was. whale penises do indeed very much resemble giant monstrous tentacles when spotted in the wild. at least some “sea monsters” sightings were probably just…whale boners. which i hate. i hate that so much.

and because today wasn’t bad enough: here is a sperm whale penis!

and HERE is a photo of a man holding a $6,000 5-and-a-half foot stuffed version!

hope you enjoyed this post! i didn’t!!!!

Can we roll it back to the dick museum…


THAT’S the part you focus on? Seriously?????

please I’m so tired

To answer the reblog about human penises

They are still looking

aren’t we all, metaphorically in life, looking for a younger and a bigger and a better one though

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