
gay and european

@thatfrenchhelper-blog / thatfrenchhelper-blog.tumblr.com

Hello there! I'm Lottie and I'll do my best to help you with any of your roleplaying need. Please take a look around and just send in an ask if you'd like anything. Why the donate button? /

Tip for RPHs:

If you’re making a gif hunt and you see a gif pack that says “don’t include in gif hunts,” don’t include it in your gif hunt. Please show some respect for your fellow rpc/h/a’s and abide by their rules.

Also gifsets tagged with ‘don’t include in gif hunts’ or anything similar. Gif makers deserve the respect as well.

Also credit makers as you gather the gifs, and accumulate the credits at the bottom of your gif hunt. These people who made the gifs deserved to be acknowledged even if they’re not roleplayers. An added note is that if you notice the majority of your gifs are coming from one source — ask before you take even if there’s no notes saying you can’t take them.

And if makers ask you to take their gifs off your hunts because you hadn’t asked them or noticed that note about not including them - or for any reason actually, don’t argue, and take them down.

Anonymous asked:

Would you mind making some gifs for Lea Salonga? If not, it's alright :) You're an amazing helper by the way!

I sure wouldn't mind! Until then, you have a gif hunt of her (42 Gifs) right there. I'll try and set up a gif hunt once I'm done with the one I'm working on right now. Is there a video in particular you'd like me to gif though, or a role? I added under a cut a list of bootlegs I have with her as well, if you want me to see what I can gif from them.

Anonymous asked:

The CS6 serials don't work anymore, are there any others we could use? thank you

As I got quite a good deal of requests about these CS6 serials, I thought I’d only answer one question. No, sadly, these were the only ones I had. If they don’t work anymore I can’t provide others, but I’d suggest googling ‘photoshop cs6 serial’ and looking around a bit and I’m sure you’ll find something. I made a post about it a while ago, so please, before sending asks, read a little.


Yes, hello, my lovely friends.

Recently, I got a whole new rig, and that meant I had to reinstall Photoshop, because it’s essentially my lifeline. On my old rig, I used a CS5 version that made me have to keep a keygen in my starter menu, because it kept expiring.

So I thought, let’s just upgrade to CS6, right? I always wanted to try it, but lazy, but now there was opportunity and necessity, so why not. I decided to look for torrents that would work, and if you download this one, you don’t need serials, you don’t need anything but this torrent.

It checks out, I promise; I have it myself, use it daily, it’s all safe. Hope this helps people.

Here you all go, people in need of serials, Quel’s got the answer for you!

Anonymous asked:

Could you make some gifs of Idina Menzel please?

Well, you can find a few gif hunts of her right under. That’s quite a few, though, if you still would like me to make gifs, please let me know and send me some videos and I’ll do that. I also have the two If/Then bootlegs I could gif if you’d like. So, yep, just let me know!

Hope this helped!

Anonymous asked:

The CS6 serials don't work anymore, are there any others we could use? thank you

As I got quite a good deal of requests about these CS6 serials, I thought I’d only answer one question. No, sadly, these were the only ones I had. If they don’t work anymore I can’t provide others, but I’d suggest googling ‘photoshop cs6 serial’ and looking around a bit and I’m sure you’ll find something. I made a post about it a while ago, so please, before sending asks, read a little.


As a note about the photoshop serials I once posted - If they don't work anymore, no need to insult me about it, there's nothing I can do for you pal. Maybe try googling 'photoshop -your version here- serials', it's probably gonna be much more constructive than doing this.

Anonymous asked:

I'm working on an RP set at a ballet school and I don't know where to find videos I could use for the promo?

Not sure this is an actual question, but well, I found you some videos featuring ballet. So, hopefully this helps you! I did my best to mostly keep HQ videos so your gifs will come out nicely (since I assume it’s for gifs). But enjoy!

Complete ballets/Ballets teasers


There’s also a TV show called ‘Bunheads’ which might also be nice, though I’ve never watched it, but if you take a look, I’m sure it features some ballet dancing.

Or you know, you can just search ‘ballet’ on youtube to find videos that will exactly fit what you’re looking for.
Anonymous asked:

A good FC for Snow White?

I don’t have an age range, so I’ll do my very best with what I’m given. First though, I’d suggest for you to check this fancast by benedicthelps out, as Doe gives some really good suggestions in there, my favorite being Honoka Miki. As for some other suggestions, here you go - 

  • Elizabeth Gillies
  • Anna Popplewell
  • Annie Clark
  • Park Bom
  • Kiko Mizuhara
  • Lindsay Pearce
  • Dena Kaplan
  • Lee Min Jeong
  • Seychelle Gabriel
  • Jenn Im
  • Alexandra Daddario
  • Anna Christine Speckart
  • Stefania Owen
  • Samantha Hill
  • Zooey Deschanel

Hope this helped!

Anonymous asked:

Do you have any tips on writing modern-day fairytales?

Not right now, but I sure can find you something. First, what’s a fairytale my little friend, that’s what we’re going to have to check. Every website will approximately tell you something along the lines of this:

A fairytale is a short story, often written in olden days and first transmitted by the word of mouth that uses european folklore and creatures (from ogres to fairies.).

We can also see, as we read some or just open an encyclopedia that most of them are set in a still quite european ‘faraway land’, in a medieval ‘once upon a time’. The only thing you have to set your fairytale within a specific place or culture is the folklore you are going to use. After all, if you set your story in a very clear place, it might lose the charm of the mystery. When it comes to this ‘Once Upon a time’ though, the thing will have to be tackled. But starting with the formula has its charm, but if you want your tale to be set nowadays, it’s not saying ‘Once upon a time in 2014’ that will change something. It’s showing us the differences between the middle ages and now. 

The thing about fairytales though, the why we still have them today, is because they are and will always be relevant to people. Maybe in different ways, but it’s the point. Even if we imagine them being set far away, far behind in time, they’re still actual. Even if they feel old to some, it’s how mysterious they are about time and space that give them their charm, and this universality. Setting them in a specific time and place takes this a in a whole different way, even if it’s a fun exercise.

I’d suggest trying to re-write classic tales before you start writing your own though. Find some old ones you love and find your way to find the right balance between the story and our modern times. An exercise that might not be that simple.

So now, you have to pick elements on your culture you want to see in your tale. A princess dressed in Elie Saab, a prince fresh out of Eton and an internet fairy that cuts your connection after you stayed too long on the internet.

Just so I can give you things to read, this fairytale book used to be one of my very favorites growing up, and it’s full of tales, some originals and some rewritings of classics that might interest you.

  • Contes de la rue Broca, Pierre Gripari. Sadly, I haven’t found an English version, but if googling the titles and ‘english’, you’ll find some excerpts and a tv show for children with some of the tales in animated form. The reason why it hasn’t been translated to English? It’s set in France, Paris, between two well-known streets, and while the exact year is never specified, we can guess it’s set between 1980 and nowadays. As it lost its universality, and has been immerged too much in the culture of one country (some of the characters are Middle Eastern, as this was written following a wave of immigration), it became harder to translate it.

And in the end, that’s the whole point of setting a fairytale nowadays. Make it closer, let you touch it. But while some centuries ago writing something everyone would understand and dream of was easier, nowadays, even with globalization, culture is one complicated thing to get, and something that will blend well with one won’t be understood by another. That’s why writing fairytales set in our days is about finding a right middle between our modern culture and this universal mystery of the where and the when.

And remember, our world is now so multicultural, if you set a fairytale nowadays, you can set it anywher. Doesn’t have to be Europe. And something set in Egypt, in Alaska or in Argentina won’t end up the same. Of course life in these countries is different, but you know what is too?Their culture, folklore and creatures. So get diverse with that, and good luck!

Anonymous asked:

Could Alexandra Daddario and Danielle Campbell be sisters?

Honestly, I don't see it that much. Maybe try to go for half-sisters instead?

Anonymous asked:

Hi! I was wondering if that is okay. Do you make GIFs from YouTube, Daily Motion or Torrents? Do you know any RPHs that do. Thank you lovely! I love your Wicked film version dreamcast by the way :-)

I do yes, but it might take a while as I have some on my to-do list. Still, feel free to send a request in! And thank you very much for the Wicked dreamcast!

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