
What is grief if not love with no place to go

@actuallylukedanes / actuallylukedanes.tumblr.com

Leander. 37. They/them/their. AFAB. Likes ask memes. Multifandom. Writer. Cat-Dad to Mellie.

Preview of Sam Long’s story, drawn by the amazing Cynthia Yuan Cheng! (@cynthiaycheng, cynthiaycheng.com)

Becoming Who We Are Kickstarter ends Dec 14! Preorder now to help us fund the book!


Hey this looks really awesome but there are 5 days left and it still needs quite a bit of funding to hit the goal. Spread the word, signal boost, I want my books! There are tiers specifically for libraries and retailers as well, so especially share with any librarians or bookshop owners you know!


Four days left...


tumblr made changes again and my dashboard looks all.....wrong. and posting format looks....weird. and why are the options for different things on the left now? And how do I check my followers and following???



The most heartbreaking thing this morning. We’re not pregnant. Again. 7th time we’ve tried.

And to make matters so much worse....as much as I’d like to try again....we are completely out of money for any more tries. This was our first IUI. We’d tried 6 times before just the regular way. So now there’s no more money. And no way of getting a hole of any more money.

B didn’t qualify for the loan. Because our debts are too high. Even though she makes 111,000 a year.


On Tuesday, May 30th, my blog was TEN YEARS OLD. Pretty cool. I feel bad I don’t use it very often though.

Happy Anniversary, little blog. :)


It isn’t okay to tell someone you want to drive into a ditch......and then leave. Without resolving anything. Or acknowledging anything important. I try so hard to be an anchor for you.

But you don’t have any room in your emotions or in your head for me and who I am and how I feel. 


Blorbo Ask Game from forever ago

@actuallylorelaigilmore also asked for Sense8, Firefly and The Magicians....

You can read The L Word one here.


blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most): Nomi.

scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): Lito.

scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave): Sun.

glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week): Puck.

poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): Jonas.

horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason): Rajan.

eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell): Whispers.

That one was short, I had no comments partially because you’ve never seen it and even though you’ve heard it in the background...I wouldn’t want to spoil it.

So, here’s firefly too...


blorbo: Simon scrunkly: River Scrimblo bimblo: Yosaffbridge Glup Shitto: Nandi Poor Little Meow Meow: Mal  Horse Plinko: Book, because we never get to discover who he actually is, but also Mal (because Nathan Fillion). Also, Atherton Wing. Eeby Deeby: Niska and Early.

The Magicians

In order of those questions...

Quentin Eliot Josh Professor Lipson Julia, Penny Tick, Kady, Henry Tod, Marina


blorbo ask games from a long time ago

@actuallylorelaigilmore also asked for The L Word (Original), Sense8, Firefly and The Magicians.... You can read Sex Education (tv series) here.

So, here we are with the next on the list..

The L Word (Original) *I’d much rather do Gen Q now that we’re in S3 but I think I complained about that enough...

blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most): Not actually my favourite character, but the one I think about the most, that I spend time in my head wondering about and exploring is Bette Porter.

scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): From the original? Dana, probably.

scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave): Kit

glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week): Lara until things went south with Dana. After that, probably Peggy because Holland Taylor.

poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): From the original, probably Shane. But I also loved Max a lot -- even if I cannot like or enjoy the very upsetting stuff they did to his character and the way they treated the actor and a whole host of other problematic shit that went on for both during the show.

horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason): Jenny. I really hate her and always did. Helena, just from her first appearance in s2, not after that. 

eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell): So many actually. Tim. Jenny. Tina (I have my reasons and we can get into why I think she’s horrible later, lol).  Angus, but only after the cheating. Jodi, but only after she used Bette for an art installation -- no matter how hurt and angry she was. Cherie Jaffe, because really. Dylan.


more shows for the blorbo ask game! sex education, the l word (original), sense8, firefly, the magicians


Well, this was literally forever ago, but here I am answering it. Finally. Okay, so "forever" is an overdramatisation, but still. (The last one was 10 months ago).

So, then.....

Sex Education: blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most): I think the majority of these characters are problematic and cringey, at most times. And at other times, I just can't relate to them. With that said, Adam Groff is my favourite character and the one I think about most often. scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): I don't have any idea what So Shaped means, but the character that gives me cuteness aggression, or at least the one I'd most like to protect is Aimee. scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave): Jackson or Ruby. glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week): I wouldn't feel this way at all without you, Toni, because you've made me love Hannah Wattingham...so for this answer I gotta go with Sofia Marchetti aka Jackson's mum. poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): Not controversial, of course, but probably unpopular and otherwise a pathetic fave to have....Peter Groff, because he's played by Jason Isaacs. horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason): Otis. He's the main character, but I just can't stand him. eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell): Eric, during season 3 only -- I will never understand why they did that, never.

You can read the Blorbo Ask Game from ten months ago here.


Happy Chanukkah

Chanukkah started last night, and I lit our first candle. So, tonight is the second candle and lighting it was wonderful. I got 2 AMAZING gifts from Toni and a card -- and I am forever thankful for their family pride, love, joy, and willingness to embrace the things that make me, me. 

Pictures may be posted a later day.

Gifts aren’t the point of Chanukkah, at all, but it was so nice to be thought of and for this important holiday to me to be important to someone I love too.

Happy Chanukkah!!!!


Reminder that Christmas is a religious holiday and all the things that come with it (the tree, the colors, the traditions, etc.) are apart of it (even if you don’t celebrate for religious reasons it still is) and if you say “Oh it’s just part of the season” you’re throwing your Jewish & other not Christian religious participants under the bus

Goyim can reblog but don’t add your bullshit


Nah.  Not really.  The bulk of our non-church Christmas traditions were cobbled together from non-Christian (or utterly nonreligious) sources, sometimes then given Christian meaning post-hoc (sometimes much, much later).  

Christmas is a time to celebrate family, friends, and just being kind to others. Doesn’t need to be religious but it can be. Different people have different Christmas, but all are valid and anyone can celebrate it. It’s a time of peace.

I mean, yes, it has non-Christian origins. But people like to pretend it’s secular (read: neutral) and it’s not.

“Christmas is a time to celebrate family, friends, and just being kind to others… It’s a time of peace.”

No. It isn’t a time for this unless you’re Christian or from a culturally Christian background. It isn’t this for (most) Jews, because we don’t celebrate it. Just like Sukkot is not a time of joy and accepting impermanence for you.

I need people to stop universalizing Christmas. It’s not universal, and pretending it is has ugly echoes of supercessionism and Christianity’s history of trying to force non-Christians into their religion.


“Christmas traditions came from pagan traditions!” YEAH AND MY PEOPLE DONT CELEBRATE THOSE EITHER

C H R I S T mas

People keep telling marginalized-people-who-dislike-christmas-being-forced-on-them that “Christmas has pagan roots,” as if this is some vast revelation. Newsflash: if this is something you’re telling to marginalized people in distress, then you saying it serves no purpose but to enforce christian hegemony.

Like, if I’m being beaten with a stick and ask someone to come help me, telling me that the guy beating me with the stick is also a hypocrite doesn’t exactly do me any good. My main concern is the “beating me with a stick” part.

Christmas having pagan roots is NOT a valid excuse to just continue enforcing this fundamentally christian holiday anyway. Its useful in understanding the colonial forces built in to christianity. Its useful to understanding the continuity of oppression between, say, the conquest of Saxony, to the Northern Crusade, to Cortes. Its is even rhetorically useful for refuting the arguments of christians whom are trying to force their religion on others.

But if you are using it as an excuse to help christians enforce their religion on others, than you are simply acting as a direct continuation of the original oppressors whom appropriated pagan traditions to help sneak their bigotry and hate into unsuspecting societies all those centuries ago. Telling marginalized people that they are wrong to dislike-christmas-as-a-tool-of-their-oppression because of christmas’s pagan roots makes you the bad guy.


Also, very unfriendly reminder for all the “it’s a time of peace” assholes out there, but the Yiddish name for Christmas Eve is Nittel Nacht, and the most common practice associated with the day among the people who called it that was quite literally “staying up all night playing card games so that you and your family wouldn’t be caught unaware if a nearby Christmas party turned into a pogrom”, because historically, that happened often enough to warrant preparing for it every single year, just in case. Like you guys could not be more tone deaf if you fucking tried.

Some of y'all ignoring “Goyim can reblog but don’t add your bullshit”

the fact that some of y’all are getting legitimately infuriated at religious minorities for not wanting to celebrate christmas or for acknowledging the fact christmas is now a solidly christian holiday that’s forced on us for the purpose of assimilation is……very telling.

“Christmas is a time of peace”

Yeah explain that to Jews in the shtetls commemorating Christmas Eve by banning learning Torah so that Jews wouldn’t leave home and gather in the Beit Midrash where there’d be more vulnerable to drunk Christian mobs, and instead stay at home with their families where they might be just a little bit safer.

Also surprise surprise, pagans oppressed us too. Saying “oh but Christmas comes from Roman Paganism” doesn’t make it any more palatable to us. Do you know what Roman Pagans did to us? Every year for weeks we mourn the way that the Romans burned down Jerusalem and our Temple, killed and raped our people, and enslaved and exiled the survivors. On Chanukah, we literally sing a song called Maoz Tzur calling for the end of the Roman Exile, which we are still in to this day.

Even if the statement “Christmas is pagan” was accurate, you think Christmas being pagan makes it any better??? It’s still a religious holiday being forced upon us.

Christmas is not a time of love and peace for us, especially when it’s shoved down our throats and we’re treated as monsters for daring to not like it.

Christmas IS, in fact, Christian.

But that doesn’t mean things that happen around December, or things that embrace other holidays are. Just because it might look like a Christmas tradition to you, doesn’t inherently make it one.

Just wanted to add that.

There are so many other things to observe and even celebrate in December. And there’s so many lessons we could all learn. There’s a lot to be said for having a tradition and sticking to it. But, it’s also really important to note that:

If your neighbor is doing something which to you looks like a Christmas tradition, that doesn’t mean it is one. And it speaks to your own bias and up-bringing to label everything you see in December as a Christmas practice or tradition.

There are other religions. There are other cultures. There are other holidays and observances. And they need to be seen and made as (if not more) important too.

We celebrate Chanukkah and Yule in my home. My partner celebrates Christmas at their parents, who are a Christian household. I respect their decision to do so for their mother, and I join in by going up there and opening presents; but the lights strung in my home, my menorah on the mantle, the songs we sign and play, the baking and cooking I do, and the very tiny, tiny tree gracing my coffee table? These are not Christian traditions. They are not Christmas. Because I’m Jewish and my roommate/best friend is Pagan. And so, these things? They are Jewish and Pagan things, in my home.


I’m just so angry. So disappointed. She didn’t fight for any of the arrangements we had agreed upon and instead there’s some bizarre schedule where Liz gets him for all the actual holidays, all the days of the week, and we get him every third weekend of the month, 2 weeks of summer, half of winter break and half of spring break. It’s just awful and it’s nothing like what we agreed on together. Like, he’ll barely even be here...and when he is here, it’ll be so odd that it’ll disrupt our lives so, so much. What’s the point? And why didn’t she fight for what we had talked about? And why can’t he do summer programs here??? And why can’t we have him every other holiday? Like, what the hell? And why wasn’t my life or independence considered as important at all????? Like....what the fuck even happened in that meeting?

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