

@moontxz / moontxz.tumblr.com


we should make up fake weird incidents that supposedly occurred on tumblr in the past to gaslight newcomers



It's me again 😅 What you did with those drabbles is awesome. If you don't mind 👉👈 Can you do Sasuke Uchiha?? If so can you make a drabble where he finds out that the reader is pregnant with twin boys?? (making so Sasuke and the reader go way back to their younger ages). If not that that's completely fine! Then I just want to say You are doing such an amazing job and Merry Christmas! 🎄🎄


Pair: Sasuke Uchiha x reader

Genre: fluff

Word Count: 976

Summary:  You found out that you are pregnant with Sasuke’s child after he left for a mission.  You’re not sure how you’ll get through it

A/n: Hii! So, this is my first time writing a Naruto fic. This is for @moontxz​ request.  I’m not sure if it is anything good, but I hope you like it.  Also, this is also unedited so I apologize.

Make sure Y/n eats well and she doesn’t get into unnecessary trouble.

That’s the last thing Naruto and Sakura heard from Sasuke before he embarked on a journey to do his job.  They are willing to do that since you are Sasuke’s wife.  Also that seems to be an easy job.  It sure seems to be an easy job in the first month Sasuke was gone.  After that, the two known friends of Sasuke Uchiha seem to just find themselves in a bind.

“Hey, do you guys want to eat at that Taiyaki place?” You asked Sakura.

“Taiyaki place? Didn’t we just eat there two days ago?” Sakura chuckled.

“Yeah. But, I don’t know. I’ve been having these weird insatiable cravings and hunger.  I’m always hungry,” You smiled as you cling your arm to her’s.

Sakura simply looks at you and seems to look at you with worry. Even Naruto seems to notice as well.  It’s been about a few weeks already that you’ve been wanting this variety of food that you don’t usually like.  They’re not sure if this is some kind of coping mechanism you’ve gotten. However, you’ve always been used to Sasuke leaving and not returning for months.  It doesn’t seem to bother you that much anymore.

They try to ask you if something is wrong, but you just reply to them with a smile and say you are fine.  Sometimes ,just like Sasuke, you are difficult to read.  They do not know if you’re simply saying what you are saying to avoid anyone from worrying at all. Though, the worry is still there.  Therefore, as your friend, they accompany you with your little food tours around (if you ask for them, but you don’t do it much since you know they are busy).

Though, it seems that the new symptoms did not go unnoticed to you for so long.  When you begin throwing up after smelling cooked fish, you then become a little bit more worried.  There are also times when you feel nauseous as well and end up just staying in bed.  Not to mention, you also remember your monthly period. You’ve been late for quite some time now. Therefore, there is only one answer to that.

You immediately take the test. The test that will answer your questions.  You took about five tests just to make sure.  You can’t believe it.  It’s positive. All of it is positive.

You feel your heart thrumming against your chest the more the information sinks in.  You’re not even sure where you and Sasuke are in this whole baby chapter.  You two haven’t discussed it yet.  You’re not even sure if Sasuke is all aboard in the whole family thing.  He’s always not home.  You are also not even sure if you are ready.

It took you a while to even pull yourself together.  It probably took a visit from Naruto before you finally got to pull yourself together.  You manage to tell Naruto about it and Sakura as well. Though, that’s not exactly where the journey ends.

You never so much yearned for your husband to come back at any moment.  Truth be told, you are scared. You are scared that you won’t be able to do all of this alone.  You try to do what you can to make sure that the baby is healthy.  However, that simple news after your regular check up just had you feeling like you don’t know what to do.

“You’re having twin boys. Congratulations!” The doctor said.

After hearing that news, you can’t even bother to walk home at all.  You just end up sitting on a bench at the small park in front of the hospital.

“So, two babies, huh,” you muttered to yourself as you put a hand over your bump.

You’re not blaming your babies ever. You will never do that.  You are excited to see them, but you can’t help but just worry.  You do not know how you can handle taking care of two babies all alone. You know for sure how difficult it is to take care of a baby. How much more difficult it’ll be if it’s two babies? You’ll get through it.  You are sure of that. You just really hope that you have your husband to help you.

“So, two babies, isn’t it?” You hear a familiar voice.  You look up and you gasp at who is in front of you.

“Hello, my love,” he says with a soft smile.  You on the other hand can’t help but just tear up.  You eventually just broke down.

He immediately sits beside you and wraps his arms around you. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” he gives you a light pat on your back as you cry on his chest.

“We’ll do this together.  I won’t leave your side,” he said and gave you a kiss on the forehead.

“But..your work,” you managed to say.

“Don’t worry.  I’ll figure something out.  Let’s first just focus on Itsuki and Hiroshi,” he replied.

You then pulled back and frowned at him. “You already named my sons?”

“My sons?  The last time I remembered, it takes two to make a baby,” he smirks.

You poke his side. “Fine,” you huffed.  You then stand up.

“Since my lovely husband is back, we should go shopping for some cribs for the boys,” you smiled.

“For Itsuki and Hiroshi?” he chuckled and stood up.

“I’ll think about the name,” you said and link your arms with his.

The fear that’s been lingering on you is finally gone.  You’ll get through this better as long as you have him.  Even if he leaves from time to time, as long as you see the effort in him in trying his best to take care of your twins, you know you’ll be able to get through it.


Fluffvember Day 26 || Katsuki Bakugou {3:36am}

You had woken up before Katsuki this morning. Something that didn't happen often, but today had been a special day and your nerves had been keeping you awake most of the night. It was your anniversary and you had lots of things planned for the day. First thing on the list for the day was getting Katsuki out of bed.

He had never been one for the dramatics and waking up the beast was one of the things you normally never had to do, but today you were excited about it. There was no way that he could be mad at you today out of all days about it.

You climbed out of bed as softly as you could, trying crucially not to move too much. A simple stir could have woken him, it had never taken much. His hero senses had given him the advantage here. You walked slowly to the kitchen and started the coffee, fixing him a cup before heading back to the bedroom with your own.

What was a sure fire way to make sure that he woke up no matter what? You knew just the thing.

You placed his coffee on the nightstand and watched him for a moment, taking in everything. Just how lucky you really were to have him, how absolutely wonderful he looked even when he had no effort put in at all. And he was in the perfect spot for you. Katsuki laid on his back, his arm under his head like he had woken up at one point and had fallen back asleep.

You climbed over him, straddling his hips before placing your hands on his cheeks. He stirred a little until he felt your lips peppering his face. The last thing that he had expected was for this to be how he woke up this morning.

Katsuki groaned a little as he fought back the smile that threatened to fill his face. "What's the matter Katsu? Can't handle a little love?" You ran your kisses down his cheek to his jawline before moving toward his neck. "You know what day it is right? It's one of the best days of the whole year, Katsuki."

He chuckled a little bit, his voice sleepy and gruff as he spoke back. "I do, I know what day it is, brat." He gripped your hips and dug his fingers into them, giving you a half smile as he pulled your hips toward him.

You squealed happily and kissed his lips a few times. "I love you, you know that? More than anything in the world, Katsuki Bakugou."

Katsuki couldn't help the large smile that now filled his features as he tried to hold it back. "Can you quit being sappy for five seconds? I know it's hard for you, but you're gonna rot those teeth with all that fluff."

You slapped his chest playfully and climbed off of him, his hands digging in tighter as he tried to stop you. "If I'm just that sappy then I guess I'll just spend the day by myself, huh?"

He sat up quickly and grabbed your arm, pulling you between his legs as he sat on the edge of the bed. Katsuki's arms wrapped around you as he rested his forehead against you. "I don't fucking think so. That's the last thing I'm letting you do today." He grabbed your hand and held it up to him, kissing the top of it softly. "I love you too. I'll never forget it. I promise."

©2021 bakubabes-hatake, please do not repost/modify without my permission, please do not use my work as ASMR without my permission


This is just chief kiss


Angsty Sentence Starters

  1. "You're all I could think about."
  2. "I shouldn't have left."
  3. "No, this can't be real!"
  4. "We tried our best."
  5. "I wish it was all over."
  6. "Please, let me in."
  7. "I'm tired and I'm scared."
  8. "Can't you not understand why that hurts me?"
  9. "Some people don't want to be saved."
  10. "I asked you not do this, but you did it anyway."
  11. "Please, don't leave me alone."
  12. "Don't touch me!"
  13. "It was all I had left of them."
  14. "We could have died."
  15. "I just can't!"
  16. "You never really knew you."
  17. "I've always been alone."
  18. "It hurts, but I'll live."
  19. "Please, tell me your ok."
  20. "I didn't miss you as much as I thought I would."

If you like my blog and want to support me, you can buy me a coffee! And check out my instagram!🥰


Writing Prompt List

I decided to compile a list of my own prompts to use for future requests.

There are a total of 210 prompts. Genres are: angst/emotional; fluff/romantic; Miscellaneous/Humor; and Scenario Prompts.

Feel free to request a plot or idea with your prompt requests; but you do not have too. (I take up to three prompts in total for a request)

*Made it into a bulleted list since people were not sending in the full prompts and just the numbers.


  • "All I've ever wanted is for you to see me."
  • "When did you stop loving me?"
  • "Just please open your eyes."
  • "Wake up. You have to wake up. Please. For me."
  • "Just please, don't leave me."
  • "When was the last time you said you loved me, and meant it?"
  • "Why does everyone always leave?"
  • "It hurts so much. Why does it hurt so much? I just want it to stop."
  • "Forget it. Just like you forget everything else."
  • "I never ask for help because I'm not sure I know how."
  • "It's alright to feel broken every once and a while. And it's alright to take time to heal."
  • "I feel like I'm falling apart."
  • "What is it about me that isn't good enough?"
  • "I wish I was brave."
  • "Whats the point in trying if only one of us is willing to?"
  • "You almost died and you're making jokes?"
  • "I'm scared."
  • "I don't need you to tell me who I am!"
  • "I don't miss you. I miss us."
  • "I thought I'd never see you again."
  • "I can't lose you." "You already did."
  • “Don’t look at me like that.” “Like what?” “Like you still love me.”
  • "Will you even miss me at all?"
  • '“You weren’t there...why weren’t you there? I needed you! I needed you! And you weren't there!”
  • “I would give up everything for the chance to hear your laugh again. To see you smile. To see you happy."
  • “If I never see you again, just know that I love you so, so much.”
  • “All I wanted was a happy ending.”
  • "Whatever you do, don't let go."
  • "You don't have to hide your tears from me."
  • “What happened to their happily ever after?” “Not all love stories get a happily ever after, sometimes it’s just once upon a time.”
  • "You said we'd be together forever, but I guess forever really isn't that long."
  • "I'm not leaving you here."
  • "You left without saying goodbye."
  • "For once in your life, do what you want! Be selfish!"
  • "Being strong doesn’t mean never asking for help or admitting you’re in pain."
  • "Whatever you do, do not turn around."
  • "No matter what they made you think, you are worth saving. You are worth loving."
  • "You said you wouldn't leave, and then you did."
  • "I'm a fool for believing you meant what you said."
  • "For what it's worth, I never gave up on you."
  • "You are not your past."
  • "Don't look at me like that."
  • "This is the third time you've broken a promise to me, I'm starting to think you are doing it on purpose."
  • "Whatever you do, do not close your eyes."
  • "I know you're tired, but you have to stay awake."
  • "I'll come back for you, I promise."
  • “You would risk letting all those people die for one person? Why?” “Because it’s not just one person…it’s you.”
  • "I'm just tired of being tired."
  • "Whatever you do, do not make a sound."
  • "I always said I'd die for you." "I didn't think you meant literally."

Play Date

Req: Suga’s daughter comes up to him and asks if he can teach her how to play volleyball (more specifically a setter position once she saw his old games)

Pair: Sugawara Koushi x gn!reader

Genre: Fluff

Word Count: 1.4k

Summary: After Suga’s daughter found her father’s DVD of his old volleyball games, she asked her dad to teach her how to play.

A/N: Thank you again for this request @moontxz. I really enjoyed writing this especially the ending LOL.  Also, I do apologize again that this became a one shot instead of a drabble.  It’s unedited, but I hope you like it! :)) 

 It all started with a dvd your six years old daughter found in Suga’s office.  Your daughter wasn’t as sure what the dvd is, but curiosity sure did get to her when she saw her father’s name on the dvd and the word “volleyball”.  Though, not exactly sure what a dvd is in the first place, she asked you about it and so you two ended up sitting on the couch and watching the dvd.  

After that, your daughter won’t stop watching it.  Sometimes, while you’re cooking you just find her watching the dvd all over again.  It was like that for several days until your husband, Suga, came back from a business trip.  

“Papa!” Your daughter runs to her father. 

“Hello, princess.  How’s my little princess?” Suga said as he carried his daughter.  

“Papa, I watched the thing…you were so cool! I like where you did that…this,” your daughter kept blabbering things and ended up just not completing her sentences.  Suga chuckles.  

“What’s all the excitement?” He asked.  

You then appear from the kitchen and give your husband a quick kiss. “She saw the dvd of one of your matches," 

"Oh, that,” Suga smiles. 

“PAPA, YOU’RE SO COOL THERE.  PLEASE, TEACH ME HOW TO PLAY LIKE YOU!” Your daughter cheekily said.  

“A setter?” Suga asked. 


Suga sure is surprised that his daughter wants to learn how to be a setter.  He expects that kids would often look at the ace or maybe the libero. He never expected his daughter would want to learn to be a setter.  It sure makes his heart warm.  

"Of course, princess.  How about this?  We go to the park tomorrow and I’ll teach you volleyball,” he said.  


⚠️ Content warning⚠️ : cursing, crying, miscommunication also happy ending,

Please, my writers block is so bad, that I’m trying to write from my prompt list to get out of it.

also gender neutral reader(you do room with female managers but it’s not a specified girls room!)

Nishinoya… you weren’t ‘fond’ of him…or at least that’s what you’re telling Kiyoko and Yachi during a training camp.

The reality was that you hated how he flirted with Kiyoko constantly, but when it came to you he never expressed an ounce of the excitement he held for Kiyoko.

It was constantly Kiyoko, Kiyoko, Kiyoko. You never held it against either of them because one it wasn’t Kiyoko’s fault she didn’t even like Noya, she liked Tanaka. And it definitely wasn’t Nishinoya’s fault as he didn’t know you liked him. But that doesn’t make you any less jealous and hurt.

After a half a week of listening to Noya’s incessant flirting you finally broke.

After washing the dishes you walked back to the managers room when you passed Tanaka and Noya gossiping about girls, making you want to do nothing more than melt right into the floor.

You make it back to your room and slam the door shut before sinking into your futon that was laid on the floor as you feel tears of frustration run down your face.

“ (Y/N)?” Yachi says scorching towards your form as she kneels near you.

“What’s wrong?” Kiyoko asks sitting near Yachi.

“I don’t know” you cry out before sucking up your tears and flipping over.

After awhile they had convinced you to talk. “He’s a pain in my ass.” You mutter.

“For a pain in the ass you sure talk about him a lot.” Kiyoko says under her breath.

“I heard that” you say before swinging a pillow at her.

“No but seriously, don’t you think you might like…like him or something?” Yachi says after the three of you calm down.

“Probably.” You sigh looking up at them.

“But it’s fine he likes Kiyoko anyways.” You huff after remembering their conversation from earlier.

The three of you fall silent when the door is knocked on.

Kiyoko opens the door to see Sugawara standing their in his pajamas.

“Um Coach Ukai told me to tell you guys that you have breakfast but then I overheard you guys talking.” He says pointing towards you.

“If you really think he likes her you should know that he came into the shared room squealing like a girl over how you looked in the hallway.” And with a few more words he goes leaving you dumbfounded.

“Did you guys know?” You ask as a few tears slip out.

Kiyoko shakes her hand sideways. “Sort of, Tanaka told me part of it but not the full extent.” She says and before she can shut the door Nishinoya is running down the hall before barging into your shared room.

“Nishinoya whag the hell?” She shouts before he jumps onto you tackling you.

After a moment you find him situated in your lap as he cups your face before pecking your forehead.

“Sugawara-San told me you were crying” he mumbles as you sit there stunned.

“Did he also happen to tell you why?” You ask only half sarcastic.

“Yeah.” He mutters.

After a while of sitting with Noya in your lap while you continued to converse with Yachi and Kiyoko he ended up falling asleep which resulted in Tanaka having to pry his sleeping body from your grip.

Me: wow I’m way too attached to fictional characters
Me: *sees y’all send death threats to writers because you didn’t agree with their decisions*
Me: never mind I’m attached the healthy amount

People do that? O-O Wow.....


Short comic, while I work on something bigger on the side. It is nevertheless a very important topic. A lot of seabirds die because they eat plastic. They feed their chicks with the waste. It’s really tragic.


Bad Dream

Pair: Tsukishima Kei x gn!reader 
Genre: Comfort/Fluff 
Word Count: 1k
Summary: Tsukishima Kei is working late in his office room at home when his son suddenly wakes up and comes to him crying after having a bad dream that you and Tsukki left him. 
A/N: I am soft for Tsukki as a dad lol.  This is for @moontxz​ who sent this request.  Thank you for sending in a request.  I will sure to write the other ones as well. I had fun writing this  😁 You also mentioned you want this as a drabble lol.  I hope this is alright lol.  I accidentally made it to 1k.  😅
Taglist: @sunarent @sunarinnie @moontxz @kexjispencil @the-japanese-wagtail @amarinthe @kenmakozumeswifey  

It’s twelve in the morning.  Papers are everywhere on his office desk.  Two mugs of empty coffee on the table.  Then a pair of tired eyes.  This is the usual scene Tsukishima Kei will find himself in.  Ever since the new artifacts arrived in the museum, he’s been busy managing anything related to it.  He would have liked it if he finally finishes all these tonight, so that he can finally spend more time with you - his wife-, and his son.  

He sighs in frustration and massages his temple.  He leans back on his chair for a moment and puts down the document he’s been reviewing for the nth time.  He shuts his eyes for a moment trying to regain a bit more energy to get his brain to just work more.  

“Papa?” he hears a familiar voice.  He opens his eyes and he finds his four years old son peeking through the small opening of the door. 

“What are you doing up, kiddo?” he asked. 

His son pushes the door open as he enters.  Then, that’s when he sees the puffy eyes and the tear stains on his cheeks. 

“What’s wrong?” he asked as he saw his son with tears still slipping at the corner of his eyes.  His son walks around the table.  Tsukki on the other hand opens his arms and lifts his son on his lap. 

Tsukki could eventually see the redness in his son’s eyes as if he cried for hours.  He’s not as sure then what caused this.  His son is never the kid who cries about not having anyone beside him.  Often, you put your son to sleep then leave when the coast is clear.  There hasn’t been a case when his son would end up upset when he wakes up and sees that you’re not there anymore.  Then, there’s probably one reason why your son is crying. 

“Did you have a bad dream?” Tsukki asked as he wiped away the tears forming on his son’s eyes. 

His son nods with a sniffle. “Papa and mommy left me in my dream,” his son managed to say. 


His son looks up at him with teary eyes. “You won’t leave me right, Papa?” he said with a croak in his voice. 

Tsukki never really encountered such a situation before.  His son rarely cries.  If his son cries, it is often you who soothes him.  He never has truly done this part of the job as a parent.  Though, it’s not enough reason for him to just look at his son as his son waits for an answer. 

He brushes his son’s hair and gives him a soft smile. “Of course, not, kiddo.  We’ll always be here no matter what.  We’ll always go for ice cream together.  Go to the park.  There will never be any reason at all for us to leave you,” he wipes his son’s tears with his shirt.  

“You are our son.  Our kiddo.  Me and your mommy love you so much.  And that won’t change,” he added with a comforting smile. 

His son sniffles and looks at him.  He knows that his son wouldn’t just simply feel better instantly.  Therefore, he stands up with his son in his arms. 

“How about this?  Let’s go eat some ice cream and we watch your favourite movie,” He tilts his head to the side to look at his son’s face.  His son then wipes his tears away and nods as a reply. 

Tsukki then leaves his office room with his son, not even minding the fact that he still has some work to do.  He immediately puts down his son on the couch then he heads to the kitchen to grab the small tub of vanilla ice cream and two spoons.  He then turns on the television and puts on a Studio Ghibli film “My Neighbour is Totoro”.  His son scoots closer to him as he sits down.  As they watch, they eat ice cream and eventually have a late night father and son bonding. 

“Don’t tell this to your mommy, okay?” Tsukki said to his son.  His son giggles and nods his head. 

“I promise,” his son mumbles.  

Then, the next morning, when you wake up and head out of your room, you find your son resting his head on your husband’s lap and sleeping.  Your husband on the other hand has his head resting back on the couch and snoozing as well.  You sure have no idea how it eventually became like this, but you sure caught them red-handed eating ice cream as you still see the empty tub of vanilla ice cream on the table. You sure would have scolded them about it, but how can you exactly do that when they are just completely adorable.  So, instead of asking about why they ate ice cream late at night, you just pull out your phone and take a picture of them.  If anything, you even made it as your wallpaper.  

Though, as you giggle at the picture you hear your husband groan awake.  You look up and walk closer to him.  

“Had a movie night?” you asked as you lean forward to give a light kiss on the lips. 

“Yeah,” he replied with a smile. “Had to cheer this kiddo up from a bad dream,” he explained.

You nodded. “You should have woken me up instead.  Were you able to finish work?” 

“It’s fine.  I rather have a movie night with this little one than to fall asleep on a stack of papers,” he chuckled. 

You chuckle as well and turn to your adorable son who is still asleep. “We sure are lucky, aren’t we?” 

“We sure are,” Tsukki strokes his son’s hair.

“You should take him to his room and let him sleep more.  I’ll go make us some breakfast,” you said as you head to the kitchen. 

“Sure will,” Tsukki then scoops his son in his arms and goes to his son’s room to put him there.  He tucks him in, and turns to the door.  However, before he leaves he may have spotted a drawing of what seems like a family picture taped on the wall.  He comes closer and sees a simple drawing of him, you, and his son.  He smiles to himself in the picture and is in awe that he actually has a family. And he is the happiest and luckiest man in the world to have you as his wife and have a lovable, adorable son. 


Oh my god! 😍 I absolutely love this. The fact that I love Studio Ghibli and one of my favorites is My Neighbor Totoro is just crazy. Thank you so much! This is exactly how I thought it. 😊🥰❤️ Keep going and I will always be here to read your masterpieces!.

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