
[ Banchomarba ]

@bowofbenbulben / bowofbenbulben.tumblr.com

SEMI-HIATUS / Low Activity | Lady of Dubcarn, Daughter of Ua Duibhne, Guardian of Ben Bulben | Indie RP/Ask blog for Druime Nì Duibhne | Private & Selective | Please read rules before interacting!

Ok, I’m not a big fan of these kinds of posts, but lately, I’m becoming more and more disheartened so I need to know if you’re out there. 

Please reblog this post if you are willing to write with ‘un-shippable’ muses. 

I’m talking about those muses who are perhaps elderly, who are married/taken and not liable to affairs, muses who are asexual/aromantic, or even just muses whose muns don’t really want to ship. 

While I’m always happy that anyone would want to write with me, sadly, over time I have realised that my older/married/ace muses are very rarely (virtually never) requested. So please share this on your blog so that people know they can throw their muses at you who are not going to wind up in ships or with smut threads. 


Shoutout to all the girls out there who are socially awkward.

Shoutout to all the girls who are told by society that being nurturing and in touch with emotions should be natural “as a girl” even though it’s not.

Shoutout to those who think on their own wavelength and fumble between thinking they’re being too blunt and too sensitive when talking to others.

You are valid; your voice is heard.

(International Women & Girls in Science Day, Feb. 11)

Shoutout to all the girls who are working/studying in or have an interest in STEM, no matter your level of knowledge or skill.

Shoutout to any girl who pursues truth and meaning in any corner of existence.

No matter how much you struggle, you are valid and your voice is heard.


OOC Update: -waves- hello! Long time no see--I've just come back to school after a good few months of focusing on studying, recovering a bit, and spending time with my fam who moved to China v recently. I'm doing better health-wise, just gotta get my academics down. Sorry I poofed w/o a word orz (tumblr is mostly blocked in china, so.)

My muse for Dru isn't really back enough to churn out IC stuff consistently, but I'll still be logging in to read stuff on the dash from those I follow and answer messages if any. I actually made a blog for my V.oltron OC at @stcrcoated--it's empty for now bc given the state of the v.oltron fandom, I'm not sure if it should just be a character-focused blog/ask blog rather than a full-fledged and selective rp blog.

In any case, I'm always on @arkana-magi, my personal blog (and I've been there for the past few months.) Feel free to hmu there, and mutuals are always free to hmu on my discord! plz lmk who you are before sending a request.

Hope everyone stays safe!! Take care!! (Esp ppl in NA going through the snow storms...like me haha)

Interview the Writer. (Accepting!)

17. What motivates you?

For rp/writing on Tumblr? The idea of storytelling. I joined Tumblr RP partly to have a public space to showcase my ideas, to explore different ideas and get trustworthy feedback on them, since before this, all of my writing/creative endeavors were very private and only shown to a few trusted friends if at all. Even then I’m still selective with rp partners because I’ve experienced emotional abuse and heavy discouragement from my family against my creative pursuits in the past.

Yes, RPing/writing is a hobby; I only mainly do it in the few instances I have time and energy to–but it’s something I take seriously, at least for myself, since my muse has been very helpful in my own growth, too. I want to write Druime as a deeply full-fledged, flawed human being, someone who may be different or not possessing certain qualities people may have, but still relatable and as a vessel for development, both positive and negative as the course of human life goes realistically, anyway. I write stuff for her to explore ideas I myself am confused about or curious about in real life; I write stuff ic to help me figure out problems in my life in a healthy manner. She’s not really a coping mechanism because I think I’m sufficiently recovered in mental health that I don’t heavily depend on her or transfer my problems over to her to cope or anything (this is why even with all the crap that happens to her, I refuse to write her as self-pitying–she’s sad sometimes but it doesn’t get her down forever, because I don’t want to encourage that in myself either) but tl;dr writing her is very beneficial to me. I hope it continues to be.


OOC Update: Still in midterm hell. Tomorrow I have one at 7pm, and another the day after at 6:30pm and one last one on Saturday so I'm buried up to my ears in stuff I gotta review atm.

I know I've labelled my blog as "low activity" in the description and that prob won't change anytime soon esp now--but fyi that I am always open to mutuals and friends hitting me up on IM/ask or on Discord! Thanks again, to everyone for your patience. I know I've said it a million times, but after all the chaos in my real life, it helps to know that there are people still here and supportive of me no matter how long.

Friends/mutuals are always free to catch me on my personal blog @arkana-magi or on my (new) Twitter @arkanamagi. I did make a new blog for my V.oltron OC but that's heavily under thought and construction rn. In any case, be safe, take care, and may today and tomorrow be good to you all!


Tags Guide.

I’d been thinking of doing an explanation or guide of sorts for my tags whose meaning is ambiguous (since I’m not really creative with tags anyway so half of them are pretty straightforward, like { commentary }, { headcanons }, “; friends” regarding musings on friends, etc.) So here’s a brief thing. I may update this periodically if I create new tags or forget to write one. Hope this is helpful!

EDIT 12/17/17: added { when the sun is out of sight }

EDIT 12/22/17: added { things i’ll never say. }


OOC Update: Alive and fighting midterms and winter weather up here in Canada. Health’s been up and down since I just recovered from being sick last week (when will my healthy body come back from the war). Hope everyone’s doing ok. Drink some water, take care of yourselves, and I’m always on discord if mutuals wanna hmu or anything. Gud luck to everyone also going through midterms/projects hell!!


for the record, ‘not feeling anything’ is a valid and not unusual response to trauma or grief

so if you feel empty and devoid of feeling, it’s not because you’re a cold and uncaring person.

Sometimes, not feeling anything is the only way you can cope.


Be prepared for a delayed reaction, too. It’s very common to be totally calm during a crisis, and then days or weeks (or years) later suddenly get hit with a tidal wave of “HOLY SHIT THAT HAPPENED.”

Sometimes your mind waits until it feels safe to start processing things emotionally. It’s a powerful survival strategy, but it can really blindside you, because just as you start to feel like things are okay, you’re overwhelmed by the realization of how not-okay things were before.

This may not happen, and that’s okay too. But it’s something to watch out for when your initial reaction is numbness.


Shoutout to all the girls out there who are socially awkward.

Shoutout to all the girls who are told by society that being nurturing and in touch with emotions should be natural “as a girl” even though it’s not.

Shoutout to those who think on their own wavelength and fumble between thinking they’re being too blunt and too sensitive when talking to others.

You are valid; your voice is heard.


OOC Update: Alive and fighting midterms and winter weather up here in Canada. Health's been up and down since I just recovered from being sick last week (when will my healthy body come back from the war). Hope everyone's doing ok. Drink some water, take care of yourselves, and I'm always on discord if mutuals wanna hmu or anything. Gud luck to everyone also going through midterms/projects hell!!

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