
Children of Tendu

@childrenoftendu / childrenoftendu.tumblr.com

Javier Grillo-Marxuach and Jose Molina's Podcast! 40 years of combined experience writing and producing television, and we're giving it away for free! Got questions? Ask us here or on Twitter @childrenoftendu

"Fuck you, pay me!"

You know that article I mentioned in the final podcast? How I attributed it to John Hodgman? I knew I was wrong when I said it, and now I've confirmed it! It was John SCALZI. Here's the link to the (rather harsh) article: http://whatever.scalzi.com/2012/12/09/a-note-to-you-should-you-be-thinking-of-asking-me-to-write-for-you-for-free/


In this - the final episode of the first season of the Children of Tendu Podcast - Jose and Javi sit down with a small group of avid listeners - all of them aspiring writers, producers, directors and executives - and answer their questions in real time! Topics include race and gender in the entertainment industry, adapting other people's original material, what should you ask for when you are a new writer and your project gets optioned, great moments in Spanish profanity, one person's completely irrational hatred of Eddie Money, and why EVERY writer should have a good psychotherapist. For a grand finale, Javi and Jose subject one another to the famed questionnaire used by Bernard Pivot AND James Lipton to probe the depths of their guest's psyches... and then, in a thrilling act of shocking destiny, Jose makes Javi cry!


I couldn't find the stages of taking notes, so hopefully this will do. -JM


children of tendu - episode 9: your show runner and you!


You know those ladies the Children talked about who took their first flight in their 70s? Check 'em out! They're adorbs! -JM


Wondering which "Private Ryan" scene Jose was talking about in this week's podcast? This is it. This is how you lodge your complaints within the chain of command.


children of tendu: episode 8 - mo' producers, mo' problems

in our scintillating eighth episode, we pick up right where we left off last week and race through the vicissitudes of the tv writer/producer with a focus on post production - from giving and taking notes, editing and dealing with notes from your stars, we leave no turn unstoned to give you the best information on what actually goes on when you have a career jn TV! also, we sing the "pinky and the brain" song, tell poop jokes and discuss "spotting". don't ask.


Few TV writer/producers in the modern era have had a more profound effect on future generations of television writers than Michael Piller, best known for his work on the Star Trek spinoffs, starting with The Next Generation. One of the biggest influences on Javi & Jose's work -- and on the Children of Tendu Podcast -- Michael left us too young at age 57. Here's a very fitting memorial from his former assistant, Eric Stillwell: http://www.trektoday.com/articles/tribute_to_piller.shtml

His legacy lives on not only in his work, but with the dozens of writers he discovered and trained, and the hundreds of writers for whom his disciples have paid it forward. 


children of tendu - episode seven: what do all those producer credits mean?


children of tendu - episode six: special guest stars michele fazekas and tara butters!


children of tendu episode 5 - your first script on staff: surrender your ego!


The Complete Guide To Things Referenced on Children of Tendu: Episode 3

Finding links, so you don’t have to.

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