

@iwillstabyou37times / iwillstabyou37times.tumblr.com

Kalia | she/they/whatever | slytherin | gemini | pan --artblog: @kaliaart-- I have ADHD and I like bread

I wish I knew more about this story, but this should be 100% standard procedure in every bar or club.


mmm, the odds are likely LOW that they drugged more than one person, BUT

they tell EVERYONE to get a new drink so that nobody is singled out, AND so every woman has an excuse and public support to walk away briefly from a situation that might have been getting uncomfortable and know she’ll have backup, AND so that the person who did it can’t retaliate against their target in a “c’mon don’t you trust me” way

predators don’t usually crop dust with roofies but they do manipulate and take advantage of women’s socialized training to not make a scene, so the bar takes that part out of the equation by “ruining the good time” themselves and making the scene


had this guy come into the store todayy and he had a full on coughing fit in the aisle he was wearing one of those blue generic masks and he was coughing so bad he was turning red and he came to the till and in between coughs and eye waterings he said ‘its not covid i picked this mask up off the floor and i think it has cat hair in it’ and then his card declined and he left


Here’s a not so friendly reminder:

Just because you have received the vaccine does NOT mean you can just do whatever you want now and stop wearing a mask and social distancing. The pandemic is still happening.

If the virus continues to spread, we give it more opportunities to mutate and adapt, which could lead to a variant that’s immune to the vaccine, which would mean everything we’ve been doing would be a waste of time. Until enough people get the vaccine and herd immunity is achieved, keep following the rules, wash your hands, social distance, and wear a mask.


good morning to all black alternative folks. this is a reminder that you shouldnt have to pick between your identity and your interests, and your blackness is hardcore as fuck. poser paste (and other hair colour waxes) is a great way to colour your hair bright vibrant colours without chemical treatment, i personally think bantu knots are the afro equivalent of liberty spikes, protective style mohawks are always sick as hell, and i think the anarchist symbol would make a hella cool mark. i love you!


genuinely makes me sad how many if you tag your own posts with iterations of "shut up me" why are y'all being mean to yourselves for no damn reason. confidence starts as a performance how are you gonna start loving yourself if you can't even allow yourself to make rambling posts on your personal blog on tumblr dot com

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