


basically inactive
political blog


Here are a couple things you can do to help USPS:

1. Text “USPS” to 50409

2. Buy stamps ($11), shipping supplies like tape ($3-4), cards ($6), and/or envelopes ($3.45 and above)

3. Call representatives and senators to fund USPS

*** Ideas came from @ impact on Instagram if you would like to learn more information about what is happening with USPS ***


Support and protect the trans and nonbinary people in your lives.

All my homies support and protect the trans and nonbinary people in their lives.


Jorge Gonzalez, suffered a broken neck, and a compressed spine at the hands of 3 sheriff deputies in Texas. He couldn’t even hold his head up for this mugshot…so they had to hold it up for him. They actually thought the mugshot was more important than a hospital visit.

After a deputy tripped him he hit his face hard and went unconscious. They tased him couple of times “to wake him up”.

He was left paralyzed neck down, went through a series of surgeries, and was in ICU on the ventilator for over a month after the arrest.

According to the hospital he went over 26 hours in Hidalgo County jail without necessary medical attention that could have saved his life.


ted cruz is gonna kill a supreme court judge


No you don’t understand that Republicans are praying for RBG’s death

She has cancer again, for the fifth time. She’s 87

The Supreme Court is so important. Right now it’s currently 5 conservatives, 4 liberals. All major laws and regulations eventually get litigated up to SCOTUS. Just last month, DACA and Roe v Wade were upheld, and the largest expansion of indigenous land in decades provides, by bare 5-4 votes because a conservative switched sides in each case. The Affordable Care Act was upheld 5-4. Same sex marriage was granted 5-4.

If Trump gets to appoint RBG’s replacement, the Court would swing 6-3. Those victories wouldn’t have happened.

Supreme Court justices serve for life

I get it if you hate Biden. But we aren’t just voting for President for four years. You’re voting for judges for the next 40.


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