
An Endless Stream of Role Plays

@scythe-rps / scythe-rps.tumblr.com

Multimuse, Multiverse, Multiship, Non-Selective. Please read Rules before interacting, I do the same.
Call me Scythe! I'm constantly getting into new fandoms and am always open to new faces! IM me or send me a meme, no prior discussion needed for first interactions. Just specify characters. Hope to see ya soon!
Background Art For Mobile By @quartzuniiiverse
Twitter(NSFW): Scythe_667

                                               Shine Bright!!

Indie Sting Eucliffe Private & Selective Divergent Relatively Headcanon Heavy Written by Chris Follows back from blackxsteelxgajeel

If you’re down for interacting with Sting Eucliffe from Fairy Tail give this post a like and a reblog and I’ll check your page out. I recently returned and am looking to build up a group of folks I can actively interact with. Or at least semi-actively interact with. I’m pretty laid back and easy going. So long as you abide by the rules I’m pretty chill. (Rules) (Verses) (Sting) (Headcanons)

The volley landed on Gray’s shield, rapidly pushing at the ice. But most of the attack was deflected to the surrounding ground. Gyrain then glanced behind him to see Gray’s attack, which caught him off guard.
“GAH!” Gyrain cried out as he was struck from the air by the icicles. He sloppily rolled on the ground, panting softly and standing up. He was a dozen or so meters from Gray. “Alright, alright. Guess it isn’t fair if you can’t fly too.” He teased.
He set his feet firmly on the ground as a pulse of wind surrounded him. “Wind Slicer: Triple Shot…” Gyrain called out, swirling wind surrounding his feet. He then ran towards Gray and sent a kick in the air toward him. Three bursts of razor-sharp wind were sent toward Gray in quick succession. “AAAAAND Swerve Shot!” He then leapt in the air with his legs straddling to his sides, shooting another projectile from each foot. These two shot outward, but curved in toward Gray’s sides. Now there were projectiles coming at Gray from three angles, and Gyrain was still running toward him after attacking.

“I don’t care if I can fly or not like you, or whether this fight is fair, it doesn’t change the fact that I’m still going to take you down one way or another.” Gray declared on from what he said earlier, he letting his guard down against this wind mage as he resumed his ice make stance cautiously.

“Triple?” Hie eyes widened before he quickly created an ice sword in each hand, slashing at the first two wind arcs to barely cancel out the incoming attacks. With the third he summoned another shield and rammed through it as hs dashed towards Gyrain. 


He looked back over his shoulder as the slicers hit Gray. He cackled at Gray's exclamation of pain. "That was the point ya-GAH!" he grunted, the canon attack directly hitting him in the stomach.

Gyrain rolled onto the ground as the dust settled, panting softly. Slowly he stood up, his legs and arms shaking. The lower half of his shirt was torn off. "Heh... At least I got a cute crop outta ya..." He murmured. Gyrain rolled his shoulders and narrowed his eyes at Gray. He puffed out his cheeks, this time blowing a small ball of swirling air, about the size of a tennis ball. He dropped it in front of him before delivering a powerful kick, shooting it into the air.

"So you wanna take me down? Catch me if you can."

After that, Gyrain started running, slowly going in a massive circle around Gray. Soon his running evolved into long bounds, a draft picking up behind him.



𝟎𝟏. ( ALIAS / NAME ) ——   Scythe!

𝟎𝟐.  ( BIRTHDAY ) —— June 29

𝟎𝟑.  ( ZODIAC SIGN ) ——    Cancer 

𝟎𝟒.  ( HEIGHT ) ——   5'11" / 181 CM

𝟎𝟓.  ( HOBBIES ) ——  Role playing, gaming, nailart

𝟎𝟔.  ( FAVORITE COLOR ) ——    Sea Green

𝟎𝟕.  ( FAVORITE BOOKS ) ——  I don't read that much...

𝟎𝟖.  ( LAST SONG LISTENED TO ) — "It Takes Two" from Hairspray Live

𝟎𝟗.  ( LAST FILM OR SHOW WATCHED ) ——  Love it or List It


One time my older bro played a watered down D&D with me and I created RP characters for it for fun ever since. I came to Tumblr as an MLP ask blog, and I then realized I could transfer my old characters over here! So I swapped to a multimuse and just add on people that I like.

𝟏𝟏.  ( STORY BEHIND URL ) ——   One time I was playing DragonFable and I wanted to make a rogue character and I thought "Okay what's a cool name for a rogue?" And I soon came up with Scythe. Now I still think it's a super Coolio name!

Tagged@cosmic-canons // our birthdays are super close!!!

Tagging@demon-blood-youths @watchfxrthefangs @edifighter @theguiltygear I'm not active on here that much but if we're friends and ya wanna do it then do it!



“   we’ve   both   said   a   lot   of   things   you’re   going   to   regret  .   ” “   i   think   we   can   put   our   differences   behind   us  …   you   monster  .   ” “   it’s   been   a   long   time  .   ” “   how   have   you   been  ?   ” “   this   will   be   our   only   chance   to   talk  .   ” “   you   are   a   horrible   person  .   ” “   i’ll   give   you   credit :   i   guess   you   are   listening   to   me  .   ” “   remember   before ,   when   i   was   talking   about   smelly   garbage   standing   around   being   useless  ?   that   was   a   metaphor  .   i   was   actually   talking   about   you  .   ” “   did   you   know   that   people   with   guilty   consciences   are   more   easily   startled   by   loud   nois—   *blasts   airhorn*   ” “   nobody   but   you   is   that   pointlessly   cruel  .   ” “   i   made   it   all   up  .   ” “   i   am   very   pleased   you   made   it   through   my   final   challenge ,   where   i  …   pretended   i   was   going   to   murder   you  .   ” “   i   know   you’re   there  .   i   can   sense   you  .   ” “   you   haven’t   escaped ,   you   know  .   ” “   you’re   not   even   going   the   right   way  .   ” “   uh - oh  .   somebody   cut   the   cake  .   i   told   them   to   wait   for   you ,   but   they   did   it   anyway  .   ” “   didn’t   we   have   some   fun ,   though  ?   ” “   you   really   shouldn’t   be   here  .   this   isn’t   safe   for   you  .   ” “   it’s   not   too   late   for   you   to   turn   back  .   ” “   okay  .   i   am   going   to   kill   you   now  .   ” “   someday ,   we’ll   remember   this   and   laugh  .   and   laugh  .   and   laugh  .   ” “   you’re   not   a   good   person  .   you   know   that ,   right  ?   ” “   this   is   your   fault  .   it   didn’t   have   to   be   like   this  .   ” “   i’m   not   kidding  .   turn   back ,   or   i   will   kill   you  .   ” “   i’m   going   to   kill   you ,   and   all   the   cake   is   gone  .   ” “   you   don’t   even   care ,   do   you  ?   ” “   despite   your   violent   behaviour ,   the   only   thing   you’ve   broken   so   far   is   my   heart  .   ” “   maybe   you   should   marry   that   thing   if   you   love   it   so   much  .   do   you   want   to   marry   it  ?   …   WELL   I   WON’T   LET   YOU  .   how   does   that   feel  ?   ” “   i’ll   tell   you   what   that   thing   isn’t :   it   isn’t   yours  .   so   leave   it   alone  .   ” “   have   i   ever   lied   to   you  ?   …   i   mean ,   in   this   room  .   ” “   killing   you   and   giving   you   good   advice   aren’t   mutually   exclusive  .   ” “   nice   job   breaking   it ,   hero  .   ” “   this   isn’t   brave  .   it’s   murder  .   what   did   i   ever   do   to   you  ?   ” “   i   honestly ,   TRULY   didn’t   think   you’d   fall   for   that  .   ” “   you’re   about   to   become   the   immediate   past   president   of   the   being   alive   club  .   ” “   i   hate   you   so   much  .   ” “   look ,   even   if   you   think   we’re   enemies ,   we’re   enemies   with   a   common   interest :   revenge  .   ” “   i   thought   you   were   my   greatest   enemy ,   when   all   along ,   you   were   my   best   friend  .   ” “   under   the   circumstances ,   i’ve   been   shockingly   nice  .   ” “   i   used   to   want   you   dead   but   now   i   only   want   you   gone  .   ” “   you’ve   got   your   short ,   sad   life   left  .   ” “   goodbye ,   my   only   friend  …   oh  —   did   you   think   i   meant   you  ?   that   would   be   funny   if   it   weren’t   so   sad  .   well ,   you   have   been   replaced  .   i   don’t   need   anyone   now  .   ” “   when   i   delete   you   maybe   i’ll   stop   feeling   so   bad  .   ” “   go   make   some   new   disaster  .   ” “   you’re   someone   else’s   problem  .   ” “   i’m   brilliant  .   i’m   not   bragging ,   it’s   an   objective   fact  .   ” “   i   hate   you  .   it   can’t   be   for   no   reason  .   you   must   deserve   it  .   ” “   i   don’t   suppose   you   ever   stopped   whining   long   enough   to   reflect   on   your   own   shortcomings  .   ”
He couldn’t help but burst into giggles as Gray shouted at him. “I’m not a Bacchus! I said CALL me that, tho-GAH!” He squealed out as the ice knocked him further into the air. He recovered himself and glared down at Gray, floating high above him.
“Rude! And stop stripping so much!” He snapped back. He took a deep breath and held his friends in front of his face. He blew out, like be was blowing up a beach ball. And a beach ball-sized sphere of swirling wind formed in his grasp.
“Gyro Volley!” He shouted, tossing the sphere in the air. He then flipped forwards and spiked the ball with his heel, sending it hurdling toward Gray like a volleyball. When it hit the ground it would release a burst of wind in every direction with enough force to tip an elephant.

“It doesn’t matter, I’m telling you one last time to stand down before I make you!” Gray replied as he kept his Ice Make offensive as he looked about cautiously at his floating foe, determined to make it hurt when he’d fall later. 

“Leave my stripping out of this!” He retorted back on auto instinct, it was bad enough his own guild gave him crap over it, didn’t need this stranger he was fighting to do that too. 

Ice Make: Barrier Wall!” Trying to match that growing ball of wind heading towards his way, he knew there was no evading so decided to put up his strongest defence, and hopefully knock some of the wind back at its user.  

“And Icicle Fall!” Setting up a second move at the same time, a pale blue magic circle would appear above Gyrain. A barrage of icicles would then fall rapidly at him from above, hoping to catch the wind mage off guard with Gray’s obvious defence out front.


The volley landed on Gray's shield, rapidly pushing at the ice. But most of the attack was deflected to the surrounding ground. Gyrain then glanced behind him to see Gray's attack, which caught him off guard.

"GAH!" Gyrain cried out as he was struck from the air by the icicles. He sloppily rolled on the ground, panting softly and standing up. He was a dozen or so meters from Gray. "Alright, alright. Guess it isn't fair if you can't fly too." He teased.

He set his feet firmly on the ground as a pulse of wind surrounded him. "Wind Slicer: Triple Shot..." Gyrain called out, swirling wind surrounding his feet. He then ran towards Gray and sent a kick in the air toward him. Three bursts of razor-sharp wind were sent toward Gray in quick succession. "AAAAAND Swerve Shot!" He then leapt in the air with his legs straddling to his sides, shooting another projectile from each foot. These two shot outward, but curved in toward Gray's sides. Now there were projectiles coming at Gray from three angles, and Gyrain was still running toward him after attacking.

He shrugged a bit, kicking his foot on the ground and crossing it behind his other one. “Wow, you actually got it! Yeah, I was his student before you all took Eisenwald down. Don’t worry, I don’t have hard feelings about that. He was a means to an end.” He said with a grin.
“My name… Let’s see… Call me Bacchus!” He teased with a wink. He giggled and floated into the air, just above the ground. “Anyway, I’m kinda on a hot streak. You guys were trying to interrupt me, and I don’t really appreciate that. So you wanna just leave me be?” He asked, reclining in the air like it was a couch. “I also don’t wanna hurt that OUTRAGEOUSLY attractive face of yours, Gray.” He said, winking again.

“You say that, but what you’re doing says otherwise. And you don’t look like a Bacchus either,” Gray replied with growing frustration.  Whether this guy held a grudge for or not did not matter, he was still someone he had to take down, for those people on the train at least.

“That’s not going to happen buddy, you could have killed someone back there, so I’m going to take you in.” The Ice Mage replied, resuming to his stance. He got a Master Bob or Blue Pegasus vibe from this guy, and not a good way either, especially-

“Stop winking at me!” Gray growled before he slammed his hands against the ground in front of him. “Ice Make: Geyser!” With ice shooting out from the ground his foe was hovering above, Gray hoped to trap the floating man so he’d at least stop winking at him.


He couldn't help but burst into giggles as Gray shouted at him. "I'm not a Bacchus! I said CALL me that, tho-GAH!" He squealed out as the ice knocked him further into the air. He recovered himself and glared down at Gray, floating high above him.

"Rude! And stop stripping so much!" He snapped back. He took a deep breath and held his friends in front of his face. He blew out, like be was blowing up a beach ball. And a beach ball-sized sphere of swirling wind formed in his grasp.

"Gyro Volley!" He shouted, tossing the sphere in the air. He then flipped forwards and spiked the ball with his heel, sending it hurdling toward Gray like a volleyball. When it hit the ground it would release a burst of wind in every direction with enough force to tip an elephant.

He… Really didn’t have an option at this point. “Alright Nothing, nice to meet ya!” He said with a bright smile. He looked up at the sky and chuckled. “I already did a job yesterday. I’m taking a break. And trust me, anyone with a working nose within two miles of you knows you’re drunk.” He said with a grin.
Gyrain looked to Sol and shook his head. “Based on my experience, when someone is sitting alone on the sidewalk drinking, it’s not because they’re happy. What’s going on with you, man?” He asked, a more sincere tone to his voice now.

“Great.” Comes the answer, slightly slurred. The taste of nicotine is enough to calm his frayed nerves; eyes staring upon the night sky when the other lapsed into silence. Damn city lights makin’ it hard t’stargaze, he thought, but how does one do that when their eyes aren’t steady?

It takes a minute for the words the other spoke next to catch up to him, but they do, and Sol looks even more annoyed when they finally make sense in his brain.

“I’m last in Mario Kart.” 

This world did not have Mario Kart anymore, so he assumed the other wouldn’t get it. Nonsensical words which fell from his mouth were aimed at making him go away, or be confused enough to wonder what the hell’s up with this random drunk and leave.


He raised an eyebrow. "Mario Kart?" He mumbled. "That one spaghetti sauce brand?" He said, cocking his head to the side. "I uh... I'm not sure what ya mean by that." He said, pouting a bit as he tried to comprehend it. Last in Mario Kart... Last place in the spaghetti race?

"Did ya mess something up? He asked, looking up at Sol. "Like, you were trusted to do something and failed?" He said. He was more serious now. Not deathly serious, but simply not joking around. Sol wasn't here to just be drunk. He was getting drunk to escape something. Gyrain was very well aware of the reasonings behind getting intoxicated. He'd seen it all in his life.

"what happened?"



Gray held his wrists still for Renji. It was all up to him now. He watched him struggle with the rock, trying to help as much as he could. Once Renji gave up, Gray sat back and sighed. “It’s fine…” He said. He just wanted this to be over with.
Then Renji came at him with another plan. He widened his eyes. “Seriously!? It’s in your… Ugggh!” He groaned out, bringing his hands up to his face. He took a deep breath. “Fine. But you’re gonna have to turn your head away! I can’t have you looking at me!” Gray said, crawling closer to Renji. It was their only option, so he’d do it.
“And don’t you DARE make a SOUND!” He said, glaring at Renji. Before he could tolerate it, but in this instance, it wouldn’t happen. Renji had to be silent.

“As if lookin’ away is gonna make the situation any less embarrassin,” Renji muttered as he rolled his eyes. “But whatever, if ya insist.” He sat still, turning his head the other way as Gray approached him on all fours. Pressing his lips together, he let out a shaky breath through his nose.

He raised his arms and jutted out his hips so that Gray could easily slip his hand inside his underwear; gosh that sounded so wrong. There was no way that the other wouldn’t brush up against his erection; it was inevitable. 

“Hurry it up,” he said as moments passed by and Gray clearly hadn’t done anything. “It doesn’t mean anythin’ alright! Ya wanna sit here and rot ta death or stick yer hands down my pants fer 2 seconds so that we can escape? C’mon, Gray.”

“Aww of course ya do! Well, what do you want me to call you? I can’t keep calling ya ‘Biceps’ forever.” He said, chuckling gently. “I’m Gyrain. Wind mage extraordinaire!” Gyrain claimed proudly, putting a hand on his chest.
He could see Sol was getting… Irritated. Just a tad. So he’d lay off the snark a bit. He wanted this guy to like him, after all. Sometimes Gyrain would take it too far too fast. It was something he was working on. “I do bounty hunter work. I take jobs of all sorts all around the place. It’s exciting, to say the least!” He explained, giving a bright smile. He saw Sol’s cigarette and sighed a bit. But he didn’t say anything.

“Call me nothin’.”

Annoyance seeps up his tone as he speaks. Sol closes swimming eyes…how unfortunate he couldn’t really get up because he was drunk. 

Puffing his cigarette, he waves he other off. The nicotine will help soothe his frayed nerves, or so he tells himself. “Go bounty hunt, then. Jesus,” he huffed, scented white smoke escaping nostrils and mouth alike. “I ain’t a babysitter. I’m drunk.”


He... Really didn't have an option at this point. "Alright Nothing, nice to meet ya!" He said with a bright smile. He looked up at the sky and chuckled. "I already did a job yesterday. I'm taking a break. And trust me, anyone with a working nose within two miles of you knows you're drunk." He said with a grin.

Gyrain looked to Sol and shook his head. "Based on my experience, when someone is sitting alone on the sidewalk drinking, it's not because they're happy. What's going on with you, man?" He asked, a more sincere tone to his voice now.

Great speed is a double edged sword. Not only must one be able to move fast, but react fast as well. She was so focused on attacking she didn’t see the gauntlet-clad fist in front of her, effectively clotheslining Erza. “MMG!” She grunted, chuckling gently.
She stepped back and held her blades out. “Well played!” She said, “but now I’m only more on guard!” She rushed Hellmare, rapidly striking at her.

“Thank you! It was gamble which pays off.” Hellmare replied as she flexes her fingers, loosening her fingers after tightening a fist.  She picks up her rifle once more as Erza held her blades out and went back at her. The only thing she is going to do is evade while keeps on firing at Erza before closing in and pushes her rifle towards Erza’s form to trip her and off balance so she can land an attack with the butt of her rifle on the head.


She kept on the offensive, dashing at Hellmare to attack every chance she could. Then Hellmare rushed toward her instead. Her feet were swept from under her, but she rolled out of the way of the rifle. Erza quickly got up and changed her armor and rushed at Hellmare again.

“Heaven’s Wheel…” She called out, charging toward Hellmare with a dozen or so swords following her. “Blumenblatt!” Erza said, going to slice Hellmare with the two swords in her hands. If successful, her initial attack would rush past her while the swords that followed her would strike afterwords.

Damn! She missed her! Hellmare quickly fires at her when Ezra changed her armor again into a sliver armor with wings.  Seeing she rushed at followed by her levitating blades. She can’t dodge this but she can minimize the damage. 

And so, Hellmare was indeed slice as she can feel the several pieces of her armored shoulder pads broke off. “Guk!”

She slides across the ground on her back but she recovers as she aims her rifle at the incoming swords, firing them in order to deflect them away from her. 

A few of the swords were knocked out of flight, vanishing into yellow light. Erza decided to try an old tactic. The rest of the swords vanished, along with her armor. She was enveloped in light.

"Adamantine Armor!" She called out, dawning the heavy steel set. Erza's stamina was unparalleled. She wasn't going easy on Hellmare either. She threw one of the shield blades at Hellmare, like a spear going toward a fish in a stream.



He nodded. “Yeah, that might work.” He got up and walked back to Renji, bending down and picking the rock up. The chains were coiled tightly, just like his ankles. His wrists were forced right against one another.
“I can’t really… Ugh. I can’t get the rock between the chains.” He grumbled. Gray sat down in front of Renji, holding out the rock. “See if you can wedge it into that gap.” He said. Gray seemed to be avoiding eye contact at all possible moments. It was just so… Awkward!

Renji had his hopes, but they were slowly dwindling as the time passed. His own patience was wearing a bit thin, probably from the fact that he was still bound tightly. Still, he grasped the rock tightly as much as his hands would allow, maneuvering it to where the chain held.

“Ugh.. I can’t get a really good grasp on this rock,” he groaned as he tried again, the rock slipping out of his grip. After the tenth time, he gave up, dropping the rock, breathing hard. “Alright… listen. I didn’t want ta have ta use this, but I think this might be our only chance.” It was just about to get even more awkward. “I’ve got some knives on me. They’re… hidden in my underwear. Clearly I can’t reach ‘em… Yer gonna have ta pull em out fer me, alright? I’ve got a pocket sewn on the inside .. just reach in and grab ‘em.” 


Gray held his wrists still for Renji. It was all up to him now. He watched him struggle with the rock, trying to help as much as he could. Once Renji gave up, Gray sat back and sighed. "It's fine..." He said. He just wanted this to be over with.

Then Renji came at him with another plan. He widened his eyes. "Seriously!? It's in your... Ugggh!" He groaned out, bringing his hands up to his face. He took a deep breath. "Fine. But you're gonna have to turn your head away! I can't have you looking at me!" Gray said, crawling closer to Renji. It was their only option, so he'd do it.

"And don't you DARE make a SOUND!" He said, glaring at Renji. Before he could tolerate it, but in this instance, it wouldn't happen. Renji had to be silent.



He widened his eyes and looked down, stumbling back. “Gah! Uh, S-Sorry! Alright…” He glanced around, blushing and trying to ignore what had just happened. “If I can just get my hands free now… Hang on.” Gray sat on the floor, curling his arms under his butt and legs so his arms were in front of him.
He looked at Renji and chuckled. “You look so helpless like that.” He said with a smirk. All helpless and bound. “If you were Natsu I’d just leave ya like that! But once I break the chains on my wrists I’ll get ya out.” Gray explained. “Got any ideas?” He asked, looking at Renji.

“It’s fine,” Renji muttered as he looked away from Gray’s crotch, definitely not enticed by it. He waited patiently as the other freed himself from the confines, growling at being deemed helpless. “Ya make Natsu sound like an asshole,” he rolls his eyes. The dragon slayer could be mischievous at times but he liked to think Natsu wouldn’t just leave him all tied up.

“Can’t ya use the rock from before and try ta bash it until it breaks?” Renji asked. Being naked and without his weapons really wasn’t helping him in the slightest, not to mention these freaking chains sealed his magic. “I don’t got any ideas other than that… really..” Unless… there were some concealed knives he had that were hidden in a less than stellar place… 


He nodded. "Yeah, that might work." He got up and walked back to Renji, bending down and picking the rock up. The chains were coiled tightly, just like his ankles. His wrists were forced right against one another.

"I can't really... Ugh. I can't get the rock between the chains." He grumbled. Gray sat down in front of Renji, holding out the rock. "See if you can wedge it into that gap." He said. Gray seemed to be avoiding eye contact at all possible moments. It was just so... Awkward!

Great speed is a double edged sword. Not only must one be able to move fast, but react fast as well. She was so focused on attacking she didn’t see the gauntlet-clad fist in front of her, effectively clotheslining Erza. “MMG!” She grunted, chuckling gently.
She stepped back and held her blades out. “Well played!” She said, “but now I’m only more on guard!” She rushed Hellmare, rapidly striking at her.

“Thank you! It was gamble which pays off.” Hellmare replied as she flexes her fingers, loosening her fingers after tightening a fist.  She picks up her rifle once more as Erza held her blades out and went back at her. The only thing she is going to do is evade while keeps on firing at Erza before closing in and pushes her rifle towards Erza’s form to trip her and off balance so she can land an attack with the butt of her rifle on the head.


She kept on the offensive, dashing at Hellmare to attack every chance she could. Then Hellmare rushed toward her instead. Her feet were swept from under her, but she rolled out of the way of the rifle. Erza quickly got up and changed her armor and rushed at Hellmare again.

"Heaven's Wheel..." She called out, charging toward Hellmare with a dozen or so swords following her. "Blumenblatt!" Erza said, going to slice Hellmare with the two swords in her hands. If successful, her initial attack would rush past her while the swords that followed her would strike afterwords.


"Nothing like picking berries in peace without anyone around." He said to himself as he picks berries and place them in the basket he found abandon in the woods. He finishes and carries the basket then heads back to his home, which is a tree near a cave. He hums a small tune with a smile then he quickly stops humming and walking as he saw someone in the distance. He drops the basket and flew up quickly then hid in the treetops. (To Gray)


Gray was walking along the forest. He had a small bag on his back. He was heading home from a job, peacefully strolling beneath the trees. He felt he was alone, simply strolling back to Magnolia.


"It's nice to meet you too, Gray." He said before Gray walked away. He felt really surprise that Gray wasn't frighten of him. Has Gray seen others like him or was he just in a hurry to get home? Whatever the reason, he lets out a sigh of relief but suddenly lost his grip on the branch after releasing a sigh. He fell to the ground with a thump. "Oww." He rubs his head and sits up. He watches Gray walking away in the distance. He wonders if he'll meet him again but shakes his head, doubt he'll come back here. He saw his basket in one piece and grabs it then heads to his home.

Gray had seen all sorts of monstrosities in his life. Demons, villains, and literal monstrous creatures. Nowadays different appearances didn't phase him, so long as the person behind that appearance wasn't a monster. He's come to realize that a true monster comes from within, and the worst are those who fool you with an appealing body.

He continued along the path, home toward Magnolia. But first he'd have to get back to the village he had left from for the job. From there he'd turn in the work and get a train ride home.

“Oh. Yeah they didn’t let me in cause I’m not old enough. I mean, I’m an adult, just a few years before a drinking adult, ya know?” He said, chuckling a bit. “Though I don’t really drink that much. I can have a good time without booze, ya know?” Gyrain continued, looking at Sol.
“So, biceps, you got a name?” He asked, nudging Sol’s arm with a smirk. Gyrain could already tell Sol was a quiet type. And those types always had the best stories to tell! He just needed a little pushing to talk about em!


His eyebrow twitched under his limiter – even moreso with the jab. I’m more than just a hunk of meat, he thinks, eyes drifting over; drunken mood replaced with a sober one.

Just my luck, a Sin-type.

His voice, gruff, speaks after a moment. “No. I don’t gotta name.” A grumpy answer as he reaches for a cigarette. He’s gonna need one.


"Aww of course ya do! Well, what do you want me to call you? I can't keep calling ya 'Biceps' forever." He said, chuckling gently. "I'm Gyrain. Wind mage extraordinaire!" Gyrain claimed proudly, putting a hand on his chest.

He could see Sol was getting... Irritated. Just a tad. So he'd lay off the snark a bit. He wanted this guy to like him, after all. Sometimes Gyrain would take it too far too fast. It was something he was working on. "I do bounty hunter work. I take jobs of all sorts all around the place. It's exciting, to say the least!" He explained, giving a bright smile. He saw Sol's cigarette and sighed a bit. But he didn't say anything.

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