
Jayden Morgan

@morgansmornings / morgansmornings.tumblr.com

This is an Independent OC. Multiverse and Multiship with Chemistry.

hiya friends,      let’s talk about rp burnout,      because it’s a real thing and at some point i think we all experience it.   ⸺  rp burnout. aka you’re tired of this place, this culture, some of the people, the way things are treated, the drama, everything really, but ( like so many of us ) you don’t necessarily want to give up and give in and stop writing because you love it. so what do you do? well lo and behold, friends, i am not an expert. but i do have some advice that i’ve found to work,

  • step away. it doesn’t necessarily have to be a formal “hiatus” but if you’re not here, and you’re not writing or you don’t find yourself wanting to be here, don’t be here. you don’t owe anyone replies. you don’t owe anyone anything. you owe yourself everything.
  • go hang out outside for a little while listen to music or a podcast and go for a walk / run.
  • do some of those chores around the house that you’ve been neglecting, cease the endless dash scrolling and the obsessive ‘i need to keep up with every trend and bit of news’
  • step back. step away. take a breather. 
  • reconnect with what you love about your muse or rp in general. you like making blogs? make a blog, you don’t have to promo it or write on it or anything, if you just like the process of setting something up, have a space for you to do that.
  • be selective with your replies and your threads. is there something you like writing right now? write it. fuck the whole system. write what you want with who you want.
  • stop stressing about appearances and the whole ‘is what i’m doing going to irritate someone’ because you know what? it shouldn’t matter and it doesn’t matter if susie from susieland doesn’t like that you’re writing this or posting too much on the dash. it has literally zero impact on susie’s life. susie can unfollow.
  • this. is. a. website. it has zero power over you. it doesn’t have to have power over you. do not give it the power over you.
  • it’s super easy to be addicted to tumblr, believe me, i know, cuz i am. but once you take some time to ground yourself in things that you actually enjoy, and that make you feel good about yourself and the world around you, you can get back to a place where you can actually enjoy being here. 
  • do the things that you enjoy ! because you enjoy them ! because that’s what you’re here for ! that’s what you deserve
  • this is a hobby. remember that this is supposed to be a hobby. 

 and if you have things that you’ve found to work that you want to add, please add


Kink shame - Eric folded one arm beneath his head, the pillow sinking and creasing further to accommodate the addition weight. His free hand drifted to trace absent patterns over Jay's skin. "How about instead of me listing off kinks to find out what works for us both, you tell me some hard limits we can cross straight off the list."


This Meme: Accepting @thebiggestlies



"Well you already know that Age play and the creepy ass Daddy/Mommy kinks are right out." She retaliates and lets her hand wander from his wrist to his upper arm. Being mindful of her nails as she starts massaging the muscle group under her touch. "Sorry if the Daddy thing was on your into list, but I really don't want to invoke that kind of imagery or karma in my sex life, thank you."

She takes his hand and kisses the back of it before pushing on his shoulder to get him to lie on his back. The space made allowing her to climb over him and settle so she was straddling his legs and laying across his form. hand folding to make a pillow for her to rest her chin on as she looks up the rest of the way to his face.

"I am not going to have anything in my ass, but we can discuss pegging if that is something you are ever interested in. And nothing with bodily fluids that aren't normal please."

There were others, but she figured that that covered most of the hard no she had.

"But I am not opposed to talking about things and finding a compromise."


Beth rolls across the back of Jay's shoulders as she circles from one side to the other of the Hampton's house's porch swing. She settles in next to her hanai-sister and presses a mimosa into her hands. She's intent on carrying on the game of truth or dare started the night before, and this time with a truth. "So...role playin'...wi' like costumes an' a whole floor show, accents an' all."

{kink shame meme}


This Meme: Accepting @brooklynislandgirl



So it was time to bring the dirty secrets to the surface. Then again there really wasn't a better time for shenanigans to occur.

"Look it is one thing for Halloween, but for the rest of the year? Nah, I'll pass. If I wanted to act for a living then I would have become an actress." Jayden didn't need to think hard about that.

The reason she took someone to bed in that way was to be with that person. Not them trying to be something different.

"Not saying other people can't enjoy it, I would just rather focus that energy on pleasing the man in my bed."

Jayden took a sip of her mimosa and smiled in challenge to her sister.

"You're turn Bitey. Truth or Dare?"

Anonymous asked:

I wanna have a moment... just one moment. A moment where you're not expecting it, and I don't give you any indication anything is up, but we're out walking somewhere, we round the corner, and all of a sudden, I take hold of your arm and push you up against the wall. I lean in close, looking in your eyes, hearing your breath stutter and halt as you wonder what's happening right now. And then I kiss you. Deep. Hard. Like I've been wanting to kiss you for months. Like I hope you've been wanting me to kiss you.

And then I want the moment right after that, when our lips part, and you stare at me with that mix of feelings, and for an instant you're not sure if you're gonna say something to me, or slap me, or shove me away. A couple seconds tick by, and maybe I'm starting to pull back because we're right at that moment where I wonder if I made a mistake.

Only then you grab me by the front of my shirt and kiss me exactly as hard as I just kissed you.

Bonus if you suggest we continue that conversation back to either my place or yours.

This Meme: Accepting @ Anonymous ~~~*~~~


She knows that voice despite not being able to put a face to it in the hazy of being startled from sleep. It’s late and she should know better than to let her mind wander in her dreams. Jenna asleep downstairs or so she assumes. Which leaves her in tangled sheets and a thin layer of sweat coating her skin. 

She can feel the phantom touch lingering on her lips, but can’t tell if it was from the intruding thoughts or if she’d bitten them in her sleep. A shaky hand is drug through her hair as she tries to take the context clues of the dream to figure out who it was so that she could give a proper answer. Though it could be a simple one. 

She drags herself out of bed, bare feet protesting the chill of the wooden floor and metal stairs as she makes her way down and into the kitchen. She needed water, a glass of it to drink and to splash against heated skin. Bracing her hands on the edge of the counter to anchor herself in reality. It was too late to go back to sleep, but a bit too early to do much good if she went down stairs. 

Instead she takes her water across the way to the library nook in the corner were the papyrus tapestry hangs with her patron deity above her altar. Chooses to curl up under a throw blanket and wait for the minutes to tick by as she lets herself accept that she intruded on someone that she knows and their dreaming thoughts. Even if they can’t hear her she still talks to them in the calm drizzling night.

“Then what is stopping us?” She knows she won’t get an answer. But the thought is out there now. She will trust that someday that voice will be acted on so she can show the owner that, if she trusts them, then the possibilities are endless.

Anonymous asked:

I wanna snuggle and bite you. Because. No questions allowed.

This Meme: Accepting @ Anonymous ~~~*~~~


"I mean all is fair in love and affection. But I do bite back so that is a risk you are going to have to be okay with taking."

Jayden was not above a good snuggle party. Depending on who starts it she should clarify, but she doesn't.

If it is one of the girls... well then more the merrier. Blanket fort and the sappiest of rom com movies they can get their hands on. Snacks galore and more wine than a vineyard.

If it is her lover to start it at least she knows that the doors lock on their own. Something Beth helped her get going two years after settling her shop into a well running machine.

"I argue that it is not a question but more of a request." Jayden can't help the smirk. "Someone has to walk Jenna before the snugglefest begins."

Anonymous asked:

I want to feed you and make you sleep for at least eight hours.

This Meme: Accepting @ Anonymous ~~~*~~~

“Awe, that is so sweet of you.” And it was, she would have loved to take a day to have someone dote on her the way she prefers to do so for others. Not having to keep up with the demands of being a functioning adult in society. To do what others would deem as ‘vacation necessities’ of over sleeping and eating a little too much at one meal. If only she could actually make herself sleep longer than five hours. 

Well she could, but that seemed like cheating in the grand scheme of things. Too much effort than she was willing to put into her sanctuary at this current point in time. But maybe in the future. Depending on what pant leg she followed through time. 

“I wish Sleep and I were better friends than we are now.”


Netflix and chill with, go ice-skating with, play dodgeball against: Eliot, Eddie, Ron


This Meme: Accepting @brooklynislandgirl



"I will say this now. I hate all of this."

It is a late lunch made of salad and fruit. With the temps on the rise with the changing seasons, Jayden can’t bring herself to make anything heavy at meal time. Unlike ANdy who can and will eat steak for every meal if he thinks he can get away with it. Malasadas are currently being covered in a sugar and cinnamon blend . Though they seem to disappear faster than she can make them. Not that Jay is ever going to complain or say anything about that.

“Clearly I have to go Netflix and Chill with Eloit. It is in self defence, really.” Jay shakes her head, clearing the knowing grin she had on her face. So maybe she had at least thought about the snarky man and what she would have liked to do to him before. “His accuracy at throwing things is a bit scary. Don’t play darts against him if you can avoid it.”

She places the pastry down and goes to coat another round. Pausing long enough to take her long island ice tea and take a not so healthy sip of it.

“Hm, I think the next safest way to go is ice-skating with Ron. I think the activity would do him some good. A little bit of sun, a new skill to add to his collection. ANd who knows, it might come in handy to woo a potential significant otter.” Jayden leaned her head to the side, a smirk gracing her face as she set the glass back down. “Which leaves dodgeball with Eddie and Venom. In which case I have the advantage because I feed the second half really expensive chocolate. Which means I win.”


Kill, betray, have on your zombie apocalypse team: Martin, Luka, Coulson


This Meme: Accepting @brooklynislandgirl

Honorable Mentions: @whosxafraid, @riggsanity, @tangleweave



“Oh, you just had to go there, didn’t you?” Jayden squinted at Beth, picking up her crochet back up now that she was back from getting them snacks. The soft sounds of a cello playing over the surround sound system. Just noise to fill the space without having to listen to lyrics. Now that the paperwork was done the girls had moved to the couch in order to bask in the mid-morning sunlight coming in through the wall of windows. 

The soft  clacking of Beth’s knitting needles going making Jenna’s ear twitch every now and then. Just another step in the pattern of tie spent together.But she would give this thought just as she had a few hours earlier. There were so many pros and cons to sort through. Each is heavier than the next. And there is a wiggle of her nose as she sorts them in her mind. 

“I suppose there are a few ways to go about this. But I think this is what I would do.” Jay finishes the current row she is on, pulling excess yarn through the loop to keep her place when she decides to come back to it. Turning she throws herself across the span of the couch. Fingers tracing out a fake map on Beth’s skirt as she begins. 

“First I would have to kill Uncle Coulson. He is way too pure for the world. And if everything has gone to shit then the best thing for him is to pass on before he can take on the shitshow that is an apocalypse.” The next is a hard choice no matter what she does, but still she thinks the outcomes are worth it. 

“Betray Luka. Because even if he hates me, he is married to you so he will only try and kill me half the time.” Jay plots her chin on her palm as she gets lost in the patter of the skirt for a moment. “And clearly I have to keep Martin. Someone has to be the comic relief and comfort if nothing else. Besides I can trust him to do what needs to be done if I get bit.”


Make soup for when sick, go on a long walk with, spend all day snuggling by a fire with: Cory, Tabby, Me.


This Meme: Accepting @brooklynislandgirl

Honorable Mentions: @corinnebaileyrp and @tabbyrp



This was one of the reasons that she loved her sister. The odd things that could come up over mimosas on their rare days off after spending the night curled up on the couch. Nights where watching medical shows were Beth would bounce between full English and Hawaiian.  Not a trace of her adorable Pidgin to be found as she ranted and raved about everything wrong about what was going on.

That prompted her to think more on the question asked as she shifted through her various lists, daily logs that she needed to keep track of. She tapped the end of her pen against her bottom lip in thought. Going through all scenarios with each of the protagonists given. If anyone could see the representation of her thoughts, it would look like a revolving table with various chess games set up and waiting for her next move. 

“First, and it really should be obvious, make soup for Tabby when she is sick.” Jayden said, pages being shuffled to fit an unknown order that suited her needs. She set the pen down in trade for the glass sitting not that far off. That seemed a wise choice all things considered. 

“Second, Cory and I already meet at the gym every other day, but it would be nice to go on a walk before boxing. A slow warm up if that makes sense. It would give us more time to figure out how to ruin Gamble’s life that day.” Jayden nodded and smiled. She took so much joy in adding to Andy and Gamble's day. Being the gum that would stick to the bottom of their shoes. 

“And lastly, of course I would snuggle you by a fire all day. You are just this side of dying by hypothermia despite it being 103 degrees outside.” And that was a sad fact. Though Jay knew that there was a difference between heat and humidity. The latter being what Beth craved. Jay can still see the look on Beth’s face to this day over the first Christmas they spent together. “Come on Lilo, like I would pass up the opportunity to snuggle you. The day I do you know I have been kidnapped and replaced by an alien.”  


Reblog this.

If you do not care what gender your roleplay partner identify themselves as.

Be they male, female, trans, or whatever else is out there.

If you are a friend, you are a friend. If we ship our muses together, we ship the heck out of our muses. I don’t care if you are a female playing male, a male playing female or whatever is inbetween.

You are precious no matter what you are. And I love you.


green, blue, teal, scarlet, maroon, thing-i-cant-say, periwinkle, mauve, blush, indigo, fuchsia, lavender, razzmatazz, safron, timberwolf, fallow, plum, tangerine, viridian, chartreuse, burgundy.


This Meme: Accepting @whosxafraid

You are in fact one of my closest friends. Even if we don't talk everyday I can look back on all the good times we've had. I know life for you is chaotic, but you are stuck with me... So there you have it. You are always welcome here and know that I would also share my food with you.


~ Dumps a bunch of compliments into your ask ~

BLUSH: Seeing you on my dash makes my day a little better. INDIGO: I’ve been following you for a long time FUCHSIA: Your blog content is gold LAVENDER: You inspire me RAZZMATAZZ: I would share my favorite food with you SAFFRON: I love your ideas TANGERINE: I love your aesthetic CRIMSON: We should collaborate on something! CHARTREUSE: You’re my homie BURGUNDY: I get excited when I see posts from you


This Meme: Accepting @corinnebaileyrp

I love see you on my dash. You are just so full of joy and goodness that it makes my days better. Thank you for being so kind. I'd really like to write more with you. I think Cori and Jay could have Gamble in tears with the amount of chaos they could cause.

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