


an askblog for The Grand Highblood.

taking a lil hiatus with all my askblogs. Havent done this in a long time but i just havent been in the mood, plus having the same asks sitting around for ages is putting a damper on my inspiration. I’ll be back sometime, dunno when. Maybe a month or two.

Anonymous asked:

You always shoot down future rivals so quickly. Why not have a little sport?

Why bother?A rival means a motherfucker has the chance to be my equivalent. In that sense, a motherfucker could take me over.Why would a stripebeast show its belly when it is more powerful than its adversary?

Anonymous asked:

have you ever lost someone dear to you?

No, and yes.I’ve lost many a brother or sister to a blade or a blunt tool.Doesn’t mean it bothers me though, death is motherfucking inevitable for the cause of the mirthful motherfucking messiahs, from both sides. Ours, and the infidels.

Anonymous asked:

👀 What is the best defining trait of your bf, and what do you think his favorite thing about you is?

thats really hard to pick out beclaws there are a lot traits i love about him that make him stand out, but i would have to say how pawssionate he can be !! even if i dont agr33 with him compurrletely on what hes going on about depawnding on the situation, i think its furry charming how he can stand hiss ground, h33h33. like he has hiss own indepawndent mind and can be furry confident in what he believes and says, mew know ?? if that made any sense !! and i love that about him, beclaws hes real about it, and is able to think fur himself. 

hmm……… i dont think i quite know how to ansfur that, honestly !! 


It's the hips, sister.

Anonymous asked:

👀 so how did you meet your matesprite?

Sister came up to yours truly with inquiry as to how my motherfucking self is the way i am. Unexpected, but I wasn’t, and still am not one to discourage a curious pretty face from learning the splendour that is my existence. Few more conversations and spells of speak, and here we are now.

Anonymous asked:

👀 what do you think about the sufferer/signless? :O

He’s a child who was never supposed to leave the caverns with his blood biscuit still a-thumping. As for his views, let a motherfucker be delusional in his wishes for a peaceful world.

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