@nejihyu / nejihyu.tumblr.com

len • she/her • 23 master of the drunken fist too gay to function

There are an estimated 50 000 pregnant women in Gaza, with more than 180 giving birth every day. Without hospitals the chances of survival for mother and child drop drastically

On this note, the wives of Hamdi Hijazi and Abdullah Haniyah are both heavily pregnant and are approaching labour, and the wife of Mohammad Bardaweel is recovering from labour. They are also survivors of the ongoing invasion of Rafah, and no longer have access to the hospital mentioned by journalist Hind Khoudary. I've included links to all their fundraisers to make it accessible for you all to help them.


man the wave arc must've been a trip for sasuke even before the actual fight on the bridge.

imagine some old man lying to you and endangering (understandably tho) you and your fellow twelve-year-olds and then guilting you about how if he dies his poor daughter will be left all alone and then you go to his how and meet her and her disillusioned rage-filled son who watched his father's brutal murder and became trapped in an obsessive hateful spiral bc he couldn't even imagine a world in which the monster who ruined his life would ever cease to be present in every waking misery-filled moment of his pitiful life and then your dumbest friend yells at him for not trying to punch his way out of crushing systemic oppression and you aren't really paying attention to any of that bc his mom is uncannily similar to your mom in just enough ways that you're totally fine spending as much time Not Dealing With That and climbing trees instead

and then you do go to the bridge and you get fucked up so bad your magic eyes activate (actually they already activated but you don't know that bc your dickweed brother was too busy traumatizing you to say "oh hey nice sharingan good job sasuke") and then your stupid idiot orange-wearing jerkwad teammate who won't leave you alone and also kissed you once barges in like a stupid orange-wearing idiot and you fling yourself in front of him as a meatshield and hope someone else deals with your dickweed brother bc you probably just got yourself killed for this idiot

and then you wake up and everybody except your team is dead and your other teammate is crying bc she thought you were dead but it turns out the guy who killed you (who also looks a little bit like your mom but maybe you're just losing it and anyway he's got a hole in his chest now so who cares) was too nice to kill you and the last time someone could've killed you but didn't for some reason it went Super Great so you kinda just wanna go home and sleep for like a week but before you can do that the townspeople name the bridge after your dumb teammate even tho as far as you're aware you're the one who nearly died for it and the rest of your team looks basically ok while you are literally covered in holes but sure fine whatever

and then you go home and it turns out that everything just gets worse forever

ngl i don't really have a problem with naruto doing that bc imo it's something that it makes sense for a weird little twelve-year-old with no impulse control to do, but it bugs me that like. he didn't seem to learn anything from it, as far as i can remember.



Additions: if your viral load is suppressed by medication to the point it’s undetectable, it’s considered untransmittable, even without condoms. Children with HIV+ carriers are usually given medication when they’re born, to make sure any of the virus doesn’t take hold (which we also do to adults who fear they’ve been exposed, it’s called PEP ((Post Exposure Prophylaxis)), which is a month of medication and must be started within 72 hours of exposure).

(There’s also PreP - Pre Exposure Prophylaxis, which is taking medication if you feel you are at risk of being exposed to HIV, whether through sexual partners or sharing injection needles)

This is why we need universal free healthcare - so people can go on and have happy, healthy lives despite the HIV diagnosis. Nobody should die or live in fear when the treatment is so damn simple and effective.

HIV is not as deadly as it once was in the 1980s-1990s. 

There’s been a lot of progress in this. So long as you’re taking your medications (anti-retrovirals), it’s essentially become another chronic disease like diabetes or COPD etc. HIV patients nowadays are living into their 60s and 70s and are more likely to die of cardiovascular disease rather than opportunistic infections or AIDS defining illnesses. 

If the HIV viral load is undetectable, then your CD4 counts (your white cells that are affected by the virus) should normalise. Such that you’re no different to the general population when it comes to infection risk.

Yes, we should all still be precautious, but it’s no longer a death sentence. 

Stigma remains because of how it is transmitted.

We need to share this information as widely as possible.

Silence still Equals Death.

[image description: a widely smiling black woman hugs a black man and their two children, who are also smiling widely. The woman holds a sign reading “HIV+” and the man and the children hold signs reading “HIV-”. This image is on a tweet by bucci jenkins @/Glorico who says “bruh what”.

There are 2 replies to that tweet, by GEM @/Rozthecreator reading “the woman is hiv positive, she takes her meds which makes her count low, she can’t pass it off to her husband which makes her still able to live her normal life and reproduce. The stigmas of hiv has to stop, and as Blacks especially we have to educate each other.”

The next reply is by t a y l o r @/G14_Classified_, reading “people on this app talk about sex 24/7 but are completely ignorant when it comes to stds and how they can/can’t be contracted. Yikes”.

End id]


I kinda hate how the main take away in general seems to be "hahaha I love being a hater, kendrick is the king of being a hater hahaha" or "drake has a secret daughter" and not "there are mysogynist sex pests and pedophiles in the hip hop industry and kendrick used his clout to very publically call out one" like can we please not drop the pedophilia out of this conversation YET AGAIN like the jokes are funny and I also make some but I feel like this should be front and center of the conversation and men in positions of power always get away with this shit

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