
Something something I really don't know

@lisamalvina / lisamalvina.tumblr.com

Trash and other stuff

he’s mad she always underdresses (◡‿◡✿)



Malfoy’s oath interrupted Theo mid-thought as he was hurriedly doctoring his morning tea. Theo didn’t expect he’d ever acclimatise to the swill that passed as tea in Hogwarts, but it was warm, unlike the dungeons that someone a thousand years ago had decided was acceptable accommodations for the ambition-ladened.

Mid-winter and the dungeons were presently so cold one would develop frostbite walking across the floors without well-insulated shoes. Burbage claimed that his arse and thighs had never been the same after groggily sitting on a dungeon toilet in fourth-year without remembering to cast a warming charm on the seat.

Dungeon Common Rooms were character building, Snape had said when Theo had inquired about the use of insulation back in first-year. What better motivation to ascend to great heights than an origin story that involved seven years living in a cold, clammy dungeon?

Well, perhaps that was the way it was for some Slytherins. The extent of Theo’s ambition was to stay ensconced within his favourite cashmere jumper and consume a form of hot liquid that would clear his head enough coherently to listen to McGonagall discuss NEWT exams for an hour straight.

Theo added an additional splash of milk until it was the proper colour at least, and then rapidly gulped a mouthful, looking up to see what had managed to attract Malfoy’s ire at dawn.

Malfoy was glowering across the Great Hall at his Co-Head, Granger.

Granger was seated at the Gryffindor table inhaling her breakfast, her eyes fastened on an enormous textbook propped up against a teapot. Without looking up, she reached across the table and snatched away a third-year’s wand before he managed to flick a kipper down a nearby girl’s shirt.

Theo studied Granger and then glanced back at Malfoy, and then back to Granger again.

She appeared entirely normal. The same mountain of books somehow carried in a mysteriously normal. regulation-sized school satchel. Same harried, pinched expression. Same Gryffindor robes with the proudly polished Head Girl badge gleaming. There was nothing notable about her whatsoever. Theo had no idea what about the girl could possibly have done to set Malfoy off so early in the morning.

Then again, Malfoy did have to work with Granger, constantly. As Malfoy’s roommate, Theo was on the receiving end of many of Malfoy tirades about how annoying Granger was, and all the annoying things she did, and how annoyed Malfoy was from having to be around her constantly until Theo was certain he probably knew more about Hermione Granger than anyone in all of history would ever want to know.

Theo had dreamt of becoming Head Boy himself, but hearing about the job endlessly from Malfoy made for an excellent case against it. Granger, according to Malfoy, was the unbearable.

“That does it,” Malfoy said through his teeth, looking ready to combust from outrage. Stuffing a piece of toast into his mouth, he stood and stalked across the Great Hall.

“Granger,” Malfoy’s voice was low and vibrating with angry intensity even across the Hall, “could I have a word?”

Granger snapped her book shut, slipped it into her bag, and followed Malfoy out of the Great Hall with the air of a martyr.

Left in blessed peace, Theo finished his tea and breakfast before heading to Transfiguration. Halfway there he heard Malfoy’s voice.

“—if you leave me to cover and I have to do rounds with MacMillan I will end up killing him. Save us both the paperwork and murder trial and cooperate for once in your life. It’s freezing cold in the dungeons right now.”

Theo glanced around the corner to be greeted by the unexpected sight of Malfoy peeling off his jumper and pulling it down over the bewildered, bushy head of Granger.

“Honestly, Malfoy,” Granger indignant voice was muffled through the knit as she pulled it over her head.

The jumper swam on her, all black but for its Slytherin green and silver detailing. Malfoy fastidiously straightened her shirt collar and rolled up the sleeves to her wrists with an aggravated expression on his face.



Oh fuck.

Theo watched Malfoy step back, looking her up and down as he pulled his robes back on. “That’ll have to do, or we’ll be late for class. For Christ’s sake, wear decent clothes. I don’t have time to cover for you if you get sick.”

He stormed away towards Potions without a backwards glance. Granger followed him a moment later, leaving Theo alone in the hall to press a hand against his forehead and curse his abysmal luck.

Granger wore Malfoy’s jumper the entire day apparently oblivious to the whispers that followed her.

To Theo’s surprise, Malfoy was in an unusually congenial mood that night in their room.

The next day, was business as usual and Theo sipped his tea and turned a deaf ear to Malfoy’s endless stream of complaints about having to share office hours with Granger that evening.

The day after that was Herbology, and Theo was involuntarily treated to the sight of Malfoy herding Granger to an alcove, and carefully wrapping her up in his scarf until she was buried from her shoulders to the tips of her ears in green and silver.

“It’s snowing today. Do you have any common sense, or did you decide to forego because it doesn’t come printed in hardback?” Malfoy asked scathingly as he crowded himself closer and expanded his scarf by a half dozen feet in order to ensure Granger was sufficiently ensconced in it.

Granger was mysteriously silent.

As Malfoy stormed away through the snow, Theo stayed back and took note of the glimmer in her eyes as she re-shouldered her bookbag and set off after Malfoy.

The next night, she was wearing a green trimmed sweater, Slytherin robes, and a green cashmere scarf while up in the Astronomy tower, looking cheerful and toasty during Sinistra’s lecture.

Theo was certain that then entire school population was aware of what was happening, with the sole exception of Malfoy who was apparently on a mission to donate his entire wardrobe to Granger.

As long Theo wasn’t forced to endure any more of Malfoy’s tirades, he didn’t care how long it took Malfoy to figure it out. If it lasted until Spring, at least it wouldn’t be so unbearably cold when Malfoy resumed.

He averted his eyes and feigned ignorance when Malfoy complained about his lack of robes and sulked when he realised he’d run out of scarves after three weeks.

After a month, Theo wasn’t sure how many uniforms Malfoy could possibly still have. Considering what a micro-managing busybody Granger could be, she was mysteriously absent-minded when it came to returning Malfoy’s wardrobe. Malfoy wouldn’t be fussed to asked for them back.

Theo didn’t say a word. If Malfoy was forced to begin wearing last year’s robes, he might finally put together why he was so keen to keep Granger constantly dressed in his clothes.

It was doubtful, but a wizard could hope.

Theo rolled out of bed one bitterly frigid morning after oversleeping and stumbled across the room in search of his favourite cashmere jumper. He reached groggily into his wardrobe to the place it should have been but found empty air.

It was gone.

A bare hanger greeted Theo’s stunned gaze. He looked in horror towards Malfoy’s bed.

With a wail of despair, Theo bolted through the dungeons.

Malfoy and Granger had already left the Great Hall when he got there.

Theo ran on, plagued by visions of his beloved jumper being stuffed over Granger’s head, and disappearing forever into her stash of Slytherin garb.

A first-year had seen them headed towards the Head Office.

By the time Theo got there, his horror had transformed into rage. After all he’d endured. He would not let his jumper be collateral damage.

Theo flung the door open. “Malfoy, just tell Granger you fancy her and give me my jumper back—!”

His voice cut off and he choked at the unexpected sight of Malfoy and Granger across the Head Boy desk, wearing less than half a school uniform between the pair of them.

“Oh god,” Theo said.

“Nott,” Malfoy’s voice was low and vibrating with angry intensity. “Get out!”


Friend: Says something.

What I want to say: I’m really interested in what you are saying. As my friend, I support you. I want you to know I am still here, still listening, and still enjoying what we are sharing together. However as this is a topic I myself have no experience with, or little to say or offer, I’m unable to produce much in the way of input from my side. However trust that I still adore listening to you!

What comes out: Yee.


This post shot me in the face four times.


Day 8-Tomione

One hour to spare. 

I knew what I wanted to do with this piece, but I was painting today, and managed to hammer a nail through my finger, so things were a bit….slow. Then when I finally got to the point I could write, it refused to come out! UGH!

Anyways @reneehartblog beat me by hours and hours. Hers was deliciously dark, mine is kinda angsty fluff. 

Prompt: “If I wanted your shade i’d take your umbrella”

@shadowedcries @officialsporkintheroad @littleredsiren3101 @infallibleangel @evenasifall @serpentinred @clearlemon


It’s been said before, but honestly one of the best feelings in the world is when you unexpectedly read a marvelously written fic and you click on the author’s name in AO3 and discover…more works.

YES! I love this SO VERY MUCH


Zillenial things

  • Being young enough for Minecraft but too old for Fortnite
  • Being alive for 9/11 but not remembering it at all cuz you were like 2
  • Seeing reruns of 90s shows when you were really little but being to young to really remember them
  • Feeling betrayed by Butch Hartman
  • Listening to the bops of ~2009-2012 in middle school gym class
  • Growing up through the transition from clunky PCs for nerds and flip phones to smartphones and sleek and easy laptops
  • Pictochat
  • Being called a millenial by baby boomers and Gen Z by millenials

1994-2002 generation put your hands up

Me: oh yeah, I absolutely love slow burn relationships. Fuck me up, I'm ready.
Me 4 chapters in: Holy fuck, why haven't they kissed yet? Does agony know no limits?

cats are so beautiful and loving…. when they paw at you and ask u to pet them.. when they purr and close their eyes in content… a warm loaf … when they knead on you… thinking YOU are the bread… stupid… they are the bread… i love cats… so much….


I feel like the reason certain dog-lovers insist cats are evil is because they read their body language as if they were dogs. So here’s a very basic guide to common “mean” things cats do that actually aren’t mean at all if you know what they’re thinking.

Rolling and exposing belly- attacks you when touched Does not mean: Give belly rubs! - haha I tricked you!  Actually means: I’m playful! If you reach for my belly I’ll grab your arm and bite it because I think we’re playfighting! 

Lazily exposing belly - still attacks when touched Does not mean: tricked you again! Actually means: I’m showing you my belly because I trust you. Please don’t break that trust by invading my personal space. I might accept a belly rub if I’m not ticklish and I know you well. Snapping at you while being pet Does not mean: I suddenly decided I dislike you! Actually means: You’re petting me in a way that gives me too much restless energy. Please focus on petting my head and shoulders instead of stroking the full length of my back next time.

Is in the same room but makes no attempt to interact Does not mean:  I’m ignoring you Actually means: We’re hanging out! I’m being respectful by giving you space while still enjoying your company. Slapping/scratching your hand when you try to pet them Does not mean: I hate you! Actually means: You’ve failed to establish that we’re not playing, or the way you’re approaching me scares me. Be calmer, speak more gently, make eye-contact and blink slowly at me before you try again.


I love this post omg, thank you so much. As a lifelong cat person, dogs perplex me because they’re so completely different behaviourally.

I love dogs too but, I’ve been trying to tell people, you canNOT treat cats like you treat dogs. They arent the same animals and have very different personalities

P.s.: people often pet cats way too hard. Dogs like a firm pet or a pat on the belly, cats dont have the same bone structure and are more flexible than dogs so what you’re doing probably hurts them

Sitting and staring Does not mean: I am challenging you/plotting your demise/just generally evil and creepy. Actually means: I am a desert-adapted species, so my natural tears are very thick and keep my eyes moist for a nice long time. I do find people interesting and enjoy watching them.  I just don’t need to blink very often!

Staring and blinking slowly Does not mean: I’m smug and think I am smarter than you. Actually means: I like you! But I don’t need to get up in your face to show it.  I can just sit over here and blow kisses at you to show you I am glad you are around!

It’s very frustrating for me when people expect cats to act like dogs, or act like they’re deceitful.  They aren’t!  They just AREN’T DOGS.

Pour les chats 🐈💞

Get ready for “more reasons why I fucking love cats”

  • Yes, the legends are true. Cats headbutt you to show their trust and affection. They also do it to show “hey look I see you as family.” Lions do it with members of their pride to say the same. It’s not just because they want food.
  • Cats nibbling is indeed literally cats grooming you. It’s what mom cats do to their kittens. If a cat is gently biting and/or licking you, they’re now your mom.
  • Meowing can simply be for the mere fact they want to say hello, want to play or be pet. Again, not just for food.
  • They barely meow at other cats (except for kittens, they meow at mom cat), mostly just humans. There are exceptions but overall, meowing is almost always for us.
  • Cats squinting/slow blinking is indeed basically the equivalent of us smiling and/or kissing.
  • Cats, like humans, prefer to get things without having to work for it- which isn’t very common within other animals.
  • Cat massages or making biscuits is because they happy! Kneading is another way of saying “hey I like this moment here I enjoy you and my life.”
  • Cats recognize us by smell, sound, taste, and touch. They recognize us after years as their long term memory is extremely good. This is why abused or neglected cats are so easily scared or hard to connect with. If your scent changes over the years or just in the day, your voice will them it’s really you. Also, they will only remember you if you had impact on their life. If you just existed in the same house, they obviously won’t care.
  • And yes, they know our patterns in the day. You notice it when it’s beneficial to them (feeding time!). They will often wait for you to come home as well.
  • To remember: cats think we are interesting as hell. They watch us do everything because we’re fascinating!!!
  • They also want you to be around when eating because they feel vulnerable. They focus on eating so they hope you protect them. They do the same for you, all the time.

CATS 😍😍😍😍

when a cat turns their back on you, they’re not snubbing you. they’re trusting you to watch their back.

notice how when you’re unfamiliar but nonthreatening, they might loaf facing you and sorta halfway watch you. you’re not fully trusted, but you’re ok by them.

when you’re familiar and liked, they’ll often sit near you facing the same way. imitation of poses is a weird little way cats show solidarity. they do it to each other too. check out these bff’s:

they are doing this on purpose. it’s a buddy thing. so if you’re watching tv and a cat sits next to you and pretends to watch tv too, they are basically calling you bro and declaring friendship.

and if they really love and trust you, they’ll turn their back on you and go to sleep. they’ll sleep facing a wall in your presence, or lounge where they can’t see the room. this isn’t a snub, folks, this is true kitty love. they’re saying, “i feel safe when you’re around. i know nothing’s going to sneak up on me, because you’re here. i feel so safe i can stick my head under a pillow and snore with my butt pointed at you.”

farts aren’t an expression of love, though, as far as i know. they’re just farts.


On poverty and pronunciation in academia


Why I never mock or even bring attention to mispronunciation in a conversation, and will snap down anyone who tries to

Besides poverty, for many peoplevEnglish is a second (or third+) language and has weird rules too. Most of the time, even when words are mispronounced, they’re still understandable if you make an effort. Just be patient and don’t look down on people who mispronounce!


I love how you can tell what stage of fangirl someone is at by the type of fanfic they read.

Ships ronmione: tsk tsk… rookie mistake. You’ll grow out of it.

Reads veela fics: Beginner. 

Reads any other popular genre (time travel/during ootp,hbp,or dh/AU): Mediocre

Reads one shots: Get a life, hon

Can’t find a fanfic thaey havent read with their otp: Advanced

Tries to read other otp’s: You need a break

Reads the same marriage law concept with the same plot over and over again, while still getting excited each time: Professional 

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