

@satanasaflowerarchives-blog / satanasaflowerarchives-blog.tumblr.com

*My name is Satan. (Flowey AU Undertale RP/Ask blog.) M!A: [None] Event: None Ask Box: [Open]
*Why does it sound fami.. that word?
He asked tilting his head. Satan’s big and adorable eyes staring at Switch with so much curiosity in them. The child flower was indeed intrigued by many things.

“……….” Switch paused for a moment then. Switch gave a nod. “Y-yes that word. I’m not sure why it sounds familiar at all.” 

*O-oh! C-can I stay wiff you for a little while?

Satan asked. His voice was lower in volume as his anxiety rose just a tad bit. It wasn't horrendous at all this time around. His petals perked up along with a grin forming upon his rounded face.

*I’m Satan. I can’t see vewy well. But I see you are a flower.
He smiled big and clapped his vines together with a friendly childish laugh emitting from his mouth. He was excited to have someone else around him. Satan wasn’t as scared anymore, instead he was very happy.

“…Satan sounds familiar…” 

For a moment Switch paused He shook his head after his thoughts.

And his expression changed to a smile.

“S-satan? Well that’s a nice name pal!.”  Switch started to fiddle with his vines.

“.W-well O-o-okay pal.. I-i-i’m kinda glad your not… Uuuum. S-s-scared. S-satan.”

*Why does it sound fami.. that word?

He asked tilting his head. Satan's big and adorable eyes staring at Switch with so much curiosity in them. The child flower was indeed intrigued by many things.

Anonymous asked:

Have you seen anything odd going on in the multiverse?

Satan: *No. I don't think so. Is something strange going on?

The golden flower’s glasses fell off his face. The poor small child plant cowered in fear and he sniffled. Satan didn’t know why he felt scared but he did. It was something he was used to.
His speech wasn’t exactly that great as a child flower.

“…O-oh uh howdy!”

Switch kinda backed a tiny bit away. Maybe backing away would make the other flower… Less scared? At least that’s what switch thinks. Switch flinched a bit before saying anything else.

“..I-i’m-um-I’m Switch. S-switch the flower.” Switch tried to straighten himself up.

“.A-and you are?”

*I’m Satan. I can’t see vewy well. But I see you are a flower.

He smiled big and clapped his vines together with a friendly childish laugh emitting from his mouth. He was excited to have someone else around him. Satan wasn’t as scared anymore, instead he was very happy.

*Oh dear.. do you need a hug or something Switch?
He responded putting his prickly vine up to his mouth in a careful manner. Asking for permission to hug another was always polite.

After a long pause He responded. “….Y-yeah.. B-b-b-but you don’t h-have to…” Switch’s stem still paused while he was talking to Satan tho.

There on switch’s stem. appeared,tiny little green dark thorns Alot darker then switch’s stem for sure.

It then turned yellow. Like. the yellow of switch’s petals. While it did, Switch’s smile grew bigger and more neverous. His face Petals Stem And thorns all only melted a tiny bit. It Acted like if it was sweat. It’s not. Definitely not. 

Satan’s eyes widened examining Switch more and more debating what this strange act of sweating was. It didn’t seem natural enough for it to be sweat. The golden flower carefully reached over and placed his thorned vine on the other the best her could.

*What is happening to you..?

Anonymous asked:

Oh howdy Satan!~ It seems you met me in...quite of a situation.~ How are you today FlOwEr? (Sorry if I come across as rude! I don't really hate the mun!)

Satan: *I suppose I’m alright. I’m rested and ready for another day. But um.. hmm.. 

 (Oh no that’s alright! ^w^ I like interesting things like this.)

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