
Music Man

@ask-reflected-rat / ask-reflected-rat.tumblr.com

Ask badly drawn rat man!! || Mun follows on @generic-artstyle-name || Interactions are encouraged!! Canon or OC! || Multi-ship friendly || Current Event: None

Merry Christmas to @generic-artstyle-name ! Hello, I am your Secret Santa for the @jjba-secret-santa event! I loved working on this for you! Thought I'd so something special! I hear you like LuLu (Illuso) and yes! Support the mischievous mirror lad! I love his pigtails!


Anonymous asked:

Espresso approaches what looks to be a empty mirror hoping he’d be inside. Taking a chance she speaks “Hey I know we haven’t talked much- but I thought you’d be the best person to go to. No offense but you also seem like the type that doesn’t like opening up about things-So that’s why I came-and before you ask no I’m not asking you to tell me anything about yourself I’m only asking for your company. I’ve been though hell recently and just need someone to be with me that’s all.” -Askanotherocblog

“I’ll be oh so gracious enough to give you my company~”

“...What do you need, specifically?”

Well can you blame me? You do seem like the type-
I just need someone to open up a bit even if it’s a little bit-Even if it’s about something mundane I just need someone to talk to. I some pathetic but It’s just become a burden recently to keep this weight on my shoulders,and out of everyone in the squad I trust you the most.
Well...recently I was attacked by stand and I reminded of the horrible things I been trying to forget. I probably sound like a naive rookie when I say this but-have you ever been exposed to something like that?

“Must be a lot if it’s weighing down on you that much, huh? I’m flattered that you trust me~ Despite that not being the best option”

“...Hm. Well-”

“I’m surprised you haven’t encountered something like that yet. Though knowing that you work by yourself mostly....”

“Anyway, when you push down all those memories, you’re bound to be hurt by them again. That’s how Stands that rely on more psychological factors hurt you.”

Anonymous asked:

Espresso approaches what looks to be a empty mirror hoping he’d be inside. Taking a chance she speaks “Hey I know we haven’t talked much- but I thought you’d be the best person to go to. No offense but you also seem like the type that doesn’t like opening up about things-So that’s why I came-and before you ask no I’m not asking you to tell me anything about yourself I’m only asking for your company. I’ve been though hell recently and just need someone to be with me that’s all.” -Askanotherocblog

“I’ll be oh so gracious enough to give you my company~”

“...What do you need, specifically?”

Anonymous asked:

Hello sir we have totally never met would you like a pastry? @an-odd-Kanda-problem

“You look very familiar, totally not like the person in the paper I’m holding now or the person I talked to all those months ago, however.”

“Also no, I don’t like most pastries. It’d be more appetizing if poison was put in as a substitute for sugar, and even so....”

Anonymous asked:

"Oh, so you are alive. Quite an odd coincidence considering I saw purple haze kill you at some point or another." Fugo sighs looking at Illuso with a more analytical expression while fixing his white hair. (ask-the-purple-strawberry)

[ooc your blog is really nice and you do illuso justice]

“Sorry not sorry I didn’t fit your expectations~”

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