Hippy Elf Chick

@hippyelfchick / hippyelfchick.tumblr.com

Idk I just reblog stuff.

hot take: the reason Lord of the Rings doesn’t go much into Aragorn’s tax policy is bcos Lord of the Rings is not about Aragorn. Lord of the Rings is about hobbits.

more specifically, lord of the rings is about Frodo’s journey. it starts with him getting the Ring and ends with him leaving middle earth. what Aragorn did as king is not expanded on in detail bcos it’s of 0 relevance to Frodo on account of he sailed off to the Undying Lands.

the majority of the societies visited are not described in detail and have an ‘unreal’, story-book quality compared to the Shire bcos our point of view characters are the hobbits and we are experiencing these places as they do. the Shire, their home, is in contrast very real and grounded and detailed.


Tumblr culture is seeing an info post then seeing it a day later debunked and then seeing it a day later with the debunk debunked and then the next day the


why do people not like the twelfth doctor. he brought a spoon to a swordfight


parades at disney: here’s a 40 foot tall mechanical dragon that actually breaths fire

parades at universal: y’all remember Hop(2011)?


Ight but you can openly drink and there are kiosks full of alcohol at Universal So Take ya pick

have fun dehydrating at the amusement park, you stupid shit

Wow. The company that has had parks open for over 60 years on four different countries has had more recorded accidents than the company with three parks that have been open since the 90s.

amusement part discourse 

id like to state for the record i didnt remember hop (2011) at all before this post


this post has everything… parade ratings… disagreements about day trip nourishment… flawed statistical analysis… hop (2011)…


Didn’t that dragon catch fire?


You don’t get to see that at universal

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