
Typewriter Ninjutsu

@kuriquinn / kuriquinn.tumblr.com

Writer - Bibliophile - Cat & Dog Mom - Demibisexual - Genealogist - Beginner Podficcer - Chronic Procrastinator - SpoonieThis blog is a safe space. Black lives matter. Trans women are women. Purity culture and anti-vaxxers are what's wrong with the world.

the way some people reacted to David Jenkins and Neil Gaiman saying their shows would only have 3 seasons is so funny because I saw so many feeling devastated while I am so relieved and relaxed about it. don’t get me wrong I love getting more content with the characters I love but… normalize cohesive storytelling. normalize ENDINGS. do you REALLY want another s*pernatural????


Just saw the most chronically online take of the year of someone ranting unironically that you should look up every single artist with a song you enjoy to make sure they are unproblematic. And if you don't do this them you are as bad as the controversy associated with the artist, for being 'willfully ignorant.' They literally talked about how they went through more than a thousand artists they listened to and whittled it down to 200 this way. This is obsessive and they need help


what do you mean this song was written in A Minor? 🤨 cuff em boys

Best addition to this post really


monarchy has no real purpose and should be abolished irl but im a slut for royal families in fiction. the politics. the intrigue. families divided by the eyes of a nation. the pressure of children told from birth that they are born to rule, born for only one purpose. the stifling of empathy and real bonds and love. the loneliness when all eyes are on you. it’s so inherently tragic and yet everyone involved is terrible because that’s all they can be. gimme.


John Oliver is right. Families shouldn't be allowed to "just do whatever".

Children are their own people with rights and needs and families shouldn't be allowed to mistreat them.

We as a society must hold parents/caretakets accountable. Through government enforcement if necessary (like in cases of child abuse, but also to ensure educational standards)

Homeschooling with no oversight seems like a situation ripe for CSA, physical abuse and religious indoctrination, not to mention (in some cases) forcing your kids to work the farm instead of attending class. School is mandatory for a reason.


Do they not have that in the States? As far as I'm aware in Canada (or I guess I should say Quebec since education is a provincial purview), if you homeschool your kid you are responsible for making sure they hit certain milestones/pass certain evaluations and if they find out you're not actually educating your kid, they'll step in and force you to send your kids to school.

It is still rife for abuse (my cousin's uber-Christian wife refuses to send her kids to school lest they be exposed to "un-Christian" ideas, but she still has to ensure they are following a specific provincial curriculum and able to pass specific exams to ensure they are receiving an education), but at least there's some kind of oversight.

It could be way better tho, no argument. Like they should have a bunch of invigilators specifically to go around on a monthly basis and check in to see what the kids are learning.

Like, I want to homeschool my kids if I ever have them. Not for religious reasons, just because the education system is shit and I want them to actually learn how to think, not just tick off boxes on an exam sheet. But a) I have actual teaching experience and would be able to do that myself and b)if I didn't I would hire someone to do it and constantly be checking in. And I would welcome someone else coming in to make sure they are on track, even if it would be a pain in the ass and be as much an evaluation of me as of them, because at least it's a sign that someone cares enough to make sure the kids learning at home are actually getting some kind of education and not being kept "barefoot and stupid" by their parents.

But yeah, oversight in homeschooling is a major thing that needs to happen. Considering a major point of education is to teach a kid citizenship, that's where the private citizen's "rights" to teach their kids bullshit or not teach them at all needs to take a backseat .


The number of times I’ve seen strangers on tumblr receive an ANONYMOUS message about someone they reblogged from, often to as vague a tune as “just so you know xyz on that last post is a bad person”

And the secretive whisper campaign recipient responds “omg thank you I’m sorry please don’t hurt me I don’t know anything about that person of course I’ve deleted it”

Is so wild to me

And frustrating

And also there’s this tiny, evil little voice in the back of my brain going “wow, this is so exploitable, you could exploit this, you could spam so many random messages about literally everyone until everything fell to chaos and maybe someone would even learn something”

Except obviously you can’t and shouldn’t fight abuse by replicating its tactics and that would inevitably do harm even if it is really tempting and also I wonder what would happen if someone made a bunch of bots for even more chaos

the thing to do if you get a message like this (or at least what I do):

  • demand proof. and don’t publish the anon ask with your “proof pls” response - do it in a separate post which doesn’t mention the accused person by name. publishing the ask still spreads the potential misinformation even if your response challenges it.
  • (note: “My friend said they did something bad” isn’t proof. that’s still hearsay. proof means links or screenshots, and NOT screenshots of out-of-context quotes. if someone tries to give you “proof” in the form of a bunch of short disconnected bits of text, that is extremely suspicious and there’s a good chance they’re just out on a grudge campaign, though it is also possible that they just don’t have access to more extensive proof.)
  • if possible, request that the person come off anon. personally I don’t give much credit to accusations made by people who aren’t willing to put their names behind it. they can ask that you don’t make their identity public, but they should be willing to reveal it to you at least.
  • even after they’ve given you their receipts, don’t take their word for it. do your own research. look into the blog of the person being accused. see if they’ve said anything about it. essentially, give the accused person a chance to defend themself. the worse the accusation, the more research you should be doing.
  • if this seems like too much work for you to bother with (understandable tbh), then ignore it. don’t respond to the ask in any way. delete the post in question if it makes you feel more comfortable, but don’t acknowledge the accusations unless you’re willing to do the research to verify them.

I’ve seen many people’s careers and reputations get badly damaged because of baseless rumor campaigns started by an asshole with a grudge. don’t be part of that. don’t give into the pressure to metaphorically burn the witch. think critically.


Tumblrinas interacting with people offline

Yesterday I was hanging out with me friend at the river, and I was vibing, just floating on my back in the water with my arms spread. She said "lol you look like a corpse" I replied "I'm an Opheliapilled Ladyofshallotcel" and she just stared at me 😔

Your friend is wrong that's fucking hilarious

Wait let me look something up

OK this is peak humor

That's the painting with the chick and the dress and the water right?


Yes yes it is

Oh that's funny then


you need your friend to read something real quick


Please, for the love of god, please don’t be this person. No matter how long it’s been since an update, no matter how many unfinished stories are sitting on their account, no matter what - do not be this person.

Not only is it insanely rude, but you also do more damage than you think be being such a self-entitled ass about something someone created for free and for fun. “This author” can see what you say.

RIP decency indeed.

I was literally about to post a chapter once and got a snide comment similar to this - not addressing other readers, just me - and decided to keep the rest of the story to myself. It's still there. I could post it anytime. But I'm not going to.

I also got a glowing compliment on a fic and went into a flurry of writing, suddenly inspired, then by happenstance got a nasty, impatient comment on that same fic a few days and moved onto writing a different fic that didn't have that associated annoyance.

Like. I am writing for fun. For me. I reread and enjoy my fics all the time because they're exactly the story I want to read. I get the same enjoyment out of a fic wither or not anyone else ever sees it or knows it exists.

I'm sharing it for fun too.

I'm not going to share if sharing isn't fun.

I’m not going to share if sharing isn’t fun.


I once got a comment on a fic that just read RIP with my username. It's really fucking demotivating. Maybe the work will end up abandoned, maybe it won't, but don't fucking leave this sort of shit on a fic. It's more likely to prevent any future updates than encourage them. Authors are not vending machines. You can not shake us and force the story out (believe us, many of us have tried doing this to ourselves because we want to finish the story but sometimes life and other shit gets in the way).


I keep seeing posts talking about the WGA/Sag-Aftra strike, which yes, good, but in all this "support writers" sentiment I'm seeing no one talk about book writers, which I think is something people should know more about right now.

We are at an all-time high for book bans, namely targeting queer & PoC-authored books. This means that a lot of schools and libraries are no longer stocking diverse YA books, and if you're not in publishing, you may not realize this but school & libraries are by far one of the biggest markets for diverse YA books.

This means that in 2023, YA book sales are down. This is also in part because Barnes & Noble (the largest physical book retailer in the U.S.) is no longer really stocking YA hardcovers. This means that marginalized authors and debut authors are struggling to sell books.

But it's a LOT worse than that. In the past couple of years, marginalized authors are *really* struggling to get new book deals. Most books are acquired by a publisher about 2 years before they release to the public, so this isn't all that noticeable yet, but a LOT of marginalized authors I've spoken to (myself included) have been unable to sell a new YA book since 2020. So while I had a book out last year, even if I sell one right now, you won't see it until 2025-2026. That's three to four years without a new release or the income I get from publishing those books.

On top of that, Big 5 publishers have started closing imprints (namely their diverse imprints) and have started telling their marginalized YA authors to just go. I've had multiple authors tell me their publisher basically said, "eh, we don't care to put in the work for you anymore. You can just go somewhere else". Of the authors who *are* getting offered new contracts, we're being offered pay far below the cost of living and we're being handed contracts that split our payments 4 or 5 ways and require we sign over our work to be used to train AI so they can replace us a few years down the road.

Authors are freelancers who own our IPs, which means we can't unionize the way Hollywood writers can, and despite authors showing up in droves to support HarperCollins employees when they went on strike for fair wages, we're being hung out to dry when it comes to our own rights.

If you enjoy diverse books, especially diverse YA, please understand that many of the authors you loved over the past 3-5 years are being forced out of the industry. We're being exploited, and we have no way to defend ourselves. Our books sales are drying up thanks to anti-queer legislation, our rights are being eaten up by AI, and our publishers are degrading us while profiting of us and refusing to share those profits with us.

Within the publishing industry, we've all been watching this decline happen over the last decade, but outside of it, I know most people have no idea what's going on so please spread the word. And if you care about diverse books especially in YA, please support marginalized authors in any way you can. The industry needs to be reminded that it needs us before we're all eliminated from it.


This. :/


I would literally be unstoppable if I didn’t have that persistent pit in my stomach that everyone in a room is just a little bit annoyed by my presence


I really think everyone needs to truly internalize this:

Fictional characters are objects.

They are not people. You cannot "objectify" them, because they have no personhood to be deprived of. They have no humanity to be erased. You cannot "disrespect" them, because they are not real.

I know this has good intentions, so I will just add the "how you treat them, even as objects of fiction, can speak about your own character, be careful out there"

Your addition is actually completely antithetical to my message. It is literally the opposite of what I am conveying.

Stop telling people to encourage the cop inside their head.

How you treat fictional characters, given they are entirely objects of fiction, does NOT necessarily speak to your own character, and you do not need to be "careful".

It is not dangerous to imagine dark things happening to fictional characters. It does not mean you are secretly a bad person. It does not mean you unconsciously want to hurt people in real life. It is not a "slippery slope" to doing bad things to people in real life. You cannot damage your brain or turn yourself into a bad person by consuming "dark" fanfic.

I can write tentacle noncon of my favorite character all day long and be a fierce anti-sexual assault advocate in real life because what I do in my head is not the same thing as what I do in real life.


Of all the people who have beef with Columbus, I didn't expect the Spanish Inquisition.

Good time to mention Columbus was Genoese Italian, not Spanish.

It's true! But since Columbus kind of soured his credibility in Italy (one such reason being his assertion that the earth was shaped like a pear with a nipple in the North Pole) he tried his luck with the Spanish royals. Even they were annoyed by him to the point where they decided to just give him the ships and get him to fuck off. If he got them the spice route they wanted, great. If he died, just as good.

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