
My artwork for @humanformdragon‘s beautiful fic Deck (link when available) for Castiel Big Bang 2017.

A thoughtful and punchy piece about Castiel mostly from the perspective of two women who wish they understood him. It’s tightly written, amazingly well characterised, believable and sweetly sad. 

If you like Cas centred fics that give love to some underappreciated characters, and pass the bechdel test, then this (fairly short, but stays with you long after) read is a must!


‘birthing a nephilim, fatal. everytime.’ do angels know this and if they do then why did they go and kill that angel and the girl in lily sunder has some regrets if the mom was still alive so it was obvs not a nephilim lmao what the fuck is going on

I thought the nephilim story was a lie, whatshisface was just angry that lily refused to be with him and killed her daughter because of it. Nephilim story he invented to get the other angels to come with him for backup.

yeah it was a lie. what im saying is: how did the other angels not realize it was a lie if the supposed mother was still alive & ‘birthing a nephilim is fatal every time’

But Ishim's gang didn't go there to kill the mother of the nephilim, only the angel dad and the nephilim. So they had no interest in the birth mother.

From the angels perspective, as far as they're​ concerned Lily need not have been the nephilim birth mother, and believed that the mother HAD died.



Everyone’s favourite DADA teacher :)

Really can’t decide if I hate this or not. Everytime I find something I hate, I find something I like... so, whatevs. Can’t be bothered fiddling with it anymore, it was just a practice piece anyway ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Listeners, this just in: Dean Winchester, you know, the mechanic who works in the car lot near Old Woman Josie’s house? Well, he says that the angels (which we all know don’t exist) revealed themselves to him last night; said one of them had blue eyes, wore a dirty trench coat and helped him replace the tire on a ‘67 Chevy Impala. Apparently, other angels were there too, but they were (and I’m quoting here) “dicks.”


Night vale/SPN crossover! I’ve been wanting to do this since I listened to the first episode. 


so i just googled the phrase “toeing out of his shoes” to make sure it was an actual thing

and the results were:

it’s all fanfiction

which reminds me that i’ve only ever seen the phrase “carding fingers through his hair” and people describing things like “he’s tall, all lean muscle and long fingers,” like that formula of “they’re ____, all ___ and ____” or whatever in fic

idk i just find it interesting that there are certain phrases that just sort of evolve in fandom and become prevalent in fic bc everyone reads each other’s works and then writes their own and certain phrases stick

i wish i knew more about linguistics so i could actually talk about it in an intelligent manner, but yeah i thought that was kinda cool

Ha! Love it!

One of my fave authors from ages ago used the phrase “a little helplessly” (like “he reached his arms out, a little helplessly”) in EVERY fic she wrote. She never pointed it out—there just came a point where I noticed it like an Easter egg. So I literally *just* wrote it into my in-progress fic this weekend as an homage only I would notice. <3

To me it’s still the quintessential “two dudes doing each other” phrase.

I think different fic communities develop different phrases too! You can (usually) date a mid 00s lj fic (or someone who came of age in that style) by the way questions are posed and answered in the narration, e.g. “And Patrick? Is not okay with this.” and by the way sex scenes are peppered with “and, yeah.” I remember one Frerard fic that did this so much that it became grating, but overall I loved the lj style because it sounded so much like how real people talk. Another classic phrase: wondering how far down the _ goes. I’ve seen it mostly with freckles, but also with scars, tattoos, and on one memorable occasion, body glitter at a club. Often paired with the realization during sexy times that “yeah, the __ went all they way down.” I’ve seen this SO much in fic and never anywhere else

whoa, i remember reading lj fics with all of those phrases! i also remember a similar thing in teen wolf fics in particular - they often say “and derek was covered in dirt, which. fantastic.” like using “which” as a sentence-ender or at least like sprinkling it throughout the story in ways published books just don’t.



I love this. Though I don’t think of myself as fantastic writer, by any means, I know the way I write was shaped more by fanfiction and than actual novels. 

I think so much of it has to do with how fanfiction is written in a way that feels real. conversations carry in a way that doesn’t feel forced and is like actual interactions. Thoughts stop in the middle of sentences.

The coherency isn’t lost, it just marries itself to the reader in a different way. A way that shapes that reader/writer and I find that so beautiful. 


and it poses an intellectual question of whether the value we assign to fanfic conversational prose would translate at all to someone who reads predominantly contemporary literature. as writers who grew up on the internet find their way into publishing houses, what does this mean for the future of contemporary literature? how much bleed over will there be?

we’ve already seen this phenomenon begin with hot garbage like 50 shades, and the mainstream public took to its shitty overuse of conversational prose like it was a refreshing drink of water. what will this mean for more wide-reaching fiction?


I’m sure someone could start researching this even now, with writers like Rainbow Rowell and Naomi Novik who have roots in fandom. (If anyone does this project please tell me!) It would be interesting to compare, say, a corpus of a writer’s fanfic with their published fiction (and maybe with a body of their nonfiction, such as their tweets or emails), using the types of author-identification techniques that were used to determine that J.K. Rowling was Robert Galbraith.

One thing that we do know is that written English has gotten less formal over the past few centuries, and in particular that the word “the” has gotten much less frequent over time.

In an earlier discussion, Is French fanfic more like written or spoken French?, people mentioned that French fanfic is a bit more literary than one might expect (it generally uses the written-only tense called the passé simple, rather than the spoken-only tense called the passé composé). So it’s not clear to what extent the same would hold for English fic as well – is it just a couple phrases, like “toeing out of his shoes”? Are the google results influenced by the fact that most published books aren’t available in full text online? Or is there broader stuff going on? Sounds like a good thesis project for someone! 


My artwork for the incredible It’s a Long Life to Always Be Longing by @pomegranatedaffodil, for the inaugural pinefest.

I must say, I’m rather proud of my gif; the gun and feather were fun.

Anyway, I hit the jackpot with this one :) It’s well-written, and beautifully characterised, with an air-tight and realistic plot. Reading it felt like it was written specifically for me! For anyone else who loves and craves Sam-Cas interaction, with a dollop of the wayward daughters and some happiness for Sam, all under a banner of Destiel, then why the hell are you still here and not reading it right now?!


i literally procrastinate talking to my friends like it hits me “oh shit i havent talked to that friend in a while” and im like “yeah ill have to do that later” and then i dont

then i feel really guilty about it and [AVOIDANCE INTENSIFIES]

Then it’s like a month later, and I’m just sitting there like, if I never speak to them maybe they’ll just forget I ever existed.

Periodic reminder when this kind of post comes up that being my friend means never having to say “sorry i dropped off the face of the earth for a few weeks/months/years” there. I get it. I promise. I vanish sometimes too and then get all avoidant about it. I’ll understand if you need to do the same, and I’ll be here when you come back. Team Weird Avoidant People Who Are Sort of Terrible At Friendship But Trying Really Hard needs to stick together.




Posts on: February 25th

Summary: Dean’s life has always been dictated by duty rather than by need. So when Amara offers to give him the thing he needs most, he doesn’t know what to expect, but it certainly isn’t this: a chance to rest, some time away from his life and his burdens. Now he’s trapped in an enchanted sleep, unable to bring himself back to the waking world.

It’s up to Sam and Castiel to gather the components of a spell that will bring Dean back to them. Through road trips, honest conversations, and a lot of patience, they’ll make sure Dean comes home. And when he does, maybe he and Castiel will finally have a chance to act on long-buried feelings brought to the surface by their enforced separation.

Canon-divergent from the end of 11.23.

Keep reading for a sneak preview!

Anonymous asked:

"that means cosmic consequences for me because i made the deal and probably cas because he broke it" And Sam too, right? Dean's the one who called Billie, but both of them made the deal.

Hmm… possibly? 

The whole notion of ~cosmic consequences~ is so vague that it’s difficult to know how they’re going to come about, whether they’re something that will be actively enforced by some sentient being on Billie’s behalf, or a pre-planned spell that has already been automatically triggered, or some other means.

You’re right that Sam took part in the blood pact, but–and this is purely headcanon, so YMMV–I sincerely doubt that Dean ever intended for anyone but himself to be the one to die. 

Isolation is worse than hell for Dean; he’d rather be dead than trapped alone with his thoughts, but I’d bet good money that he’d consider freedom at the cost of Sam’s life worse still. He wouldn’t be able to live with himself.

Basically, just going on what we know about Dean and Sam as people, I imagine that he told Billie to humor Sam and make him think it could be either of them.

IDK, like I said, this is just headcanon. Most likely, the cosmic consequences will fall on all of them, including Mary. 


Okay so I probably missed something that this conversation references but I’m gonna butt in anyway (….hi cass)

I didn’t get the feeling that Dean was worried about Sam, or himself. If he’d thought Cas had put Sam in danger, he’d have been yelling at him (I mean, that’s what’s happened before). The whole silent treatment thing is new. It seemed like Dean’s worried specifically about Cas… and Billie did say specifically that the person who breaks the blood agreement is the one asking for consequences–Cas is the one who says he broke it. Granted, they don’t really know what the consequences are or how they’ll play out, but that seems like a narrative choice the writers are making to put the onus of consequence on Cas… including Dean being worried about him. “I’m not mad, I’m worried.” Right? That was aimed at Cas, no one else. If he’d thought Cas has put Sam in danger, he’d probably be mad

That said, if Dean and Cas get cursed because they’re the ones who made and broke the blood pact respectively, they should totally try to save themselves from ~cosmic consequences~ with the most powerful magic spell, which as we all know, is True Love’s Kiss ™.

Wouldn’t hurt to try, is all.

Well, damn AJ, you’ve got a point. It’d be reckless if they didn’t give it a shot :P

Well, I'm confused as to how there should even be ~consequences~. Neither Dean nor Sam actually broke the pact, because they were both willing participants at the time of Billie's death. Cas, who wasn't even a part of the deal, killed her.

So by the same logic, if Billie's had been killed before midnight whilst busy on the other side of the world, would Sam n Dean still have 'broken' the deal?

Or is it all about some intangible 'intentions' whereby the pact was specifically being broken by the act of killing Billie, thus making it count as cheating by the all-knowing universe?

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