
G3N3T!CS Engineer


This is my RP/ask blog for G3N3T!CS Bel. Go check out my other blogs, @ask-bel-and-engi and @ask-pastel-scout. Look for the tag rules, bio, and reference to find them.
Anonymous asked:

"Cass? What happened?" (Bel-g3)

The assistant just stared coldly at the engineer, pushing a pair of fashionable office glasses up her nose and fixed the end that was tucked inside her hairstyle instead of her burnt flat ear

“Nothing much, I simply got dragged into a… situation”

She looked around and wrote something on the clipboard she was carrying without looking at it and showed her girlfriend the paper that read:

“’This pen has a microphone, I don’t know what else on me may have one and I’m afraid these glasses could even have a camera. I’m so paranoid about this. I’m in with the administration to get info since we don’t have a spy anymore’”


Bel read over the paper twice, before nodding. She then looked around. "I am gonna be over there if ya need me..." She motioned to the left, raising an eyebrow, hoping to get her to come that way.


Taking a break

I’ve been super down lately. So. I guess I’ll talk to y'all whenever. If you must know the details, hmu on messages. Peace.


Injured/Injury Starters


  • “Oh shit, are you alright?”
  • “Dude, I don’t think you’re alright.”
  • “Blood’s not supposed to be coming from there…”
  • “That looks broken.”
  • “Can you move your __?” 
  • “Are you okay?”
  • “That doesn’t look good.”
  • “Who did this?”
  • “Did you do this to yourself?”
  • “How did this happen?”
  • “We need to get you to a hospital.”
  • “Do you need to go to a hospital?”
  • “That’s not supposed to bend that way.”
  • “Do you want me to look at it?”
  • “Don’t move, you’ll make it worse!”
  • “Stop moving!”
  • “There’s so much blood.”
  • “I’ll see if I have a first aid kit.”
  • “Just… Stay here and I’ll get help.”
  • “How did you even do this?”
  • “This happened in a fight?”
  • “Walk it off.”
  • “It’s not that bad.” 
  • “I think you need stitches.”
  • “You dumbass.” 


  • “I think I hurt myself.”
  • “I can’t feel my __.”
  • “I think my __ is broken.”
  • “Shit, that hurts to move.”
  • “I don’t think I can get up.”
  • “I’m going to try to get up.”
  • “Can you go get help?” 
  • “I need help.”
  • “I think I’m going to pass out.”
  • “I don’t think there’s supposed to be that much blood.”
  • “It’s not that bad.”
  • “I got [shot, stabbed, etc].”
  • “I can’t walk.”
  • “I don’t think I need to go to a hospital.”
  • “I think I need to go to the hospital.”
  • “Stop laughing, this hurts.”
  • “My last words better not be stupid.”
  • “That was a dumb idea.”
  • “Shit, that burns.”
  • “I’m fine… really.”
  • “Damn, I can’t get the bleeding to stop.”
  • “I got into a fight…”
  • “I feel lightheaded.”
  • “It hurts to move.”
  • “Can you look at it for me?” 

Even More Unusual Asks

😬- If you bit someone, would it hurt? 🏨- Name a time you were badly injured. What happened and what caused it? 🏆- Do you consider yourself competitive at all? What will you do to win a game/fight? 🥘- Are you good at cooking? What is the best dish you have made. Alternatively, how bad are you at cooking? What’s the worst dish you’ve made? 🌴- Do you like going on vacation? Or does your boss force you to take a break? 🐚- When treasure hunting, what do you look for? Stuff that sparkles and shines or dusty ancient relics? 👓- How good is your eyesight? Do you ever need glasses for anything? 👛- What are the contents of your purse/bag/pockets? 👘- Describe your formal attire. What would you wear to a wedding, fancy dance/date/dinner, funeral, or similar formal events? 🐩- What dog breed bests suits you? 🐆- What cat breed best suits you? 🐻- What wild animal best suits you? 🎀- Do you like cute things at all? What is the cutest thing you have or have met? 🎉- What is a typical birthday celebration like for you? How do you go about celebrating other people’s birthdays? 🗝- What is looped around your key ring? 🛁- What do you do to treat yourself? 💉- Do you dislike shots and injections? 🌅- Are there any scenic locations you would like to live out your retirement in? 🍸- Do you need to relax right now? What do you do when you take the day off? 🏰- If you owned a castle, what would you make it look like? 🚏- How good are you with directions? Do you get lost easily? ⚽️- What games did you play with other kids when you were younger? 🍱- Are you hungry right now? Are you craving anything to eat?


accidental affection

send me ✗ for my muse to fall on yours and land on top of them
send me □ for your muse to fall on mine and land on top of them
send me ♕ for your muse to get dared to kiss me
send me ♢ for my muse to get dared to kiss yours
send me ♫ for your muse to catch mine singing in the shower
send me ♩ for my muse to catch yours singing in the shower
send me ♡ for your muse to drunkenly confess feelings to mine
send me ☽ for my muse to drunkenly confess feelings to yours
send me △ for my muse to get trapped in a small closet with yours
send me ❅ for my muse to cuddle up next to yours while asleep on the couch
send me ❥ for your muse to cuddle up next to mine while asleep on the couch

Random Sentences Starters

  • “Alright, I love you, but you need Jesus.”
  • “Are you done?”
  • “Are you reading fanfiction?”
  • “Can I have your fries?”
  • “Coffee is the only substance I drink.”
  • “Did you get my text?”
  • “Eat my whole ass.”
  • “Hey, don’t insult memes!”
  • “How long have you been playing that game?”
  • “I don’t know whether to be insulted or impressed.”
  • “I like your taste in music.”
  • “I said I’m sorry!”
  • “I think your gayness might be affecting me.”
  • “It’s a damn shame.”
  • “I’ll be home in five minutes.”
  • “I’m just gonna nope out of this situation.”
  • “I’m sorry…”
  • “I’m three feet away from you, why did you text me?”
  • “Let me go.”
  • “Like a good neighbour I’m gonna take your shit and never give it back.”
  • “Me. I meant me.”
  • “Nice voice crack.”
  • “Our friendship is weird as hell. But so are we. So it’s perfect!”
  • “Please don’t do this…”
  • “Suck my ass through a straw.”
  • “Touching leads to babies.”
  • “Um?”
  • “Wait up!”
  • “What are you talking about?”
  • “What the hell is that?”
  • “… What the fuck is wrong with you?”
  • “What’s going on?”
  • “Why are you like this?”
  • “Your taste in music is shit.”
  • “You’re trash for her, aren’t you?”
  • “You’re trash for him, aren’t you?”

Please reblog this is if you would rp with trans muses.

I see a lot of people unwilling to rp with me because my muse is trans, and because of that I feel nobody in the rp community ever will. So, yeah, reblog if you would rp with trans muses (nonbinary muses included).


Fight/Argument Sentence Starters

"Make me"
"Don't tempt me"
"I hate you"
"You are infuriating"
"Just shut up already"
"That doesn't even make sense"
"Bite me"
"Eat me"
"Kiss my ass"
"Just admit i'm right"
"Just admit you're wrong"
"You are being ridiculous"
"That's irrational"
"Listen to me"
"That's not what I meant and you know it"
"Don't yell at me"
"That's it. End of discussion"
"I don't believe you"
"Don't look at me like that"
"What's with that look?"
"Go away"
"Don't talk to me"
"Do you ever shut up?"
"You're such a loud mouth"
"You shouldn't have said that"
"Fuck you"
"Step on a lego"
"Get bent"
"Shut your mouth before I shut it for you"
"It isn't up for debate"
"Don't question my orders"
"I recognize that you have reached a decision, but given that it is a stupid ass decision I have elected to ignore it"
"That is the worst idea i've ever heard"
"Who writes your plans, the village idiot?"
"That's mine"
"Give it back"
"Don't touch my stuff"
"That's not yours"
"Just leave already"
"The door is over there"
"I cannot deal with your bullshit right now"
"I have my orders"
"You have your orders"

drabble challenge

Drabble challenge: send an ask with a letter (A or B), number and a pairing for a drabble with the following sentence:

A) sad/angsty:

  1. There’s not enough room for all of your bullshit.
  2. I just didn’t want to throw this away.
  3. That’s a conversation we should’ve had when it still meant something.
  4. I never meant for us to be like this.
  5. This was a mistake from the start.
  6. It hurts until it doesn’t anymore.
  7. If I wanted to punch you I would’ve already.
  8. It’s terrifying, how nothing ever stays, don’t you think?
  9. Did you even care?
  10. You should just go before you ruin my memory of you.
  11. No point telling me this now.
  12. I hate how much you mean to me.
  13. So you didn’t want me to go, just not enough to ask me to stay?
  14. Don’t make me say this again.
  15. You should’ve thought about this sooner, asshole.
  16. If you could erase it all, would you?
  17. Where did this go wrong?
  18. I can’t remember when I stopped looking at you like I used to.
  19. You have to choose. I won’t bother you, I swear.
  20. I can’t be that person for you anymore.
  21.  If you go now, we’re done.
  22. Do you want to watch it one last time, before you go?
  23. How did we let it get to this point?
  24. There’s a difference between wanting and needing. You never seemed to notice.
  25. Please. Stay.

B) happy/fluffy:

  1. No, you go first!
  2. Well, it’s not technically cheating…
  3. I can’t take you seriously with that stain on your shirt.
  4. You never told me you could dance.
  5. Wait, that wasn’t a joke?
  6. In my defense, I really needed to pee.
  7. You have ten seconds to explain why you were chatting up that old lady at the grocery store.
  8. Do you want to see something really weird?
  9. Some people? Own several identical leather jackets?? To cope???
  10. Please tell me this tattoo is fake.
  11. Why do you have seven copies of the same book?
  12. How do you accidentally set a shirt on fire?!?
  13. Life choices. We all make them.
  14. If you wanna judge, please do it quietly.
  15. Your cat keeps sneaking into my apartment. I think it likes me more.
  16. I thought I was your favorite person!
  17. You’re not badass, you just look like a murderous toddler.
  18. Am I allowed to say you’re cute?
  19. Well, you’re definitely my best something.
  20. Is that your weird way of telling me you like me?
  21. Hey, my dumb friend edited all of my contacts to Harry Potter characters.
  22. Fine. But you owe me a drink. Or five.
  23. Great, we’re stuck here.
  24. Did you know you talk in your sleep? Lots, actually.
  25. Wanna bet?

TF2 Specific M!A's

Team Swap: Your muse has now switched teams! If they were on RED they are now on BLU, and vice versa. If the muse is part of the Administration then they are put on the team of anon's or mun's choosing. Last as long as specified or desired.
Class Switch: Looks like somebody mixed up your muse's contract files! They are a now a different class of the anon's or mun's choosing. Lasts as long as specified or desired.
Batter Up!: Muse is now a Scout! Lasts as long as specified or desired.
Screamin' Eagles!: Muse is now a Soldier! Lasts as long as specified or desired.
Mmph!: Muse is now a Pyro! Lasts as long as specified or desired.
Kablooie!: Muse is now a Demoman! Lasts as long as specified or desired.
Who Touched My Gun?!: Muse is now a Heavy. Lasts as long as specified or desired.
Sentry Goin' Up!: Muse is now an Engineer! Lasts as long as specified or desired.
Can You Feel the Schadenfreude?: Muse is now a Medic! Lasts as long as specified or desired.
Boom, Headshot.: Muse is now a Sniper! Lasts as long as specified or desired.
You Got Blood on My Suit.: Muse is now a Spy! Lasts as long as specified or desired.
New Teammate Approaches!: Muse is now a 10th Class (i.e. Seeker, Hook, Safeguard, etc.) of anon's choosing! Lasts as long as specified or desired. ((NOTE: All of these are fan classes and the credit for them goes to their owners! I just thought it'd be fun to be inclusive, but if any of the creators are uncomfortable with this M!A let me know and I'll remove it!))
Administration: Whether by some blessing or curse, muse is now part of the Administration! Kiss your days off goodbye. Lasts as long specified or desired.
Weapon Randomizer: Muse's weapons have been taken away and replaced with completely different ones! Could be from the same class or from another one entirely. Up to anon decide which weapons, and lasts as long as specified or desired.
Spliced: Looks like another one of Medic's experiments gone wrong. Or well, depending on how you see it. Muse's DNA has been spliced with an animal's DNA of anon's choosing, making them half of that animal! Lasts as long as specified or desired.
It's Not Even Halloween!: Muse now has the powers of Merasmus the Wizard! Don't let him find out, he'll probably be pissed. Lasts as long as specified or desired.
Freak Fortress: Muse is now a monster of anon's choosing! Lasts as long as specified or desired.

Assorted First Meeting Symbol Prompts

💌- Our muses are pen pals who finally meet up in real life. 🐬- Our muses meet while they are both on vacation. 🗡- Our muses run into each other on opposing sides on the battlefield, but are forced to stick together when they lose contact with their leaders. 🐆- My/your muse is the last of their species, while my/your muse is tracking them down. 💎- Our muses are both jewel thieves who have set their sights on a large and valuable gem. 🍰- Our muses are awkwardly seated together at a crowded cafe. 🦄- Our muses have been having very strange dreams where they see and talk to each other. Out of nowhere, they spy each other in a public place. 👘- Our muses bump into each other at a small town festival/fair. 🔥- My/Your muse rescues mine/your muse from a wild or house fire. 🌲- My/your muse is feral and living in the wild, and stumbles upon your/my muse by coincidence. 🎀- My/your muse has been an orphan all their lives, and your/my muse ends up adopting them. 👑- Our muses are the heirs to rival kingdoms, and must meet to attempt to settle their kingdom’s differences. 👒- Your/my muse finds my/your muse crying and upset after a bad breakup. 🌪- Our muses stick together after a powerful natural disaster has laid their home to waste. 🏚- My/your muse’s town has been throughly destroyed by raiders, and they are the only survivor a rescue team led by your/my muse can find. 🔪- My/your muse attacks yours/mine out of sheer panic. 🔗- Our muses are both taken as prisoners of war and are forced to share the same cell. 🎙- Our muses meet at a concert for a famous musician/band. 🐚- Our muses are seashell hunting on the beach and strike up a conversation while searching. 🏵- My/your muse risks their life to save your/my muse from certain death. 🍣- Our muses were set up for a blind date by a mutual friend. 🐺- My/your muse is an abandoned child who has been raiding your/my muse’s trash cans for awhile now, until they are caught red-handed. 🏝- My/your muse was shipwrecked and washed up on the shore by your/my muse’s tiny town or island. 🤺- My/your muse ends up becoming your/my muse’s mentor. ☄️- My/your muse is an alien or angel who accidentally crash-landed in your/my muse’s backyard. 🌼- My/your muse stumbles upon your/my muse sitting alone in a flower field. ⛑- My/your muse is a lone medic or Good Samaritan who saved your/my muse’s life when they were very close to death. 🔐- Your/my muse stumbled upon my/your muse caught in a trap and are unable to free themselves. 🛁- Our muses meet in a beauty parlor/spa/bath house. 🔬- Your/my muse is conducting research on my/your muse, who is being held captive in a laboratory. 🦈- My/your muse is a mermaid/man who took pity on and rescued your/my muse. 🌙- Our muses find that they have incredible superpowers and team up with each other to either protect or destroy the world.

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