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I dare you to try and keep up w/ whatever i’m currently staning. I can barely do it myself

The Stanford prison experiment tapes were so stupid when I watched them in AP psych and so stupid when I watch this film about them. Literally they could’ve all sat and played cards and got $15 a day to tell ghost stories all day and be best friends. But masculinity and whiteness and power created this violent irrationality that positioned young ass men to be met with brutality and trauma and disrespect even when it was obviously taken too far. and it makes no sense. If someone put me in a room with Black girls and said I would get paid $90 a day (that’s the equivalent apparently) to be a prison guard, do you know how fast I’d be sitting with them and learning about them and exchanging Instagrams and like.. sleeping.. like what the fuck was the point of any of that…

My psych teacher introduced us to this study and literally before she showed us was like “don’t ever confuse a study based on one type of person (white men/boys) to be an example of an Everyman situation. There is strong evidence that if this was recreated with diversity, or even just with girls, that the results would have been drastically different. This is an example of bias and sexism in the medical research community.”


“Other, more subtle factors also shaped the experiment. It’s often said that the study participants were ordinary guys—and they were, indeed, determined to be “normal” and healthy by a battery of tests. But they were also a self-selected group who responded to a newspaper advertisement seeking volunteers for “a psychological study of prison life.” In a 2007 study, the psychologists Thomas Carnahan and Sam McFarland asked whether that wording itself may have stacked the odds. They recreated the original ad, and then ran a separate ad omitting the phrase “prison life.” They found that the people who responded to the two ads scored differently on a set of psychological tests. Those who thought that they would be participating in a prison study had significantly higher levels of aggressiveness, authoritarianism, Machiavellianism, narcissism, and social dominance, and they scored lower on measures of empathy and altruism.” http://www.newyorker.com/science/maria-konnikova/the-real-lesson-of-the-stanford-prison-experiment

The thing about this study is that whether or not it’s generalizable to the public is debatable at best.

But it’s certainly generalizable to the population of people who tend to be drawn to prison system and law enforcement jobs because that’s exactly the demographics that tend to show up in those positions.

Oh my god the famously bad design of this study was so bad they did more studies to prove how it was bad resulting in both the original and the follow ups accidentally providing data that law enforcement attracts bastards who want a power trip.


keira knigthley appreciation period movies

Elizabeth Swann Pirates of Caribbean 

Elizabeth Bennet Pride and Prejudice 

Cecilia Tallis Atonement

Vera Philips The Edge of Love

Georgiana Cavendish The Duchess

 Sabina A dangerous method 

Anna Karenina

Ruth Never Let me Go

 Joan Clarke Imitation Game


Guinevere King Arhtur 

Joanna Last Night BONUS 


hazel not being written as a child is definitely tied into seeing young black girls as older and more mature when they are just as much children as their white counterparts.

I kept forgetting her age when I read pjo cause she was never treated as a 13 y/o


bad representation in the pjo-verse: a masterpost

racism/offensive stereotyping

reyna: this + this

mallory: this + this

eastern asian/southeastern asian rep: this + this + this + this

antisemitism: this + this + this , lavinia + this

the gods and dna: this + this

general racism: this + this + this + this + this + this + this

cultural appropriation: this + this 


nico’s romanticized forced outing: this + this

lesbophobia: this + this + this + this + this

non-canon canon (a la jkr) ace/aro rep: this + this

transphobia: this + this + this


general issues: this + this + this + this

clovis: this + this

big age gaps



Saving this cause I can’t read all of it at once


Stiles Appreciation Post!

Because, I don’t know if anyone actually pointed out how awesome he was in Motel California. Yeah, he talked Scott out of suicide. I know that bit…

But how about the part where he took on ETHAN WITH A FUCKING HANDSAW. TO SAVE ETHAN’S LIFE.

147 pounds of pale skin and fragile bone would not withstand a cut from such an instrument, yet still he dashed in there to save the life of an ENEMY.

He had no reason to do what he did. AT ALL. Why should he care about Ethan? 

He did it because, yeah, even though sometimes most of the time Stiles is focused on his own and doesn’t give two shits about anyone else, he still has that daring streak where it counts.

And he knows that even though Ethan is an asshole, he doesn’t deserve to go out with a slice under the influence of wolfsbane,

P.S. Scott is awesome too. This is not an “I hate Scott, let’s worship Stiles” post. I hate that crazy train. I do not ride it.


Can we talk about the parallel between 2x12 & 3x06, Master Plan & Motel California ?

NOTE: if you haven’t seen those episodes of Teen Wolf, you’d better not read ahead.

At the end of Master Plan, Scott & Stiles are playing lacrosse & Scott actually does an assessment of the past seasons. Here’s the dialogue:

Scott: Hey, you know what I just realized? I’m right back where I started. Stiles: What do you mean? Scott: I mean… No lacrosse, no popularity, no girlfriend. Nothing. Stiles: Dude, you still got me. Scott: I had you before. Stiles: Yeah, and you still got me. Okay? So, life fulfilled. Scott: [grins at Stiles] Very.

And in Motel California, when Scott is lead to commit suicide, he does a very heartwarming speech, regarding what happened to him the past months. Here it is:

Scott: It all started that night, the night I gotten bitten. Remember the way it was before that? You and me? We were nothing. We weren’t popular. We weren’t good at lacrosse. We weren’t important. We were no one. Maybe I should just be no one again. No one at all. Stiles: Scott, just listen to me. You’re not no one. Scott, you’re my best friend, okay, and I need you. Scott, you’re my brother. Alright, so if we’re gonna do this, then I think you’re just gonna have to take me with you then.

In both moments, Scott states on the fact he had nothing before (except Stiles). And by before, or start, he always means before the bite. Not before-the-alphas-came, not before-every-other-teenager-became-a-werewolf, but before the bite. But the most important is that, in Master Plan, he is using humor, and doesn’t seem unpleased by his werewolf state. He just seems disappointed to have lost it all. Whereas, in Motel California, it’s no longer funny. It’s Scott, thinking he won’t ever be able to be happy again. But not because what happened, this time, but because he is a werewolf. That’s the change. More than ever, he is the werewolf in the Team Human; more than ever is the about-to-be-sooner-or-later Alpha. And more & more is he getting close to this, the more and more the human, friend, lover, and leader in him is getting human. It’s not about wining lacrosse anymore, not about super-hearing or taking advantages of being a werewolf. It’s about sacrificing everything he loved about his life, to be the person he could face in the mirror.

And in both cases, it’s Stilinski who brings him back to Earth. Back to what he really is. He is a werewolf, but a high-school student in a lacrosse team. He is a werewolf, but his best friend. He was no-one, but he had Stiles.

Stiles is Scott’s anchor. Human, werewolf, Aplha, or anything. Stiles is Scott’s anchor, and above all, Stiles has accepted Scott’s situation, accepted enough to decide to move wherever he’ll be going. Stiles has understood, way before everyone else, that their lives were going to change, that they were going to pass horrible moments. But, he welcomed it. He accepted it gladly. Because it meant staying with Scott, helping his friend. Because it meant saving his brother from himself.

This parallel really had me. Because it’s everything those teenagers are, despite the horrors they are trapped in.


I really enjoy that Boyd was going to the track meet with everyone else.

Because the only explanation for his presence is that Coach Finstock was Coach Finstock and roped him into it – never mind that he wasn’t technically on the lacrosse team to begin with and was a stand-in for one game, never mind that he had been missing for months, and who cares if he hadn’t been training? Let’s not let that stand in the way of WINNING!

Actually, if Finstock is representative of the normal Beacon Hills populace then no wonder no one has noticed werewolves.


Stiles is definitely magical

I recently made a theory that Stiles was the one who made the lights flicker in a few scenes here . Someone added a few more scenes as well. I’m watching Motel California, and I noticed something else that looks pretty interesting that Stiles does. This is bad quality, but it’s all I can find. Go here to see the scene.

In this scene, Stiles almost lands on the handsaw when he gets it away from Ethan. Lydia pulls the plug, but I noticed something. It should still be going pretty quickly - and it is at first - however, Stiles blows on it and all of the sudden, it stops.

That doesn’t seem normal.

Also, the first time Deaton tells Stiles that he has a Spark, he is told that he had to believe. He believes that the mountain ash will work when it definitely shouldn’t have gone that far and he also breaks the circle differently than everyone else as he seems to just wave his hands over it and not actually touch them. In addition he was doing CPR wrong when he was trying to save Cora but he thought he was doing it the right way and she started breathing again.

One more thing I found interesting … before Jennifer kidnaps the Sheriff, she blocks Stiles out of the room. She’s dealing with a werewolf, the Sheriff, and Lydia in the room but for some reason, she won’t let Stiles in and blocks it. What else could a human could have done that she couldn’t handle?

Stiles is a druid, Stiles is going to be Scott’s emissary.


When my mom and aunt were younger my aunt was in high school and my mom in middle school. A group of girls were bullying my aunt and one slapped her in the lunch room. The principal met with my grandma and the other mom. He said they weren’t punishing the other girl because he didn’t get involved in “girl problems.” My grandma asked if that meant my aunt could retaliate the next time it happened and he said no then it would be a fight and they’d both get in trouble.

So my grandma turned away from him and to the other mom and said “I have another daughter. She doesn’t go to this school and she’s a star softball player with her own bat. You can tell your daughter to stop bothering mine or you can drive her to the hospital with a shattered jaw. That’s your choice.” And walked out.

Few months later that girl stole a necklace from my aunt. My grandma called the cops and they all drove to her house to get it back. The cop came outside with it and said he told the family my grandma wouldn’t press charges if they gave it back. My grandma took the necklace and said “Then you’re going to have to go in and tell them you lied because I am pressing charges. She’s a thief and I want her treated like one.”

My grandma was a single mom in the 70s with two daughters and she took no shit from men who tried to undermine her and her daughters.

She also got excommunicated and then re-communicated after bothering the Vatican enough to let her back in

She doesn’t even like being Catholic and is Episcopalian now. It was more of a “You can’t fire me, I quit!” which is even better, at least to me


i don’t think people get what these fires mean for California.

the fight against climate change is not “for the future” or “coming up”

no. it is now. for california, for me, for the 37 fucking million of us who live here, it is now. it is now. it is fucking now. there is smoke blanketing my entire city. the other day there was ASH FALLING FROM THE SKY. there are people who are living with red, terrifying smoke, right outside their front doors. i can’t open a window because it all smells like a fucking fire. the sky is entirely grey, because it’s all fucking smoke. my entire fucking STATE is affected by this shit. my STATE.

by the way, california? our population is 71% of England’s. an entire country.

and yes, there are issues other than climate change that have caused this shit, of course. but I’ve grown up through two droughts. I’ve watched the fountains in my town get shut down, I’ve watched them grow dusty and old. I’ve fixed my sprinklers to account for the new water restrictions. I’ve grown up knowing each winter was colder, each summer hotter. I’ve grown up seeing this shit.

every year, we come to fire season, and i hope and watch and desperately wish that it’ll be okay. that thousands of people won’t lose their homes this year. that i won’t have to walk home with a red sun blazing over me and smoke so thick i can’t stop coughing. that I’ll be able to step outside and not smell it. that people won’t lose their towns, their belongings, their livelihoods. every damn year.

my entire state is kindling. my friends outside of cali reach out to me about the fires, telling me they hope I’ll be safe. but i can’t go outside without inhaling lungfuls of smoke. i can’t do anything but watch as hundreds of thousands of acres burn.

2.5 million acres have burned this year. million. 2.5 fucking million acres. 20x what burned last year.

my state is on fire. my city is covered in smoke. a one year old boy DIED because of these fires, and who knows how many will join him by the time this is over.

so yes, please, donate. but i am tired as shit of people pretending that wildfires in california should be normal, that this is okay, that this is just “something that happens” no. no. vote for politicians who support renewable energy. vote for politicians who care about climate change. because, in the grand scheme of things, what we need is restrictions and laws and regulations. one person installing solar panels isn’t going to do shit.

those bottom photos are san francisco. my state is burning.

you can donate to help here. but this isn’t something that’ll go away. it’s going to get worse and worse, unless we fucking do something.

tags from @astrum-cipher. this is a huge fucking devastating problem.

I woke up this morning and could see the smoke before I even opened my blinds, just form the yellow quality of the light peeking in under the door. I’m from Oregon. I grew up with a color pallet of grey and green and blue, of rainy winters and forests that are supposed to stay lush through the summer. With this smoke, it’s dark like it is under the blanket of clouds in the winter, but this brings no rain, just ash falling from the sky. I don’t want to open the blinds because the world outside is orange, not green. I don’t want to watch the world I love burn. This is Not Normal.


just wait until the smoke clears. 150,000 acres of the McKenzie corridor is gone, all that green and blue is black now. i’ve driven that road hundreds of times, and i’m going to absolutely fucking weep the next time I go out there.



Natasha and Clint going to Vormir to get the Soul Stone is just a terrible writing choice, because Marvel spent basically no time at all developing their relationship other than in the first Avengers movie and small moments in Age of Ultron and Civil War.

Also, Red Skull being guardian of the Soul Stone is kind of meaningless other than as a “Hey, remember this character?” moment because there’s not any damn history between him and Thanos, Natasha, or Clint.

You know who did have a developed relationship? Steve and Bucky. You know who did have history with Red Skull. Steve and Bucky. You know who would have been a better narrative choice to go after the Soul Stone? You get where I’m going here, but Steve and Bucky.

Can you fucking imagine Steve and Bucky not trusting Red Skull, thinking it’s some sort of sick joke, but then coming to realize one of them has to be sacrificed. Can you imagine that fight as they try to be the one to sacrifice for the other? Bucky has his hand locked around Steve’s arm to try and keep him from falling, Steve looks him in the eyes, and says- “I told you, I’d always be with you until the end of the line” and slips free to fall? It would have been a heartbreaking moment that actually did some justice to them.

Meanwhile, in fucking New York, when you’re trying to steal something from under the eyes of superheroes and SHIELD and the world in general, you have actual spies trying to steal it and being able to use some fucking stealth. And seeing Natasha fight herself, past-Natasha wary as hell, present-Natasha trying to talk some sense into her, that would be awesome.

And then, fighting Thanos at the end… Well, if Steve isn’t there to pick up the hammer.

Let Natasha do it. Give her the answer to the question she didn’t want to ask.

And leave Natasha, the one who has been running the Avengers facilities and teams since the Snap, as the one to rebuild. As the two most prominent faces of the Avengers have fallen, let the one who likes to work in the shadows be the one to pick up the pieces. She’s got ties to the survivors- she’s worked with Sam, with Wanda, with Clint, with everyone. It would make sense for her to be the one helping rebuild things.

And then they could actually give her a solo movie in a way that makes sense- when her character is still alive.

This is probably my favourite ever hc and I CANNOT BELIEVE THEY DIDN’T DO THAT!! The movie would’ve been so much better, and people wouldn’t have to fight over the Peggy thing but they could still end Cap and omg.

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