



These are $30 for one but stitches at the hospital are more expensive so this is pretty damn great

So what you’re saying is that someone in the free market has responded to high costs by developing a new product that is far less expensive, and can be applied by the injured person themselves not just a doctor or nurse.

This is neat AF

Its an advanced butterfly bandaid.

This isn’t ‘Neat’ this is horrifying. America is in shambles.

‘Oh drat! I’ve been stabbed and I can’t afford to go to hospital. Good thing I’ve brought my emergency DIY stitches.’

America… your health care system is fucked up. You know that, right?

Yes we know thank you

never gonna get over the cycle of

product invented -> problem with capitalist hellscape mildly circumvented -> americans celebrate because its incredibly good that this product exists -> non-americans telling us we’re dumbasses for? being happy theres a tiny little workaround for our shitty system? acting like we’re stupid for looking forward to a product that fixes an 800 dollar problem for a fraction of the cost?

extremely cool and sexy of you all to uhh *spins wheel* mock the citizens of a dystopian nightmare for *throws dart* being excited about the prospect of having one less thing to suffer for.

ALSO, this is just, like, cool and useful beyond the whole “emergency care is expensive” angle? Just in fucking general? Being able to quickly apply this in case of a kitchen or workplace accident rather than waiting for emergency aid which will take time to arrive and transport you to care even IF we didn’t live in a capitalist hellscape is pretty great-sounding to me… and then there’s having these on-hand if you’re out hiking or camping or something where emergency aid is gonna take even longer to arrive.

So… yeah, I can think of something y’all can stitch.

Source: twitter.com

i can’t stop thinking about that tweet about the guy who tried to stop his cat from pushing his door open and accidentally trained him to push 50lbs instead

he cannot be stopped


Once my friend Henry was accused of wearing wireless headphones by a substitute so she said for him to hand them over so he took them off and handed them to her. Then later on she asked him a question and he didn’t respond so she said it louder and he still didn’t respond. She asked why he was not responding and he said “I can’t understand you ma'am, you took my hearing aids.”



one time we had a sub that was handing back papers and called my name. I asked if someone could grab it for me and she started mocking me for not even standing up. taunting me asking why I was not walking up to the front to get the paper myself.

my classmates went dead silent and after the sub’s laughter ended someone informed her that the wheelchair parked nearby belonged to me

I had a sub in English once, on presentation day. And everyone goes up and does their thing, and then its my turn. The whole time im stuttering and mixing up my words, having to stop and re-say my sentences. The rest of the class is used to this and claps. However, by the time its over, the teacher is 100% done.

Starts saying horrible thing about how im going to have to get over my ‘fear of public speaking’ and how she’s heard 8 year olds give better presentations (plus worse things but I don’t really member them). By then im in tears and on the brink of a panic attack, and then she starts telling me off for crying The rest of the class is horrified. Then this boy stands up. He never been my friend and we never really got along, but he’d never bullied me. He told her in a pissed off, cold voice that in freshmen year I got a concussion and that I never really recovered from it, so all that was medical related and I couldn’t help it. Then he starts telling her off and the rest of the class joins him.   The teacher is mortified and tries to cover her ass, but the whole class walked out and that boy took me by the shoulders and we all walked to the principles office and told him what had happened. Lets just say she isn’t teaching anymore. Also, turns out that boy had a sister like me, who couldn’t really speak. We’ve been best friends for 8 years and i’ll be his best woman at his wedding next year.  The moral is that Teachers, even subs, and adults shouldn’t scold kids before knowing the whole story, because shit like that can fuck up kids self-esteem for the rest of their life. 


When I was thirteen, I had to have spinal surgery. When my doctor said I was allowed to attend school again, he said I had to use a wheelchair when on school grounds. My first day back at school, my special-ed teacher had put up a banner in her classroom that read, “There is no elevator to success. You must take the stairs.” I asked what that meant regarding my wheelchair, and she gave me detention for “disrespecting her authority”. The next week she gave us a homework assignment to design a poster that could potentially be used as a Public Service Advertisement. On the due-date, I handed this in.

My special-ed teacher was fucking OUTRAGED. She wanted me expelled for ridiculing her authority in front of the other students. The principal proclaimed my work to be “a masterpiece of satirical genius” and vetoed the special-ed teacher’s attempt to expel me.

Reblogging this post yet again, this time for the masterpiece of satirical genius. Hope the teacher got in trouble.


Attention all customers: our store will be closing in five minutes. If you are present in the store after closing you will be hunted for sport.


Chance of a lifetime for an epic trick

The passenger steamer SS Warrimoo was quietly knifing its way through the waters of the mid-Pacific on its way from Vancouver to Australia. The navigator had just finished working out a star fix and brought Captain John DS. Phillips, the result. The Warrimoo’s position was LAT 0º 31’ N and LONG 179 30’ W. The date was 31 December 1899.

“Know what this means?” First Mate Payton broke in, “We’re only a few miles from the intersection of the Equator and the International Date Line”. Captain Phillips was prankish enough to take full advantage of the opportunity for achieving the navigational freak of a lifetime.

He called his navigators to the bridge to check & double check the ship’s position. He changed course slightly so as to bear directly on his mark. Then he adjusted the engine speed.

The calm weather & clear night worked in his favor. At mid-night the SS Warrimoo lay on the Equator at exactly the point where it crossed the International Date Line! The consequences of this bizarre position were many:

The forward part (bow) of the ship was in the Southern Hemisphere & in the middle of summer.

The rear (stern) was in the Northern Hemisphere & in the middle of winter.

The date in the aft part of the ship was 31 December 1899.

In the bow (forward) part it was 1 January 1900.

This ship was therefore not only in:

Two different days,

Two different months,

Two different years,

Two different seasons

But in two different centuries - all at the same time!


ok, so...

I finished Merlin last night, which has given me a few hours to not be so raw about it. 

I don’t think there’s anything about Arthur’s death scene that I could say that hasn’t already been said by the fandom so I think I’m just going to talk about my favourite Merthur moments of season 5 including aspects of Merthur’s final moments together that I really liked.

Obviously, the “just hold me, please” killed me. 

It could’ve been anything else, it could’ve been “Just stay with me” or “It’s OK” or “Let’s just lay here for a bit” but in Arthur’s last moments he wanted to be held by Merlin and that’s both devastating and beautiful. 

Merlin screaming that he can’t lose Arthur with such despair and desperation 

was reminiscent of when Arthur thought he was losing Merlin 

the way losing the other is so unthinkable and unbearable to the both of them is executed and portrayed so wonderfully.  

It took me a minute to realize why this moment really struck me


and I think it’s because it’s essentially a declaration of love where Merlin is telling Arthur that he has this gift, he has this power but he chooses to use it just for him (because, sure, he was destined to serve Arthur as is repeated throughout the series but that doesn’t mean that Merlin had to have been a willing participant in this destiny). 

It’s the same thing as Arthur saying “thank you” 


because the structure of the sentence and the framing of it, “thank you” could legitimately be replaced with “I love you” and I think the sentiment and the scene would stay the same 

But honestly, I think what got to me the most during this entire painful and wonderful episode, is when Merlin and Arthur were joking:


because Merlin’s face is earnest and determined to stay positive and to keep normalcy because it’s canon that when one of them is serious, the other knows that something is gravely wrong


but nothing can be wrong now, everything has to be fine, for it to not be fine is unthinkable so they’re going to joke around. 

On to lighter things! I was oddly disappointed but not surprised that we didn’t get as much Merthur in season 5 as I would’ve liked but there are still some very choice moments I love between them. 

For starters, this moment: 

and what I enjoy about Arthur following Merlin and being protective of Merlin is how different it is from anyone else. With his knights, he’s noble and he wants to help them and go after them because he has a good heart and he wants to stick by the code and you can see that:

With Gwen, he’s determined and he has a sort of tunnel vision, no time for stopping, no time for complaining, they need to get to her as quickly as possible: 

But with Merlin, it’s like you can see his heart stop and see his agitation at him leaving and his desperation at wanting him back and instead of tunnel vision it’s like he’s blinded to everything else but Merlin


Related, I quite enjoyed this moment:

Because a) Merlin comes running after Arthur because it’s Merlin and it’s Arthur b) Morgana is literally about to kill Arthur, she has already stabbed him, she has him dead to rights and Arthur has sort of accepted his fate but then Merlin comes running in and he’s alive with worry for him and then proceeds to beg Morgana not to hurt him, which keeps in line with Arthur, like how in this scene he was literally being pinned down and about to be beaten but his focus is on making sure Merlin is OK: 

Another moment I quite enjoyed is this one: 

Because it reminds me so much of this moment: 

Like Merlin is just a part of the fabric of Arthur’s life that he’s always, always got to be there where the only time he seems to be kicked out is if Arthur wants to give Gwen some D

and it’s to the point that the two times he’s not, it’s unthinkable. The first time, he notices right away and goes looking for him, like instead of just getting George or anyone else, he puts energy into searching him out:


and the first thing he says to Merlin in 5x13 is “where have you been?” 


And we know it’s not simply about someone waiting on him and serving him because then he would’ve simply hired George.

Also every single moment they casually act like a couple 


like what is this, a romcom? (basically, except tragic). 

And of course, when Merlin heals Arthur because I find it very rare for shows and for actors to illustrate what the difference between commitment and devotion is but Merlin does it extremely well and both Merlin and Arthur portray devotion wonderfully but Colin’s expression of devotion is fantastic and this scene encapsulates that 


OK that’s my very long Season 5 Merthur breakdown!


They made the worst choices when cutting out these scenes. This one was crucial 😡

#my husband’s seat


You’re able to call your parents “Mom” and “Dad”. They were not born with those names.

You’re able to call your teachers “Mr” or “Mrs” and their last name. You’d get in trouble if you addressed them by first name.

You’re able to call a celebrity by their chosen stage name.

You’re able to call your friends a shortened version of their name, their middle name instead of their first, or a completely random nickname.

You’re able to call a married woman by her husband’s last name, even though she was not born with that last name.

But when someone’s transgender, how does calling them by a name they were not born with somehow become a hassle?


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