
Ghost Town Story

@ghost-town-story / ghost-town-story.tumblr.com

Hey look it's a writing blog. Where I write stories. This is gonna be a thing I guess. What type of stories do I write? ............... good question. To give an honest answer, will range from rant stories, to little short stories, to snippets from larger projects. I dunno man, whatever I feel like sharing I guess Over 18. Exact age can be found if you poke around enough :P Btw, follows, likes, and possibly reblobs will come from my main, @written-in-starlight. Yeet.

Heyo, you can call me Alec or Starlight. I formerly existed here as little-stories-by-lilly (and may still have some links with that url lol), and here’s some of the more common shenanigans you’ll hear me yelling about


The Astral Chronicles

When Aiden finds a mysterious arch in his best friend’s backyard, he doesn’t expect much. One misstep later, and he finds himself far from home, entangled in the middle of a war for the throne of Astral.



Jay doesn’t remember his past. Will refuses to believe his brother is dead. Aydan has no clue about any of the secrets lurking just beneath the surface of her world. 


Band AU

James is the lead singer/guitarist of the masked band Midnight Run, while Aiden’s the lead singer of his band Siren’s Call.


To find the full list of WIPs and AUs I’m yelling about at any given point, check out this link

If you want me to tag you in tag games, interact with this linked post to let me know

Open to WBW, STS, and any other themed ask days, even if I don’t make a specific post about it :)

Btw, my main is @written-in-starlight​, so that’s where follows and other assorted notifications will come from. 

Interested in something and want me to start a tag list for it? Hit me up and I’ll make that a thing

*finger guns*


FebruarOC Day 29: Sereia, Kallan, and Nerissa


Both Kallan and Sereia looked up at the sound of somebody calling for him. Kallan swung down from the rigging. “Yes?” he called back.

Sereia left the flag they’d been painting to join their husband at the railing of the ship.

“Sails spotted to the west,” the pirate yelled up to them. “Flying Stormborn’s flag. Looks like she’ll be making harbor in about an hour or so.”

Kallan gave a salute of acknowledgement before turning away to face Sereia. Though he outwardly kept his composure, Sereia could easily recognize the ashen tint to his face.

They took his hand and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “Not all unexpected visits are bad,” they reminded him.

“Except we were going to see her in just a few weeks at the Trials,” Kallan said in an undertone. “If she’s visiting now…”

“Perhaps it’s good news,” Sereia said.

Kallan sighed and kissed Sereia softly. “We can hope,” he murmured.


FebruarOC Day 28: Birds of Prey

Owl looked up from his cards at the sound of the door, but he relaxed when he saw it was just Kestrel and the newest Nova, Vulture.

“And this,” Kestrel said with a grand sweep of their arm, “is the unofficial clubhouse for our little group of hunting birds.”

Vulture hesitantly waved.

“Come on.” Kestrel wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her towards the table. “They don’t bite.”

“Too hard,” Heron said, splitting one of his piles of chips to push into the center of the table.

“Unless we’re asked to.” Seriemas glanced between her cards and the chips in the center, then she folded with a scowl.


FebruarOC Day 27: Gerald, Jade, and Melissa

(Hello and welcome back to the Puppeteers being way too into body horror shit for being Doofenschmirtz-level villains. Here there be meat puppets. Have fun.)

The bell above the door rung as the door opened, but before Gerald could straighten up and put his customer service face back on, he heard Jade call out. “Hey Gerry, look who I ran into on my way back!” A moment later, Jade rounded the shelves, towing Melissa behind her. “Also, the café was out of almond croissants,” she added.

“God dammit,” Gerald sighed. “It’s about damn time you got here,” he said to Melissa.

Melissa scowled at him. “Not my fault somebody decided to turn half the streets into jello.”

“Huh, weird, I heard it was acid,” Jade commented, setting down one of the cups she carried to slide it over to Gerald.

“Could have been both, considering how fucked up this city gets sometimes,” Melissa grumbled. “Let’s just get this over with.”


FebruarOC Day 26: Zinnia

(Bear the human and Bear the bear have finally gotten named! Fuck yeah!)

Zinnia ran as fast as her feet could carry her, darting through the now-familiar hallways towards the door to the outside. She didn’t know what she was going to do, once she reached it. She didn’t know what she should do. All she knew was that she had to get out of here as quick as possible, with Amaranth, and without getting caught.

She skidded around a corner and found herself in the lobby facing the door. Fear shot through her, bringing with it another rush of adrenaline, but Zinnia forced herself to swallow it down as she ran for the door, darting around the unsuspecting adults.



FebruarOC Day 24: Xiasis

(This is the first snippet I've actually written for MSS, so just ignore the worldbuilding holes that still exist lol)

Xiasis rapped three times on the door, then stood back to wait.

A few moments later, Kageki opened the door. To anybody else, he probably looked ridiculously put together for how early it was, but Xiasis could see tangles in his dark hair and the sparkle of what was probably some illusion magic fading from his fingertips.

Kageki blinked a few times, then stepped aside to let Xiasis into his room.

“Good morning,” Xiasis said as they entered.

Kageki closed the door behind them, and Xiasis immediately saw the shift from his perfectly poised persona to the person he was in private. Which, at this time of morning, was sleepy and grumpy. “Awake with the sun I see,” he grumbled.

“Of course.” Xiasis couldn’t contain a grin. “Can’t waste the light, after all.”


FebruarOC Day 23: Will Hayden

The twins had been awake for a while, Jared pacing restlessly around the confines of the small tent and Will huddling under the blankets for warmth, when the entrance flap rustled. Jared immediately darted between Will and the entrance. Will put a hand on his shoulder, but otherwise didn’t argue against the protective gesture.

To his relief, Lysander was the one who entered, although he could still feel Jared tensed beneath his hand, ready to lash out if Lysander got too close to Will.

Lysander smiled at them. “I’m glad to see you two are feeling better,” he said.


FebruarOC Day 22: Vanessa (Nessa)

“Theo,” Aiden sang, slinging an arm around Theo’s shoulders. “Wanna go get ice cream with me?”

“Sure.” Theo pushed himself away from the garage wall. “Is this a whole band thing or are we gonna be doing delivery?”

“Delivery,” Nessa, Jack, Sam, and Aiden all replied in near-unison.

Theo eyed them all suspiciously. “Alright…” He turned to Brian. “You want anything?”


FebruarOC Day 21: Undyna

Undyna skidded around the corner and burst into her mother’s study without so much as a knock or a word of greeting for the guards standing by the door.

Rialta looked up at the sound of the door, and quickly stood when she saw Undyna running. “Undyna? What’s wrong? Where’s Mariana?”

Undyna tripped and fell, tumbling to a stop in the soft sand floor. “I’m fine!” she said, sitting up hurriedly and batting her hair away as it floated in front of her face. “So’s Mari! We’re playing hide and seek and I figured she wouldn’t look for me here!”

Rialta let out a relieved sigh and crouched to help Undyna back to her feet. “You had me worried, little shell,” she gently admonished.

“Sorry,” Undyna apologized.

Rialta waved a hand at the guards, who closed the door and resumed their posts standing watch. “Well,” she said. “You really think Mariana won’t think you’re hiding in here?”

“Nope,” Undyna said. “She says we shouldn’t bother you while you’re working.”

“Hmmm.” Rialta stood, lifting Undyna into her arms. “Well, she is right for the most part, but just this once I can make an exception.” She returned to her desk, and Undyna happily settled into her lap. “So long as you promise to be good while you’re here, alright?”

“Okay,” Undyna agreed.


FebruarOC Day 20: Theo

“Okay,” Nessa said, falling into the booth across from Theo and leaning forward. “While I have you here by yourself, what the fuck is up between you and Brian lately?”

Theo blinked, taking a moment to register both Nessa’s presence and question. “Hello to you too,” he said dryly. “What the fuck are you talking about?”


FebruarOC Day 19: Stella

(Some notes and content warnings: Seraphine is one of Stella's hero names, Revenant is the other more public one. Content warnings for necromancy and non-graphic descriptions of dead bodies. Have fun)

“Seriously?” Marelle asked. “They’re the Puppeteers?”

Seraphine had to admit she understood Marelle’s confusion. Jade’s tip had led them to the other side of the city, to what seemed to be some sort of commercial kitchen, if the stainless-steel countertops were anything to go by. Seraphine and Marelle were currently crouched by one of the windows, spying on the occupants of the kitchen as they argued over the best kind of donut. Which, to be fair, was absolutely something René would do, but at least Seraphine knew he wouldn’t let himself get so distracted by it. Seraphine was tempted to hop through the window she’d opened and join the argument, just to see how long it would take these sad excuses for villains to notice she wasn’t one of them.


FebruarOC Day 18: Remi

(Combining with the ockissweek prompt "almost")

The closer we get to her house, the more I notice Remi dragging her feet. “Hey,” I say, nudging her with my shoulder. “Everything okay?”

Remi startles, then turns away and tucks her hair behind her ear in a nervous gesture I’ve seen a thousand times before. “Fine,” she says. “Just… I don’t want to go home yet.”

“Aww, I’m flattered,” I tease. “But you’ll see me again in a couple hours, surely you’re not that impatient.”

Remi huffs, but there’s still a smile on her face. “It’s not that,” she says, “although yes, I would rather keep hanging out with you.”


FebruarOC Day 17: Quinn

(Combining with the ockissweek prompt "dare")

Having lived in this underground city for most of her life, Catnip had a special knack for finding weird, out of the way places that were still within the bounds of where she was allowed to explore. Which was how Quinn found herself in a little alcove with Catnip and Oliver, hidden enough that it would take Catnip’s mom a long while to find them.

“I wanna play a game,” Catnip said.


FebruarOC Day 16: Percy

(Combining with the ockissweek prompt "lost")

Summer stopped in the middle of the skyway to look out the window. “Woah,” she breathed.

Despite his impatience, Percy followed her gaze, and had to admit the reaction was warranted. From here, the size of the former city was more apparent, stretching out as far as Percy could see into the gloom. The area they were in was relatively well maintained, with lights shining at regular intervals to keep the darkness at bay, but there was an obvious cut off point where the lights ended and the buildings turned decrepit. Percy wondered just how far the city continued past where the light didn’t reach.

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