

@jovialnightmares / jovialnightmares.tumblr.com

frequently audhd on main ◇ blog for random stuff I think is neat

bring back movie protagonists being battered to shit. luke skywalker walked around half of esb looking like a sausage that got smacked on the sidewalk for what?? not for a protag with a perfect little forehead cut and a single red line of blood after the final battle. disgraceful


It's probably because of this


More protagonists need to get their shit rocked this severely.

They need to get the literal brakes beaten off of their asses.

Antagonists need to do shit that would get them put UNDER the jail even more so than the plot point they serve in the film.

In short, not enough good guys fuck around only to find the fuck out.

Okay? Okay. Good talk.


genuinely one of my favourite details about Bram Stokers Dracula that isn't really transferred to the pop culture is that vampires have irridescent eyes, they appear brown at a glance, however when light is reflected on them they seem to go red!

another thing that pop culture latched onto is this idea that you might use a wreath of garlic bulbs to ward off a vampire, however, in the book there is a popular use of garlic blossoms rather than the bulbs. i think these are a lot prettier and way more versatile for stylisation! you could have a garlic flower crown.

also like the cowboy part can we please stop omitting the fact that there is a real ass cowboy in Bram Stokers Dracula and hes from real ass Texas and he has a fucking gun and he tries to fucking shoot Dracula


OK but I do genuinely believe we need to push for something like this before it's too late - and not just in digital spaces. We should have the right to peace and quiet from advertising. There should be more limits on how much and where we get advertising because otherwise it'll just become a creep of more and more until every fucking public space is lit with several billboards blasting us with ads, and the walls between spaces lined with ads, and our commutes filled with ads, and local parks sponsored by corporations to offset the cost of local councils, and so on and on and on and on. No. I need quiet. I need spaces where ads cannot touch me.


The reason these companies are so obsessed with selling ads is because it's more profitable than anything else these companies do. Even though the data shows targeted ads are not nearly as well-targeted, or as effective, as these companies say they are. Online advertising is the next bubble, and the crash is going to be bad.

Not to be That Person but I think we just let EA die, maybe?


high school is soo funny in hindsight. the entire time you're there thinking it's the most important period of your life and then the second you're out you're like well that was fucking stupid


when i say i like hiking, i don’t mean “eight mile backpacking trip with special gear and an emergency beacon” sort of hiking, i mean a three mile loop to go look at pretty things and then a huge brunch after.

this is in no way a slam on hardcore hiking, it’s very fun, but i mostly just need to lower people’s expectations when i say hiking is a hobby of mine

"No no, that's ranger hiking. I like hobbit hiking."


Jeff looks back at you suspiciously. Unbeknownst to you Jeff has the theory that you are an anteater. The spy vs spy-esque antics go on for 7 acts

Your boss eyes the two of you, he seems nervous while he slightly shakes in fear. The two of you have been doing nothing but suspecting each other the entire time. Yet you haven’t even suspected the fact that,

Your boss is the anteater.

I jist burst out laughing so hard holy shit 🤣

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