
The Coterie of the Perished

@thefirstperished / thefirstperished.tumblr.com

The First Perished: Leader, Soulsinger. Captain L' appel du Vide: Raven Captain of the Void Marus Heartmourn: Rhyming Death Knight, Dealer of Nektur. Revenant Blackstalker: Lord of Wolves, Blue Eyed Banshee

The Coterie of the Perished Roll Call/Updates.

All of my "active" muses, all under one banner. From left to right we have:

1.) Captain L' appel du' Vide: "Elvish? Pirate". Raven Captain of the ship 'The Void' and personal ferryman/runner of all things illicit for the First Perished. Sails around Azeroth makes stops in most civilized areas. Face Claim: Tom Hopper

2.) The First Perished: "Undead" Blood Elf Assassin/ "Florist"/ Musician. Soulsinger, The Shepard of the Lost, the leader of the Perished and accomplished musician that plays music regularly in graveyards and in the Elysian Sojourn within the Veiled Stair. He's chosen a more quiet life, hanging up his blades for a time. Faceclaim: Tom Hardy

3.) Marus Heartmourn: Undead Elf Drug Dealer/ Creator of Nektur and Rhyming Death Knight. Acts more akin to an information broker for the First, Marus slinks his way into seedy parts of the world, garnering coin for his euphoric Nektur and getting the juiciest of details. Due to a complication in the process of his Death Knight "resurrection", Marus' mind is plague with the unending desire to rhyme in speaking. Face Claim: Graverobber from Repo! The Genetic Opera

4.) Revenant Heartmourn: Elf Hunter/ Wolf Brother/Living Ink. Due to his resourcefulness in the forests and woodlands of Azeroth, acts as a spy and courier for the First. Covered in "living" tattoos, the biggest being a pack of wolves across his chest and the name Coromir above it. Faceclaim: Josh Mario John

I will be accepting any and all asks for any of my lads here under this account as the 3 that aren't the First, never got much love and I miss rping them.


Reblog if you’re 30 or older

This is an experiment to see if there really are as few of us as people think.You can also use this to freak out your followers who think you’re 25 or something. Yay!


FFAF: What are Orchid's thoughts on Safrona's estranged family, including her sister? What does he think on the idea of family in general?


" Far be it fa' me ta' besmirch the word Family on account of the fallen nature of mine, the Light bless me' Motha's soul; I've not 'ad the best track record of 'avin family members stick around fa' lon'. 'ad a 'alf sista' tha' gave me a gun an' then buggered off; my fatha' was killed by me fa' murderin' Mom. My biological daughters: one died an' the otha' fucked off. If I 'ave any otha' family from Mum's side of the family, I ain' eva' met 'em."

" So, disregardin' all tha' , an' please don' die of fright when I says this but... The idea of family is hope. I 'ave my own now, me an' the Wife, but the wife 'as a more.. wida' definition of family. If she wants me ta' get ta' know 'em, I'll do me best ta' be a good lad an' not bite. If she'd ratha' me ta' stay a distance due ta' the fact tha' they are ALIVE an' not all livin' 'ave a kin' eye ta' a man tha' calls 'imself Dead."

" AS of now, I've no opinion on 'er family save tha' I 'ope they don' make the mistake of forcin' Safrona inta' situations she's uncomfortable. Otha'wise, I might end up the only dimly lit candle in Safrona's life an' tha' would 'urt a lot more than 'em simply 'atin me."

Anonymous asked:

How do the members of the Coterie relate to each other and the First Perished?

The First is the boss; he enjoys his life without having to get his hands dirty, like he used to, that often. He focuses mostly on his gardening, carpentry, apothecary and playing music at his wife's inn.

Marus Heartmourn: His information broker and illicit goods salesman. Due to his unique nature and gift of gab, he's able to find out things most couldn't and without the use of coin.

Revenant is.... a foster son of sorts? The First allows the Revenant do as he will, in the understanding that he would reap the lad should those proclivities prove volatile and dangerous for those living. Revenant comes around when he wishes to, the First giving him things to fix whatever it is he needs to fix.

Captain 'du Vide is his smuggler/ eyes on the seas. The First gives him a stipend each month, allowing the man to do business as usual but should he acquire things or needs things transported, he asks the man. Normally he'd ask @safrona-shadowsun to allow him the use of a courier but on particularly dangerous missions, much better to have a man with a crew and firepower than a courier.


Free For All Friday!

Ask questions about their past or current events! Ask probing questions! Ask naughty questions! Tell them something you’ve always wanted to say! Ask for advice! No type of ask is off limits on Free For All Friday!

ANON IS ON! *Be sure to practice good question/reblog karma!*​

Late to the party! Will do this for @dicenne @xylaes and @jacelandon


Boons of Change: What does your muse think about change? Is it good or bad? Are they comfortable where they are or would they like things to be different? (For the First)


" Change is inevitable, change is constant. I've learned tha' change isn' good or bad, it just is an' it doesn' matta' if ya' comfortable wit' it or not. I thin' I can manage change fine save fa' the times when change is sudden; an' I don' mean sudden like within' a mont' or somethin', I mean within' the moment. If I'm 'avin a conversation wit' someone an' the tone of the moment shifts suddenly, I find myself immediately reachin' fa' my blade or gun, even in the presence of friends."

" So gradual change is fine, but change tha' shifts fasta' than the wind is beyond upsettin'; it's downright shatterin'."

Anonymous asked:

What if Wednesday: One day the Courier shows up with her eyes bandaged/blindfolded, with an Eye of Kilrogg at her side to grant her sight. This status quo remains for about 2 weeks, then she is back to normal. What happened to her? Would she tell anyone if some cared enough to ask? Would she tell the truth, or lie?

The price of power often came at sacrifice. 

It was a law of fel magic that Safrona initially did not think could apply to such a basic evocation as the Eye. It went underused, as she often relied instead on the phased figure of her succubus to scout ahead if needed. But as Safrona decided to evolve her abilities in summoning, it only seemed sensible to strengthen the Eye and push this trivial connection to the next plateau as well. 

The dispractice and blind arrogance cost the Warlock senses she did not know how to function without. The punishment came without pain, only the dread feeling of the ritualistic channel fizzling and failing her. The fiery thread of magic dying at her fingertips was the last sight her eyes were granted.

Day 1, Week 1:

A shriek echoed in the chambers below the Sojourn, more outrage than fear, though the sound was laced with its aura of panic. She heard the shadows waft into the chamber, sensing her beloved Soulsinger - even in her blindness she reached in the direction of his puzzled voice, needing the solid sanctum of his arms in that moment more than ever. But she would not cry. She would not dare mark this failure with tears.

Day 3, Week 1:

Isolation. Safrona did not leave the altar chamber stinking of her failure, did not drink, did not eat. She sunk into her own outrage, fuming with this pitiful blindness, this vulnerability. No one could see her this way, Courier or no. The smallest summon, the most unused spell in her arsenal, the Eye of Gul'dan had been nothing to her until now. Now it had effectively become her curse. This stupid, useless, novice spell. And it had taken her sight! Fuming at every failed attempt to reconnect to the Eye and take her sight back, even the First gave the irate Harvester her space.

Day 6, Week 1:

Paranoia gripped her as blind sight began to shift into abyssal darkness, shadows winding, writhing. The desire and desperation to see was answered in a way, shadowed vision opening upon nothing she recognized, faces foreign to her, blurred expanses. Heavy words in the Forgotten Tongue tried to wrap around her mind, causing her eye sockets to ache, head throbbing. A giant eye opened in the ceiling of the chamber, staring directly onto herself, pupil swirling. Vertigo and the pounding migraine was a vicious combination through her tender flesh, urging her to vomit. The eye dissolved from the ceiling.

Day 8, Week 2:

She finally began to connect through the Eye in brief flares of hazy vision, but she had not yet been able to maintain it. Still, she imprisoned herself to the chambers, knowing that her blindness could be a handicap as well as a threat. Power evolved in unforseen ways, and she would not give up until this too was conquered. It had not been a curse, or a punishment, her blindness. It was a test, she came to realize, and there were flares of progress. 

Day 11, Week 2: 

She felt her Soulsinger's eyes boring into her as she attempted to remain concentrated on the floor of the chamber. She bothered with a bath upstairs once, but her neglect of food and drink was obvious. "If ya don' want ta' eat, don'." His voice seemed to throw across the chamber around her, omnipresent. "When ya body grows weaker an' the daemons sense it, start taking over ya body, I'll simply end ya and then myself." 

"Stop this grim talk," the warlock muttered, pulling herself up from the cold floor, mildly irritated. Her voice became brittle, thickening with a pretense of emotional fallout she was consistently holding herself up from. "I am supposed to be your Eyes. And I feel I have failed us both." A clear of her throat, and she smoothed her tone to quiet resolve. "But I will rise from this. I must." Safrona offered a hand in the dark for him to take, the blind warlock presenting herself rather than blindly grope for him in the low light. "I'll get some food in me if that sets you off this dark talk. But keep me like your best secret in the Sojourn, my love. No one else needs to see me this way."

Day 12, Week 2: 

Madness took the summoning chamber in Safrona's reaching - her focused channeling did not manifest one floating ocular orb, but many manifestations of void-based eyestalks drowning the chamber in abyssal energy. If allowed to permeate, greater forces of the Dark would breach through. Understanding the threat, Wraafenn was quick to tear into the nearest eye to its mistress, but it was the First's blades that cut through several eye stalks in quick succession. When the whirling noise of the chamber was set to a silence, the abyssal veil enveloping the warlock dissipated, and she took in a gasp of clean air. She felt the wary edge in the First of the Perished, the doubt punctuated by a flick of one of his blades, ready to sever her from the world. "I am me. I am here." Safrona promised, able to track the vague flicker of his silhouette separating from the rest of the darkness - another small sign of progress.   "I can do this. I just. I need a moment." A breathless chuckle. "Or a strong whiskey."

Day 13, Week 2: 

The answer had been at her heels over so many years, she came to understand in an epiphany. And he was here now, nudging at her feet, a tentacled limb pricking her leg for attention. Lowering herself slowly, she let her fingertips guide her in a visual of what her eyes had lost: the length of chintinous scale leading to rough, wiry hair crowning the Felhound's eyeless head. Wraafenn flinched, uncertain of the peculiar touch from its mistress. The demon dog in all its years was unaccustomed to her physicality, only knowing her by voice, by scent, by the dark ties of binding and unnatural hunger. Her fingers gripped one of it's spearing, bone-like horns to steady the demon, she confided words in the base Demonic it understood most.

 "I have no sight, like you now." Her fingers traveled downward with uncharacteristic tenderness to cradle its maw.  "Show me how to be."

A guttural sound of acceptance trilled from the many-toothed maw, though like any canine it was not fully aware of what it's owner meant, only desiring in that moment to serve. Her finger tips pulsed violently at its snout, and with a sudden whimper the Felhound expired, giving up its momentous energy to the warlock. 

A brief sacrifice, the felhunter would reform in the Nether and be called again to her soon. Perhaps with the reward of a large soul shard of a very special hunt.

Day 14, Week 2: 

Elernia was often the demonic sacrifice, most times out of a flare of anger, or spite. But the intentional sacrifice of the Felhound did not go to waste. Where some might have found the felhunter and its kin to be monstrous, understanding the evolution of its function had been a compelling key to manifestation. However basic a creature, Wraafenn was a hunter of extraordinary sense, attuned to soul and the aura of energy. The manifestation of the Eye opened wide for her now when she learned to disconnect from her own inferior senses, and give herself over to the extension. This was the lesson she needed…and with it came void singularity. 

Normal sight returned to Safrona after a day of much needed sleep. The Eye of the Great Dark was still not often a spell Safrona relied on in her day-to-day, but it was an evolution she held pride for, all the same. It was a long trial she divulged to none; it was enough that her Soulsinger had been present through the most harrowing of it. 

Exchanges with other Warlocks for knowledge was of course its own temptation, but for those newer to the Path, the Harvester would only smile enigmatically and offer: "Preparation is everything."

{ Thank you anon for this wild wind of inspiration. Brief reference to @thefirstperished, who helped to contribute to some of the writing. <3

Thank you for reading this, if you do. This was an exhaustive effort from me. }

Anonymous asked:

Captain L' appel du' Vide has committed mutiny on two occasions. No one sails Azeroth as a captain without betrayal in their past.

" Is it mutinous t' put the crew's well being above the ramblings and maddness of a Captain t'at would ferry our men t' their deaths f' a bit of shine offered from claws dipped wit' blood? Is it mutinous t' slit a Captain's throat if he steals from the crew, hides away all the loot f' himself and tries t' blow the ship up? I'm many a thing, some of them accurate, but I'm no mutineer; muntineers do it f' their own personal gain, I did it f' the crew."

" They gave me the Void, they made me their Cap'in; I didn't want it but no one else would take it. Mark my words there be none on -our- ship that would besmirch the name du' Vide. We are family an' I would trawl the dept's of hell f' the soul of any a man that calls himself crew of the Void."

" I didn' mutiny against the wolves t'at left me f' dead as they sought war against rival crews an' tried t' scuttle my ship. I didn' mutiny against the snake of a woman who gave me a fine violin splattered with paint an' made from the finest driftwood. I didn' mutiny against the Healer t'at sought a light perceived from a darkened void of Captain's soul."

" Mutiny is f' rats t'at would save 'emselves wit' a dingy meant f' twelve."

Anonymous asked:

For the Revnant: All those ‘living’ tattoos and ink. I heard and assume the man talks to them when he’s alone. All those wolves like being called good boys after all!

A secondary little assumption to make, one of his living ink, is a bit shy and prefers to hide under his clothes rather than see the light. Sometimes you see little eyes peeping out to observe the world.

" Oh yes, oh yes... I always talk to my kin on my skin; they are the best friends a man like me can have. They are loyal completely, do not question and simply enjoy being with me. Coromir's family is a fine addition to my flesh but they do so enjoy coming out to play during the night. Oh, we haven't played in a while! We'll have to go to the dead things and play amongst the walking ones. Oh yes."

The "man's" eyes darted back and forth with joy before turning to his flesh, turning in a circle several times before pulling the scraps of armor from his shoulder to show a glimpse of something before it skitters further down behind his torso armor.

" That is the biggest, Felo... Flame. She doesn't enjoy being off the skin as much as the wolves do, probably because she always attracts too much attention. I mean, you tell me how to keep a flame spouting chimera from attracting attention that doesn't involve spells or arrows being lobbed at her. She's so pretty though; pretty, pretty, pretty..."

Anonymous asked:

For the First: Man is a wonder with his guitar and his voice. That’s not the assumption. That’s fact! But the First’s favorite thing to strum is not a guitar…the man can shred on a ukulele like no body else!

" While I do o' so appreciate the praise o' my skills upon my Ebon beauty an' the folds of my dead vocal chords but the ukulele.. My 'ands are a bit too large fa' it ta' be 'onest an' I don' like playing somethin' I 'ave a much larga' version of. I do, 'oweva', enjoy playin' the lyre in the quiet times durin' the night. I play it fa' no otha' soul save those tha' wanda' the lands b'twixt life an' deat', sometimes the Misses' will ova' 'ear, 'cos it's 'auntin' sound can only be truly enjoyed by those tha' 'ear bot' wha's plucked an' wha' isn'."

" It's not the easiest thin' ta' play an' even the simplest tunes are easily messed up but its enjoyable an' gives my finga's a workout."

(( Than' ya' shadow.))


Assumption for The First/Orchid: He has no liking for his wife's demons, and silently questions why she relies on them.


" Tis not an assumption tha' I wish ta' shoot e'ery single demon, save fa' the puppy, in the face wit' reckless abandon; tis simply a law of life an' my existence. I do not, 'oweva', allow myself the delicious vindication of doin' so 'cos I know it would brin' my grim bride, my love in black satin, considerable distress in more ways than one."

" I do question the reasons as ta' why, though not audibly; mostly for the reason as she's contracted wit' the Loa of Deat' as I am, she doesn' -need- their 'elp or powa'. But like many thin's in life, somethin' ya've done since wha' seems f'eva', it's familiar an' it tends ta' be somethin' tha' ties ya' inta' some type of.... Normalcy", the last word dripping from his lips with a shudder.

" My wife knows my hatred fa' 'er beasties but I don' utta' my frustrations aloud. I've already told 'er if I should eva' truly believe she 'ad been taken possession of an' I 'ad no recourse ta' sever the bond tha' plagued her body, I would mercilesssly end 'er an' those she summon."

" I 'ave no desire ta' kill 'er but I will do wha' I must ta' save the innocents she would reap so beau'ifully in evil."

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