
It's only forever

@goblindragon-blog / goblindragon-blog.tumblr.com

...Not long at all. Semi hiatus.

“I want to take people on a ride and inject some comedy into it. An adventure that keeps people laughing along the way, but also has the spectacle and the stuff that get people excited.”


I know she’s not perfect, but I wanna talk about Cassandra.

Cassandra Allegra Portia Calogera Filomena Pentaghast.

Cassandra “I swear I’ll deck you so hard that your ass will be visible in the Deep Roads if I catch you using my full name because I hate nepotism and politics almost as much as demons” Pentaghast.

Cassandra “I was raised to have unshakeable faith but actually struggle with it more than anyone else in the Inquisition” Pentaghast.

Cassandra, who rightly admits that killing a dragon is always a team effort and never once tries to boast about one of her own combat maneuvers or her family’s legacy of hunting prowess.

Cassandra, who doesn’t try to understate or glorify the exhaustion and blood that constitute a battle.

Cassandra, whose banter rarely resorts to teasing, joking, or base provocation.

Cassandra, one of the only companions who actively befriends Cole instead of merely tolerating or indulging him.

Yeah. Cass. She’s my girl.

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