



I got a new phone recently, and I can't transfer my account, so I am unofficially deactivating this account and changing its name and never using it again. I don't exactly have a huge following or anything, but I thought I'd make a post telling people, so it doesn't seem like I just disappeared. My new account should have the same name as this one, if all goes well. So if anyone wants to follow me again, my new account should be - phoenixinferno1023. Thanks!


welp. i was THISCLOSE to posting an adolescent “i hate everything” post… and then i saw this.


Literally just let this play 8 times in a row and my smile never faltered even once 😁

This healed me….


My girlfriend has never seen critical role and doesn’t know anything about it, so I asked her for her first impression of the characters from only the portraits.

These were her responses










“if you can’t brush your teeth that’s fine uwu one step at a time” posts are supportive and that’s great but I’m about to have a 4.4k$ dental bill because I wasn’t taking care of my teeth when I was super depressed so uhh brush your fuckin teeth

the reason I bring up those posts is because every time I saw one I felt less and less bad about not brushing them and when my teeth actually started causing problems it made my MH worse because I was having horrible anxiety about my teeth getting worse and now I’m facing procedures that will probably be pretty painful and will definitely be expensive so I kinda got some beef with the anti-recovery culture on this site


colgate makes some pretty cool little waterless disposable toothbrushes that are good to keep beside your bed or somewhere else accessible for days when brushing your teeth feels like a monumental task. they’re like $5 for a pack of 24 on amazon and i know they’re available at drug stores as well. they look like this.

i have pretty intense depressive episodes + emetophobia that is sometimes triggered by brushing my teeth so i get that it can be difficult but the OP of this post is right. dental health is really important and even using a disposable toothbrush is better than nothing!

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