
We're like two bookends of the same soul

@0phei-blog / 0phei-blog.tumblr.com

22,med student. Sometimes NSFW.

Tattoo Commission - Hannibal wendigo inspired tattoo

Did this for a close friend, actually very pleased with how it turned out. Man i love Hannibal.

Do not steal. Do not repost. (reblogs fine)


i love that thing in fanfics when character a gazes wistfully at the hollow of character b’s throat or the curve of their jaw or whatever because they’re just /so in love/ but character b remains completely oblivious and has no idea that character a is looking at them like /that/



So basically I’ve been off tumblr for about a year, sorry @larkistin and @l-p-r-o-c-k for never replied to you but I’ve never logged in in a reeeally long time. In a year I’ve substained some big life changing, none expecially good but nothing too bad either. I’m planning on be more active but my blog won’t be so cherik focused, I’d like to make it more personal. It’s good to be back ❤️

@larkistin of course I still think about you haha you made the best fassavoy art,nothing you can forget about! I just had the sweetest memory, do you remember when I went to venice at mostra del cinema and I printed some work of yours in the hope to hand 'em to fassy? I really tried my best but didn't manage it,still a fond memory tho ❤️



So basically I've been off tumblr for about a year, sorry @larkistin and @l-p-r-o-c-k for never replied to you but I've never logged in in a reeeally long time. In a year I've substained some big life changing, none expecially good but nothing too bad either. I'm planning on be more active but my blog won't be so cherik focused, I'd like to make it more personal. It's good to be back ❤️


Corrupted Sailor Moon : Revenge

Idk what im doing here, but kinda nostalgic with Sailor Moon suddenly i remembered that Indra’s power representation is moon too :v kay.. back to anon request *_*

also for any of you who asked where all those petals are coming from, here some of their source ..

well finally this shiz getting a lil bit relevant :‘)


Sasuke: KumaQui ( KumaQi熊祁)

Itachi:  coser天狼

Btw Sasuke (KumaQui) was like:  Itachi is beautiful ~  , and Itachi replied:”Baby brother, people are looking at your chest and your face…” ( 弟弟,他们眼里只要是在看你的胸和脸啊!!)

|太多的羁绊只会让自己迷惘,强烈的想法和珍惜的思念,只会让自己变弱 …. (这二柱子全程一脸看智障的看着鼬好嘛!!)|| 

Source: weibo.com

what if natasha brought tony to the smithsonian and tony was like “nat i really don’t need to see an exhibit on america’s ex golden boy, current fugitive, thanks” and nats like “tony, for once, just shut up and look.” and she takes him to that wall with the videos of steve and bucky and it gets to the iconic smiling and laughing together clip and nat just goes “you ever seen him that happy? i know i haven’t.“ and tony’s like “no, that guy isn’t anything like the quiet and brooding cap i know” and nats like “because that’s not the cap you know. that’s steve. how could you expect him to pick anyone but bucky when none of us make him look like that?

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