
I wanna be a space jellyfish.

@fried-demon-potato / fried-demon-potato.tumblr.com

Sinéad. 23. Ireland. Im back after 4 years and its weird

Well, it's almost that time of year again! Not a lot of people understand that St.Patrick's day can get pretty tiresome for the Irish, so Id just like to give a little PSA on the topic.

And here to help me are my animal crossing villagers!

How many of you say that you're Irish on St.Patrick's day despite not knowing where in your family line Irish blood is found?

"But I AM Irish, my great-great-great grandmother came here from Ireland."

If that's your only connection to Ireland, it seems like a stretch. You can still love the culture and celebrate it without needing to be a part of it!

"So it's offensive to enjoy St.Patty's day?"

First of all, please never call it St.Patty's day. Paddy's day is fine. He's a man, not a beef burger.

And of course it's not offensive to enjoy St.Patrick's day! Some people just take stereotypes too far and say that anything to do with alcoholism, the colour green, or fighting is Irish.

"So we can enjoy St.Patrick's day and celebrate the Irish without it being offensive?"

Absolutely! St.Patrick's day should be enjoyed, not dreaded! Its just the difference between saying "top of the mornin to ya" to any Irish person and just being yourself!

(No one says top of the morning. Please stop saying it to us, and please stop asking us to say it for you)

"You're just gatekeeping being Irish! You can't play the victim because the Irish are white so you're not oppressed!"

Okay so - I understand where you're coming from. I'm not saying that there are specific criteria for "being Irish", just that it can be hurtful when the whole world claims to be from your country for one day of the year and then forgets about you the rest of the time. It feels like people use our heritage as an excuse for binge drinking and being violent.

And as for oppression? Sure things are better now, but Irish history is predominantly us being on the receiving end of British Colonialism. Out of the 32 counties on the Island of Ireland, 6 still belong to England after all this time (this is Northern Ireland, and is a part of the UK, separate from the Republic of Ireland)

The Irish had their rights stripped from them in their own country. They couldn't practice religion, attend school, own property above a certain (very low) value. This resulted in the Irish resorting to creating "hedge schools", where teachers and students would huddle in the woods or a ditch, and they would teach and learn what they could until a british soldier came by.

We were even forbidden from using our own language, which had a catastrophic effect on the continuation of our native language. To this day there are very few native Irish speakers. It's mandatory to learn in schools, however the curriculum is just tokenism and teaches students more about the exams they take than the language itself. (Im personally very angry about this) this results in many people nowadays hating the Irish language because of how it was taught to us.

I just scratched the surface on what it means to be from Ireland, but I digress!

Celebrate St.Patrick's Day in your own way, just please be kind and considerate to others!

And please don't pinch people for not wearing green. That's not a thing, we have no idea where the idea came from, America Please.


Giving this that “I might be only partially Irish but when I say I’m Irish I say it all year round and I’d say it while pissin on Margaret Thatcher’s grave too” boost

I have arisen from my tumblr death to say Yes. If you vibe with it all year round then absolutely!



How difficult planning is.

I mean seriously, when family is holding a special event and they ask a week ahead of time to RSVP, you just feel this sinking feeling knowing that you're either going to feel like crap and have to cancel last minute, start feeling bad half way through, or in the unlikely event that you're able to make it through the party, the next day will be merciless.

There's no planning around your illness. You either push past the pain on a bad day to make it through the plans, or suffer heavily for it later.


The worst part of a chronic illness is having the desire to be productive, but your body simply won’t. do. the. thing. 


When your condition is flaring up and all you want to do is stay in bed but you have to get up because you have stuff you need to do that wont get done otherwise


The girl from The Princess and the Pea clearly had fibromyalgia. Ain't no healthy person have the ability to feel the slightest bit of discomfort when in the softest, comfiest bed the world has ever seen


It's so weird to realise that you've been beating yourself up for decades because you're "unfit" when in reality the pain from using your body is actually due to an incurable illness 🤔🤔


I just saw the Cecil Hotel documentary on Netflix and it brought up some deep repressed feelings so I just want to check in and let everyone know that I'm still kicking, and I hope you all are too. Im fragile, but Im still fighting.

I love you, no matter who you are.

I love you.


Well, it's almost that time of year again! Not a lot of people understand that St.Patrick's day can get pretty tiresome for the Irish, so Id just like to give a little PSA on the topic.

And here to help me are my animal crossing villagers!

How many of you say that you're Irish on St.Patrick's day despite not knowing where in your family line Irish blood is found?

"But I AM Irish, my great-great-great grandmother came here from Ireland."

If that's your only connection to Ireland, it seems like a stretch. You can still love the culture and celebrate it without needing to be a part of it!

"So it's offensive to enjoy St.Patty's day?"

First of all, please never call it St.Patty's day. Paddy's day is fine. He's a man, not a beef burger.

And of course it's not offensive to enjoy St.Patrick's day! Some people just take stereotypes too far and say that anything to do with alcoholism, the colour green, or fighting is Irish.

"So we can enjoy St.Patrick's day and celebrate the Irish without it being offensive?"

Absolutely! St.Patrick's day should be enjoyed, not dreaded! Its just the difference between saying "top of the mornin to ya" to any Irish person and just being yourself!

(No one says top of the morning. Please stop saying it to us, and please stop asking us to say it for you)

"You're just gatekeeping being Irish! You can't play the victim because the Irish are white so you're not oppressed!"

Okay so - I understand where you're coming from. I'm not saying that there are specific criteria for "being Irish", just that it can be hurtful when the whole world claims to be from your country for one day of the year and then forgets about you the rest of the time. It feels like people use our heritage as an excuse for binge drinking and being violent.

And as for oppression? Sure things are better now, but Irish history is predominantly us being on the receiving end of British Colonialism. Out of the 32 counties on the Island of Ireland, 6 still belong to England after all this time (this is Northern Ireland, and is a part of the UK, separate from the Republic of Ireland)

The Irish had their rights stripped from them in their own country. They couldn't practice religion, attend school, own property above a certain (very low) value. This resulted in the Irish resorting to creating "hedge schools", where teachers and students would huddle in the woods or a ditch, and they would teach and learn what they could until a british soldier came by.

We were even forbidden from using our own language, which had a catastrophic effect on the continuation of our native language. To this day there are very few native Irish speakers. It's mandatory to learn in schools, however the curriculum is just tokenism and teaches students more about the exams they take than the language itself. (Im personally very angry about this) this results in many people nowadays hating the Irish language because of how it was taught to us.

I just scratched the surface on what it means to be from Ireland, but I digress!

Celebrate St.Patrick's Day in your own way, just please be kind and considerate to others!

And please don't pinch people for not wearing green. That's not a thing, we have no idea where the idea came from, America Please.


Humble Beginnings (assignment 1)

The environment is in a pretty rough place right now, greenhouse gasses continue to build in our atmosphere, and the ocean is full of plastic.

All in all, things seem pretty grim for the future. Will my kids be able to play outdoors like I used to, or will the environment suffer too much for that to be safe?

There are a few steps I'm personally taking to try and make the world a little safer for the generations to come.

  1. Not Driving Electric. A lot of people sing the praises of electric cars nowadays, saying that they're more fuel-efficient than hybrids or those who run on fossil fuels. What no one thinks about is where that power comes from, or how expensive and damaging it is to harvest the materials for the cars, and the energy needed just to manufacture them. This video by College Humour does a really good job of pointing out some of the flaws of going electric. I'm opting to avoid using electric cars, and sticking to safer options, which brings me to my next point;
  1. Cycling or walking where possible.

Not only is it more healthy for myself to get some more exercise, but all of the short trips to the nearby shops really add up. By walking or cycling instead of taking the bus or driving, I save a little bit of carbon emission each time, and after a while, that will start to pay off, both physically and environmentally.

  1. Avoiding single-use plastics

Its funny, I thought Id moved on. But hearing you kaugh or make the same joke as me - I found that stupid smile on my face and a sigh at my lips...

I thought everything was easy again but it really isnt. Ive tried to find someone new, turned someone else down and still find myself looking for you in a different skin.

All the matches - their height, age, hairstyle, sense of humour.

Its uncanny.

I found my type and it seems like my type was you.

I not asking for you back. We already agreed we wouldnt...

But I cant help but wonder what might have been...

Woulf we have moved in together somewhere? Would we have had that family? Would we have gotten married?

Where would we have gone, who would we have become, how would we have grown?

My mind let you go but my heart still pulls a bit.

Anonymous asked:

I haven't been on tumblr in a reallyyy long time, but I saw your blog and remembered how cool it was and how much I liked seeing your posts when I was younger. Thanks for existing and stuff. Thank you for bringing back tumblr memories : )

Okay so you made my might and I am now crying I wish you werent on anon so I could send virtural hugs your way

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