
Get in, Losers; We're Going Gesamtkunstwerking

@kotorswtor / kotorswtor.tumblr.com

One space cadet's exploration of the fictional multiverse . Expect (as labeled on the tin) Star Wars with occasional admixture of personal stuff and other fandoms. Dragon Age sideblog @maor-liath. FFXIV sideblog @three-fulm-thaumaturd

i love being a star wars fan. yes, i spend all my free time thinking about star wars. no, i don't know anything that happens there. yes, i have very extensive knowledge on coruscant lower-level fauna. no, i don't understand the timeline but objectively it's not even my fault. of course i've read through traviss' mado'a language guide and dictionary. does anyone understand hyperlanes. don't ask me about their military ranking system or i will jump out of the window


It’s Not a Plot Hole, It’s Foreshadowing


It’s Not a Plot Hole, It’s Just Something That They Opted Not to Spoon-feed You Because It Would Be Obvious If You Thought About It For 20 Seconds


It May Be a Plot Hole, But It Still Works In Terms of the Story’s Themes and Character Logic


Okay, It Is a Plot Hole, What Are You Going to Do, Cry about It?


All Works of Fiction Represent Constructed Realities and by Demanding a Lack of Plot Holes, You Are Improperly Importing the Rules of Objective Reality into a Subjective Creation that Must Be Judged Primarily on Its Aesthetic Merits


Dude, Just Come-up With a Headcanon Like A Normal Human Being


There’s also: It’s Not a Plot Hole, It’s Not the Writer’s Fault Your Favourite Headcanons Bear No Resemblance To What’s Actually Happening in the Story.

And special mentions go to: This Is An Ongoing Series, You Can’t Call Stuff Plot Holes Just Because The Story Hasn’t Shown You All The Details Yet


Well Yes That Would Be Slightly More Realistic, But it Would Get the Characters the Same Results With the Same Amount of Risk/Effort, So The Only Difference Would Be Making Everything Painfully Boring Which Is Usually A Bad Idea

Or my personal favorite

It’s not a plot hole, you just don’t understand the relevant science and so you feel like it ‘looks’ unrealistic


I used to have a Sith Apprentice who was 6’7, and I'm 4’11. One time we were arguing and he took a holopicture of me from his eye level to show me what I looked like from his perspective and honestly, that was so disrespectful. - Darth Revan (probably.)

I'm debating over making a Palpatine version of this meme too.


Everyone’s going on about having a ‘traditional, old-fashioned Christmas’, but when I burst into the house covered in green paint and demand a champion strike my head from my shoulders with my own axe so that I may return the blow next year, I’m ‘scaring Grandma’.


truly just learn the phrase "I did not like this" instead of trying to give some moral or ethical reasoning behind why it's actually evil and morally wrong and problematic. you are allowed to just not like things because they're not good in your personal opinion, they don't have to be problematic you can just not like them


One thing that’s been bothering me about Star Wars fans on reddit is that a lot of them care waaaaayy too much about “canon”.

I used to care too much about canon too, but then I came to sw tumblr and realised it doesn’t matter.

Yes, this is about the gender of Revan and the Exile from KOTOR. The games where you can CHOOSE the gender of both characters. Who kriffing cares if Revan is “canonically” male and Exile “canonically” female. Don’t listen to “canon” literature and things announced *after* the game. The swtor canon only matters in swtor.

If you want Revan to be a woman, she is! If you want the Exile to be a man, he is! Don’t let lucasfilms, bioware, or angry dudes on reddit stop you!!


The KotORs sat very low in the SWEU’s complicated canon scheme on release ('Continuity canon’/‘C canon’ encompassed SW licensed products that weren’t movies/tv/radio; creators made a good-faith effort not to directly contradict each others’ work, and anticipated that anything the George whimsically said offhand could obliterate what they’d written in an instant) and was subsequently wholesale decanonized in the Disney buyout. At best, so far, some locations and character names from the games have been referenced offhand in the new material.

For the KotORs especially, canon is incredibly moot; play and do art about Revan and the Exile in whatever way is fun for you.

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