
Always Ready To Throw Down

@filthy-weapons / filthy-weapons.tumblr.com

Open house at the Black Heart Bar!

2019 is almost over!

With the final month of the year here, it’s your chance to send the mun or muse something you’ve wanted to tell them! Whether you haven’t had the chance to or you’ve been too shy, now’s the time to say what you feel, and don’t hold back!

Hush little killjoy don’t make a sound

I’ll tell you a story when the sun goes down

Out in the zones there’s a mad man laughing at the rain

He says ‘It’s just easier than dealing with the pain’

He’s sinking faster and faster between heaven and disaster, looking for a lost love he’ll never see

And hears stories of half the man he’ll never be

He speaks when the shadows disappear, and gives advice you should learn not to fear

He says ‘don’t let your love slip away, because you’ll never know if it’s their last day. And in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make.’



Last night I dreamed you were in my arms again and now I don’t want to get out of bed because it means that it wasn’t real and that you’re still not here...

Je veux te dire tout ce que j'aime de toi, mais je crains que mes mots ne soient jamais suffisants

À la fin, l'amour que nous prenons est égal à l'amour que nous faisons


A killjoy's gun, commonly, usn't named after themselves, but it is named. Intead, usually they're named after the person you hold closest in your heart. They say if you purposely misnamed your gun it will always misfire. They say if its namesake dies, it will always be a deadshot to where its namesake was injured (if they were killed by a lethal shot to the ribs, your shot will always find the ribs)

If the owner of the gun dies, not the namesake, then the gun will not fire. It doesn’t matter how matter how many guns the owner has, they will not fire.

Some killjoys have more than one ray gun, and if they’re old enough to have been around that long, a killjoy may have an acoustic.* There are specific people** in the zones that are specialists in fixings ray guns and acoustics.

*Acoustic: a gun that fires bullets

**These people are called blacksmiths, or more commonly, smithies


Masquerade masks in the Zones aren't too uncommon. In fact, about once every year, the Zones host what could be a masquerade party out in Zone 3, in the ruins of what used to be an old hospital, one of the first to be blown up. It is the only time of year killjoys dress in ball gowns and ankle dresses, suits, all in black, white, gray or dark red, with their colorless masks. No one knows how the tradition started.


Knives are often extremely personalized in the Zones. It's normal to keep around 1-3 knives on your person, be it pocket knives to hunting knives. The blade doesn't even have to be sharp - in fact, most have jagged edges and cuts in the blade. They're decorated with spray paint, marker, and, oddly enough, ribbon.

Knives are often gifted to killjoys when they reach a certain age. For young killjoys, it’s when they’re old enough to learn to drive. For older killjoys, it’s a gift when you officially join a crew. The knives are custom made for the killjoy in mind. Tumbleweeds learn how to hold and use the knives properly so they don’t cut themselves accidentally. Yes, killjoys have knives on them, but you’ll never know where until one is pulled on you.

They say killjoys sleep with their gun close. What they don’t tell you is killjoys sleep with at least one knife under their pillow.


Please stop complaining if people have different designs or headcanons for the fab four, sometimes people like to establish differences in the canon designs and their fanon designs to establish that the fab four and mcr are different people entirely, and sometimes people just like to change the designs for self indulgent reasons, or maybe they just like them, so can you like, stop


just found out you can easily DIY dry shampoo with cornstarch and cacao power so… no more greasy hair for the killjoys…

Is it possible to use other powders in case your are allergic to chocolate, for example? Or would the results not be the same?


“Who do you think you are? Don’t you know who I am?”

“I think you’re a man with a fragile, breakable skull and I’m somebody holding an axe.”


Gold doesn’t rust

Nor does it tarnish

Eternally beautiful

But so soft and easy to manipulate

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