
There Will Be Peace

@purplecatterpiller / purplecatterpiller.tumblr.com

Mostly supernatural but also other stuff Ask box open Masterlist below.

Here’s another fundraiser I can vouch for. It’s run by a friend of my sister’s. It’s for a family of 9, including elders with chronic conditions who can’t access healthcare. Please share widely across social media platforms 🖤


eggs are most delicious when least touched by fire (so poached, sunny side up, etc declining in quality to over easy, hard boiled). this is because fire cleanses the egg of sin (primary source of flavor). this is also why the objectively most delicious egg is soft boiled (hardened purified exterior traps the delicious sin inside the soft gooey interior), and why scrambled eggs are morally ambiguous

couple things

  • deviled eggs are delicious bc, while hard boiled/cleansed of sin, as the name implies the sin has been artificially added back in (via mayonnaise)
  • raw eggs are indeed the Most Delicious, which is why consuming them inflicts divine punishment (salmonella) unless they have received exorcism (pasteurization)
  • rotten eggs smell like that bc the sin has been absolved. as with most things in life, the church is to blame

Wait when you watch the actual panel and see jared trying to explain the destiel question he truly is just trying like his best…. poor guy his words got jumbled but he just meant. platonic love exists too


He’s a little confused but he’s got the spirit!!!

you can tell he’s trying his best to articulate what he means and to be respectful about it <3


Be Aware!!!

Worth noting this is also happening at the same time as the Bundy assholes are putting out briefs on how to essentially bluster your way into stealing indigenous water, aimed squarely at Klamath-Siskiyou indigenous water rights holders.

This is just one more reason to hate TPTB in Texas. (Not indigenous, but in between my academic background and having friends who’ve worked oilfields I know damn well they break/leak, and while ICWA maybe isn’t perfect it’s a huge improvement over residential schools/60s Scoop/various other forms of racism when it comes to indigenous kiddos at least getting to stay in their tribe/Nation/culture).


love having an anxiety disorder. i feel terrified like im dying and im just sitting here. its like going to a haunted house with free admission but its inside my mind

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