
Not... Terribly Drawn Fugo

@notterriblydrawnfugo-blog / notterriblydrawnfugo-blog.tumblr.com

You goddamn punk!

(( Sorry for the lack of updates ))

(( I'm a final year university studebt and life has been kicking my ass!! I'm really sorry, but I'll be getting back to this blog as soon as possible, hopefukky this week!!))


Get out of my room! GET OUT OF MY ROOM!!! TELL MY OTHER DAD I HATE HIM TOO!!!!!!!!

(( @poorlydrawnbruabbas I couldn’t resist! ))

Bruno - “what are you looking at on there…?”

Bruno - ….

Bruno - *slowly walks out of the room*

It’s not what it LOOKS LIKE, PLEASE Dads don’t put parental control on the wifi, PLEASE, I NEED this!!!!!!


Hey everyone,

Another Friday is here! Which means its time for another JoJo Friday!!

Come join us as we read through more Duwangs and Vento Aureo live for your sick pleasure!

Tonights Chapters:

Duwangs: Yukako Yamagishi Is In Love! Part 2 VA: Head to Venezia, then White Album

Stream starts at 7pm EST, 4pm PST!

(( Hey everyone, so this is a thing that me and my two best friends (one of this which runs @decentlydrawndoppio if you’ve seen that blog!) every friday without regular JoJo anime updates! We’re live-reading the Duwang translation of Diamond Is Unbreakable, and all of Vento Aureo live every friday from 7pm EST/4pm PST! Please come along and show your support it would be GURATO to have you there!!))

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