
Why are you here? there's nothing to see

@eatmygayfist / eatmygayfist.tumblr.com

Orion 20 // He/any // queer, disabled, anarchist // part of a system but still figuring things out // I can and will reblog nsfw

for anyone who hasn't gotten access to the feature yet—discord is testing out a new feature that tells you when a user was last online. it's visible both in DMs and in servers. the activity tracking seems to be done client-side, and closing/refreshing the app will refresh it. all users, even those who can't see the "recently online" status yet, currently have this activity shared.

if you're like me, you probably don't want everyone you share servers with or DM to be able to have this level of access to your activity. there is currently no setting that allows a user to turn off this feature. I've changed my status to invisible for the time being, and I sincerely hope that this feature is either rolled back or becomes opt-out


Reblog this if you're ok with your mutuals pestering you randomly for no reason :p

Pt: Reblog this if you're ok with your mutuals pestering you randomly for no reason :p


iwtv is so fun because it's not really about vampires who happen to be gay. it's about gay ppl with personality disorders who also happen to be vampires


rejection sensitivity is so fucking lame. like boo hoo look at me i felt mildly ignored for 30 seconds and already started planning my own funeral liKE BITCH CHILL it was never that serious


Greedflation is manifest.


So I decided to look further into this story. I've been lamenting my rent recently-- in 2019, it was a hefty 1,900. Now, in 2024, it's 2,850.

This complex prided itself on safety. My car was broken into, and my neighbor's car was stolen. In the garage-- which has no security cameras-- several other, more severe crimes have occurred.

My apartment had roaches for eight months because another tenant left their home in disarray. Nests upon nests of roaches.

Our air-conditioner, which is not optional where I live, has broken down 15 times in the past two years. The emergency maintenance number has never worked, and I recently learned-- after going to visit the managers myself-- that it simply hasn't been working for a year.

Oh, and they told us they can't replace the fridge filters anymore. It's just... oh, perish the thought, too expensive.

And last time we went to re-sign our lease, when I spotted a listing from our building managers-- our exact unit plan, our exact floor-- for 2,315, I took screenshot. Why, I thought, would us long-time tenants be asked to pay 2,850 when new renters were looking at 2,315?

Eleven days later when I went to ask them about it, the listing had mysteriously disappeared. "Oh, when was it that price? It wasn't listed at that price. Oh, that screenshot's from... a few days ago. The market's volatile." They told me. Really? $600 in 11 days volatile?

If we adjust what I was originally paying for cumulative inflation, I should be paying 2,415 a month. It just didn't make sense! But moving was expensive, and the other options in our area were expensive too.

So you can imagine that when I looked into this story and learned the fucking company that the FBI is investigating is the same company that manages my building, I SCREAMED.


It took three fucking hours at the top of a ladder but I have finally solved The Hole Of Screaming Darkness (nest of birds in it, finally fledged).

Terror help me but sometimes it's not great to live in a wooden house built in the 1860s.



Odette before having a thorough physical examination, getting her ears irrigated for mites and having her blood taken for a FIV test:

Odette after having a thorough physical examination, getting her ears irrigated for mites and having her blood taken for a FIV test:

(with cheese on her nose, an attempt my staff to get her to stop trying to kill them)


I don’t know why it’s so easy to be patient and gentle with cats and so hard for me to be patient and gentle with people.

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