
julyzaa's main blog for the normal typical bs

@julyzaa / julyzaa.tumblr.com

Juli 25, aroace, pronouns she/her ,🇲🇽🇺🇸 minors don't interact

Okay so I decided to make separate side blogs for fanfic and aesthetic purposes.

@evita-shelby : a side blog for all of my Peaky Blinders things and also aesthetics for my oc, Eva Shelby

@lya-dustin : a side blog for all my things fantasy but mostly fics and shit about my Asoiaf/GoT/HoTD ocs (Aemma Velaryon, Lyanna Dustin and Jocelyn Dustin)

And here is the reminder that i post nsfw things sometimes so minors don't interact


you just know john adams would develop a complex about oscar van rhijn drinking his blood

rest assured that in the au where they and Old New York are all vampires john has a complex about oscar NOT drinking his blood


Colin looks like he’s been lifting hot air balloons since the ripe age of 4 and does it daily meanwhile Benedict’s out here barely lifting the rope and struggling like all hell get his ass back in the studio!


let this become a meme please


>password sharing is estimated to cost them several billion dollars



Password sharing actually doesnt cost them anything, every time u share a password they dont have to pay u for that. Its free. They just use that language bc they say that not having everyone buy into their service is a loss of a customer they /never even had/ and are pretending they would have made money from those non customers


They aren't losing money, they're just mad they aren't making more money. Absolutely share passwords with friends and people you trust.


Basic rules for analysing fiction, an incomprehensive list jotted down in a hurry:

  1. The protagonist isn’t always right
  2. The protagonist isn’t always good
  3. The protagonist isn’t always written to be relatable or likeable
  4. The narrator isn’t always right
  5. The narrator isn’t always good
  6. The narrator isn’t always telling the truth
  7. The narrator isn’t always the author
  8. The protagonist’s moral compass, the narrator’s moral compass and the author’s moral compass are three entirely different things that only occasionally overlap
  9. Pay attention to what characters do and not just what they say
  10. Pay special attention when what the characters do is at odds with what they say
  11. A lot of the time the curtains are blue for a reason. If they aren’t, you should read better books

One more:

12. The antagonist isn’t always telling the truth

So many times I have seen people apparently just … forget that it’s possible for fictional characters to be (a) mistaken or (b) lying, and say things like “we know this to be true because [character] said so here” (or, worse, “this fact is canon because [character] said it”).

The antagonist isn’t always telling the truth, the protagonist isn’t always telling the truth, the secondary and minor characters aren’t always telling the truth, the narrator may be telling the truth but if the narrator is also a character in the story then don’t count on it.


I drew Cillian Murphy as Kitten Braden from Breakfast on Pluto.


I think "they don't even have X" is one of those memes that's actually funnier in its original context than in anything that's been done with it subsequently. Like, in its original context, this is a joke about a man who has lived his entire adult life alone in a swamp cold-reading the atmosphere of a corporate workplace and deciding that appealing to the receptionist's sense of working-class solidarity is going to get him in the door, and it fucking works.


more good news from tiktok: they’ve started blocking celebrities.

they’re calling it block party 2024. just blocking and ignoring countless celebrities who havent said shit about palestine. influencers, actors, anyone who went to the met gala, whatever, they’re getting blocked. and people keep talking about how cathartic it is, how good it feels, how they never realized they could DO that. there was some kind of subconscious law against blocking famous people, but it’s broken, and people are LOVING it. and it’s WORKING. a social media/digital advertising coordinator was talking about how ad companies are PANICKING, because they can’t accurately target anymore. so many big influencers, including fucking LIZZO started talking about palestine the MOMENT their follower counts started going down. and the best part? no one is forgiving them. lizzo posted a tiktok asking people to donate to palestinian families, and all the comments just said you’re a multimillionaire. put your money where your mouth is. blocked.

i feel like i’m witnessing the downfall of celebrity culture, right here right now. people are waking up.

PEOPLE ARE WAKING UP. so many comments saying “blocking x celebrity was hard until i remembered they don’t care if i die. it got a lot easier then. they aren’t my friends, why should i feel like im betraying them?” what a beautiful thing to see

does this not fill you with immense pride and joy

(screenshot from stickbugss1 on tiktok)

Genuine question, is it helpful to block celebs even if you're not following them?

Yes even if you never followed or interacted with them!

It messes with the ad algorithm and makes it more expensive for the brands and celebrities to run ads.

I started blocking celebs and brands on insta based on blocklists and my ads have been wild.

So I definitely recommend checking out chopping.block2024 and blockout2024.02 on Insta or the equivalent on whatever Social Media Platform you are using.

There are also country specific blocklists.


I enjoy this fandom's overwhelmingly wholesome portrayal of the clones as individuals and as a community but ngl their upbringing on Kamino would foster a ton of toxic attitudes that I'd like to hear more people's takes on.

I think esp where mental health and performance issues are concerned the vibes would be RANCID. Again I love wholesome clones, and I'm not saying there wouldn't be any of those, but the Kamino cloning facilities are exactly the sort of environment that produces ppl who say shit like "everyone is doing this, why can't you?" or "just be normal" or "stop being depressed". Imo this kind of thinking would have a big impact on aspects of clone culture and community (since there's no such thing as a community without problems like that).

Imagine literally having the same DNA as everyone else but you're failing at something that millions of people with your exact "hardware" have perfected before. Both your creators and your own brothers just place all those "default" expectations on you. And how does that translate to the battlefield? You simply cannot show weakness bc at home, that would make you an inferior product, and on the job it would jeopardize your mission and everyone around you. You'd be stuck in an endless cycle of "man up and get your shit together" and more exploration of that would be fascinating I think.

Overall I'm advocating for more clones that kind of just turn out to be bad people bc it's not like goodness is coded into their genes. It's not like they were raised to be sweet and goofy, but a bunch of them just choose to become sweet and goofy people despite everything. Food for thought

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