
sitting there by the water

@wherehorsesmeetdogs / wherehorsesmeetdogs.tumblr.com

alina. 24. bisexual. latina. my life revolves around my dogs and my horse.
Anonymous asked:

Just a question. If you have done all sorts of tests (nerve blocking, x-rays, etc.) wouldn't that really narrow it down? If something comes back on the MRI which you can't afford (although somehow being able to ship him from Puerto Rico to the US at some point?) how would you be able to afford the cost of whatever comes next?

we’ve done nerve blocking, ultrasound and x-rays. nerve blocking helped narrow it down to something beneath the fetlock. but as to what it is, we have no idea. it could be any number of things, and ultrasounding and x-rays gave us no definitive answers. the vets’ (vets plural, as in i’ve gotten multiple opinions) best guess is that he has something going on in a tendon or ligament on his left front that is not showing up in the ultrasounds. an MRI is a far more in depth diagnostic tool than x-rays or ultrasounds, so if either of those missed anything, it will show up on there. at this point an MRI is needed to appropriately diagnose so we can develop a better treatment plan than just stall rest with the standard rehab plan which we have already tried and didn’t help. 

also… you do realize that he shipped from puerto rico to the US all the way back in august 2012? back when my parents supported me, and when puerto rico’s economy hadn’t collapsed due to government corruption and a hurricane, and when my mom hadn’t gotten cancer? back then my parents were well off enough to help me pay for half his ticket to the US as a graduation/christmas/birthday present. that is no longer my family’s reality.  a lot has changed in six years and my parents no longer support me or charlie. they CANNOT afford to help me with this. 

i’m not gonna lie… the tone of this question is hurtful. i’m trying my best to get a diagnosis so THEN i can focus on saving up for treatment, no matter what the treatment. will it take some time? yes, absolutely. but at least a diagnosis will help me and the vets develop a plan to better manage the injury until i can afford treatment.

i don’t care if the MRI tells me charlie can’t do anything more than sit in a pasture for the rest of his life, i will still pursue treatment. charlie is my family, and i intend to treat him as such for however long he’s on this earth. 

you don’t have to donate if you don’t want to to, i don’t expect you to and nobody is obligating you to. 


hey @ the fucker who asked this question! in just a few days it will have been two years since charlie had his MRI, thanks to my hard earned savings, and the incredibly amazing people who didn’t judge me and helped pay for it (aka not you).

you know what happened in those two years? he was diagnosed with DDFT injuries, collateral ligament injuries, navicular disease and a navicular cyst that hadn’t shown up on x-ray. within a week the farrier and vets had developed AND implemented a management plan, within a month he was more comfortable than he’d been in 3 years, within SIX months he was pain free despite significant remodeling to his navicular bone.

and since then? he has been sound. in a year and a half he has not taken a singe lame step after having been lame on and off for THREE years before his MRI. you know why? because i made the choice to ask people for help to pay for his MRI at a time when his condition was becoming critical–this ended up being a fantastic diagnostic tool which gave us a definite diagnosis, as well as gave us insight on how to manage his issues. coming up with the right management plan helped him heal because we FINALLY understood what was going on and how to fix it. 

if it hadn’t been because of us doing an MRI, charlie would probably be in his grave instead of celebrating his seventeenth birthday out in a paddock whilst playing with his buddies and living his best retired life. 

i’m so glad i didn’t let your tone discourage me from my plan of action. and i’m so glad your tone gave me even more drive to help others in their time of need without casting judgement. 


hey friends,

as some of you may have noticed, i haven’t really been around much the past few months. that’s because i’ve been working as much as i can try and get this guy healthy again.

a little over two years ago, charlie started presenting with intermittent lameness (a limp, in layman’s term) in his front left leg, which has since progressed into a persistent lameness. over the past two years, we’ve done test after test in hopes of diagnosing whatever mystery injury he’s got he can receive the appropriate treatment but so far we haven’t been successful in pin pointing it.

at this point, charlie’s veterinarians have told me that we’ve exhausted all diagnostic avenues except for one: a very costly MRI. with no other diagnostic choices left, i called around to all the large animal hospitals in the state to get quotes, and eventually settled on getting it done at the University of Florida–they quoted the MRI at $2500-2800, way cheaper than anywhere else.

over the past few months i’ve been working as much as i can and saving as much as i can to be able to do this MRI. but it’s been hard. i lost my job over the summer bc my boss couldn’t afford to pay me and had to live off of my savings until i found another one, which was a major set back and it’s been hard to get back on my feet where it comes to saving for the MRI. and with my student loans going into primary payment soon, it’s looking like i won’t be able to save enough money any time soon.

so i’m here to ask for help in reaching my $2800 savings goal. so far i’ve saved about $1800, so i have $1000 to go.

it kills me to even ask because charlie is my responsibility, and i should be able to do this for him all on my own. but i can’t and he deserves better than that. charlie is my family in every sense of the word–i’ve had him for almost 8 years and he’s traveled with me from puerto rico, to indiana, to florida. he’s been there for me more than anyone else in this world. and for that i owe him more than i can give.

i know it’s the holiday season so a lot of you are strapped for cash and you guys don’t owe me a single thing. but if you can donate anything at all, even a dollar, here’s a link to my paypal account. i’ll also be posting a lot of dog gear on here for sale on here in the next few days, so stay tuned for that. 

(another picture of charlie for tax)

(please note, this post has also been posted to my other blog, @marvelthismarvelthat)

i was scrolling through my blog looking for pictures and realized i never provided an update about charlie.

in march 2019, just three months after posting this, charlie was able to get his MRI thanks to everyone that donated. 

the results of charlie’s MRI were not exactly what we hoped for--it revealed several tears to his deep digital flexor tendon and his collateral ligaments, as well as a cyst in his navicular bone along with some remodeling. all in all, it was a diagnosis that means charlie will be a pasture pet for the rest of his days. 

BUT with all the information we got we were able to develop a plan that has worked marvelously for him. for the first time since 2016 charlie is 100% sound. it was a slow build, from building the plan to implementing it to just letting ‘the plan’ work, but now he walks and runs and plays in his paddock without any pain. 

that’s really all i ever wanted for him, for him to be able to be a horse without it crippling him. 

so thank you to the people that donated. you made it possible for charlie to get where he is now and i can never thank you enough for that. 


It’s with a very broken heart that I share that Sweetie passed away in the early morning hours on Sunday after suddenly becoming ill Saturday evening. From the moment we brought her home, Sweetie lived a life of creating trouble- climbing onto impossibly high tables and eating anything on them, ripping garbage bags out of the cans, eating things she shouldn’t, barking up a storm whenever someone walked down the hall. She once even ate a whole bag of Hershey’s kisses and didn’t even flinch. There was also an incident with a sizeable can peanuts and another with Oreos, both times she was also fine. I think everyone in my family was halfway convinced she was immortal. And age did anything but slow her down, it just made her bolder and more opinionated. Even with nerve damage to her hind legs resulting from a back injury she still leapt onto the couch and bed on her own if you weren’t quick to pick her up. She got the zoomies often. She stood on her hind legs to beg for food or pets constantly. She was mostly deaf and couldn’t hear what happened outside the house anymore, but she still barked up a storm whenever Milo barked at the door because God forbid he got to have all the fun. When she was excited, she’d rub her face all over the closest pillow. She hated kisses and would put a paw on your face to push you away when you tried to kiss her. She loved to put her front paws on your shoulders and get a back rub while standing there. She woke up at 6am on the dot every morning and demanded breakfast, throwing a tantrum if I took too long to wake up. When I walked through the door she always greeted me by running like a maniac, huffing happily with every stride, before she’d dramatically and somewhat unceremoniously flop at my feet for a belly rub. Her favorite hobby was hating Monty’s guts for no reason whatsoever, all while having absolutely no qualms with Milo. That hatred resulted in Monty putting holes in her face twice in the span of two weeks last year. But that didn’t make her afraid or make her back off, it just made her want to stir the pot even more. If she’d been given the chance she would’ve policed him day in day out to make sure he didn’t put a paw out of line. Mostly, Sweetie loved to eat, curl up in bed and follow me wherever I went. In her later years, the sound of her nails dragging across the floor as she shuffled behind me and her happy huffs around mealtimes became one of my favorite sounds on the planet. It’s amazing that losing someone so small in size has left our home feeling so incredibly empty, but I shouldn’t be surprised. Sweetie had more spirit, personality and presence than most dogs or people in this world, and she made it known every second of every day. I hope wherever Sweetie is she knows how incredibly loved she was from the moment I heard her squeak from where my parents had hidden her the day they brought her home, which completely ruined their attempt of surprising me with her after I got home from school. I’ll miss her for the rest of my days, but I’m so unbelievably grateful that I got the immense privilege of spending almost fifteen years with her.

I don’t really post on this blog anymore, but it didn’t feel right to not say anything on here. Sweetie was the dog that started it all for me and led me to Monty and Milo, which ultimately led to this blog. She was something special. 


hey friends,

as some of you may have noticed, i haven’t really been around much the past few months. that’s because i’ve been working as much as i can try and get this guy healthy again.

a little over two years ago, charlie started presenting with intermittent lameness (a limp, in layman’s term) in his front left leg, which has since progressed into a persistent lameness. over the past two years, we’ve done test after test in hopes of diagnosing whatever mystery injury he’s got he can receive the appropriate treatment but so far we haven’t been successful in pin pointing it.

at this point, charlie’s veterinarians have told me that we’ve exhausted all diagnostic avenues except for one: a very costly MRI. with no other diagnostic choices left, i called around to all the large animal hospitals in the state to get quotes, and eventually settled on getting it done at the University of Florida–they quoted the MRI at $2500-2800, way cheaper than anywhere else.

over the past few months i’ve been working as much as i can and saving as much as i can to be able to do this MRI. but it’s been hard. i lost my job over the summer bc my boss couldn’t afford to pay me and had to live off of my savings until i found another one, which was a major set back and it’s been hard to get back on my feet where it comes to saving for the MRI. and with my student loans going into primary payment soon, it’s looking like i won’t be able to save enough money any time soon.

so i’m here to ask for help in reaching my $2800 savings goal. so far i’ve saved about $1800, so i have $1000 to go.

it kills me to even ask because charlie is my responsibility, and i should be able to do this for him all on my own. but i can’t and he deserves better than that. charlie is my family in every sense of the word–i’ve had him for almost 8 years and he’s traveled with me from puerto rico, to indiana, to florida. he’s been there for me more than anyone else in this world. and for that i owe him more than i can give.

i know it’s the holiday season so a lot of you are strapped for cash and you guys don’t owe me a single thing. but if you can donate anything at all, even a dollar, here’s a link to my paypal account. i’ll also be posting a lot of dog gear on here for sale on here in the next few days, so stay tuned for that. 

(another picture of charlie for tax)

(please note, this post has also been posted to my other blog, @marvelthismarvelthat)


hey friends,

as some of you may have noticed, i haven’t really been around much the past few months. that’s because i’ve been working as much as i can try and get this guy healthy again.

a little over two years ago, charlie started presenting with intermittent lameness (a limp, in layman’s term) in his front left leg, which has since progressed into a persistent lameness. over the past two years, we’ve done test after test in hopes of diagnosing whatever mystery injury he’s got he can receive the appropriate treatment but so far we haven’t been successful in pin pointing it.

at this point, charlie’s veterinarians have told me that we’ve exhausted all diagnostic avenues except for one: a very costly MRI. with no other diagnostic choices left, i called around to all the large animal hospitals in the state to get quotes, and eventually settled on getting it done at the University of Florida–they quoted the MRI at $2500-2800, way cheaper than anywhere else.

over the past few months i’ve been working as much as i can and saving as much as i can to be able to do this MRI. but it’s been hard. i lost my job over the summer bc my boss couldn’t afford to pay me and had to live off of my savings until i found another one, which was a major set back and it’s been hard to get back on my feet where it comes to saving for the MRI. and with my student loans going into primary payment soon, it’s looking like i won’t be able to save enough money any time soon.

so i’m here to ask for help in reaching my $2800 savings goal. so far i’ve saved about $1800, so i have $1000 to go.

it kills me to even ask because charlie is my responsibility, and i should be able to do this for him all on my own. but i can’t and he deserves better than that. charlie is my family in every sense of the word–i’ve had him for almost 8 years and he’s traveled with me from puerto rico, to indiana, to florida. he’s been there for me more than anyone else in this world. and for that i owe him more than i can give.

i know it’s the holiday season so a lot of you are strapped for cash and you guys don’t owe me a single thing. but if you can donate anything at all, even a dollar, here’s a link to my paypal account. i’ll also be posting a lot of dog gear on here for sale on here in the next few days, so stay tuned for that. 

(another picture of charlie for tax)

(please note, this post has also been posted to my other blog, @marvelthismarvelthat)


hey friends,

as some of you may have noticed, i haven’t really been around much the past few months. that’s because i’ve been working as much as i can try and get this guy healthy again.

a little over two years ago, charlie started presenting with intermittent lameness (a limp, in layman’s term) in his front left leg, which has since progressed into a persistent lameness. over the past two years, we’ve done test after test in hopes of diagnosing whatever mystery injury he’s got he can receive the appropriate treatment but so far we haven’t been successful in pin pointing it.

at this point, charlie’s veterinarians have told me that we’ve exhausted all diagnostic avenues except for one: a very costly MRI. with no other diagnostic choices left, i called around to all the large animal hospitals in the state to get quotes, and eventually settled on getting it done at the University of Florida–they quoted the MRI at $2500-2800, way cheaper than anywhere else.

over the past few months i’ve been working as much as i can and saving as much as i can to be able to do this MRI. but it’s been hard. i lost my job over the summer bc my boss couldn’t afford to pay me and had to live off of my savings until i found another one, which was a major set back and it’s been hard to get back on my feet where it comes to saving for the MRI. and with my student loans going into primary payment soon, it’s looking like i won’t be able to save enough money any time soon.

so i’m here to ask for help in reaching my $2800 savings goal. so far i’ve saved about $1800, so i have $1000 to go.

it kills me to even ask because charlie is my responsibility, and i should be able to do this for him all on my own. but i can’t and he deserves better than that. charlie is my family in every sense of the word–i’ve had him for almost 8 years and he’s traveled with me from puerto rico, to indiana, to florida. he’s been there for me more than anyone else in this world. and for that i owe him more than i can give.

i know it’s the holiday season so a lot of you are strapped for cash and you guys don’t owe me a single thing. but if you can donate anything at all, even a dollar, here’s a link to my paypal account. i’ll also be posting a lot of dog gear on here for sale on here in the next few days, so stay tuned for that. 

(another picture of charlie for tax)

(please note, this post has also been posted to my other blog, @marvelthismarvelthat)


hey friends,

as some of you may have noticed, i haven’t really been around much the past few months. that’s because i’ve been working as much as i can try and get this guy healthy again.

a little over two years ago, charlie started presenting with intermittent lameness (a limp, in layman’s term) in his front left leg, which has since progressed into a persistent lameness. over the past two years, we’ve done test after test in hopes of diagnosing whatever mystery injury he’s got he can receive the appropriate treatment but so far we haven’t been successful in pin pointing it.

at this point, charlie’s veterinarians have told me that we’ve exhausted all diagnostic avenues except for one: a very costly MRI. with no other diagnostic choices left, i called around to all the large animal hospitals in the state to get quotes, and eventually settled on getting it done at the University of Florida–they quoted the MRI at $2500-2800, way cheaper than anywhere else.

over the past few months i’ve been working as much as i can and saving as much as i can to be able to do this MRI. but it’s been hard. i lost my job over the summer bc my boss couldn’t afford to pay me and had to live off of my savings until i found another one, which was a major set back and it’s been hard to get back on my feet where it comes to saving for the MRI. and with my student loans going into primary payment soon, it’s looking like i won’t be able to save enough money any time soon.

so i’m here to ask for help in reaching my $2800 savings goal. so far i’ve saved about $1800, so i have $1000 to go.

it kills me to even ask because charlie is my responsibility, and i should be able to do this for him all on my own. but i can’t and he deserves better than that. charlie is my family in every sense of the word–i’ve had him for almost 8 years and he’s traveled with me from puerto rico, to indiana, to florida. he’s been there for me more than anyone else in this world. and for that i owe him more than i can give.

i know it’s the holiday season so a lot of you are strapped for cash and you guys don’t owe me a single thing. but if you can donate anything at all, even a dollar, here’s a link to my paypal accounts. i’ll also be posting a lot of dog gear on here for sale on here in the next few days, so stay tuned for that. 

(another picture of charlie for tax)

(please note, this post has also been posted to my other blog, @marvelthismarvelthat)

Anonymous asked:

Just a question. If you have done all sorts of tests (nerve blocking, x-rays, etc.) wouldn't that really narrow it down? If something comes back on the MRI which you can't afford (although somehow being able to ship him from Puerto Rico to the US at some point?) how would you be able to afford the cost of whatever comes next?

we’ve done nerve blocking, ultrasound and x-rays. nerve blocking helped narrow it down to something beneath the fetlock. but as to what it is, we have no idea. it could be any number of things, and ultrasounding and x-rays gave us no definitive answers. the vets’ (vets plural, as in i’ve gotten multiple opinions) best guess is that he has something going on in a tendon or ligament on his left front that is not showing up in the ultrasounds. an MRI is a far more in depth diagnostic tool than x-rays or ultrasounds, so if either of those missed anything, it will show up on there. at this point an MRI is needed to appropriately diagnose so we can develop a better treatment plan than just stall rest with the standard rehab plan which we have already tried and didn’t help. 

also… you do realize that he shipped from puerto rico to the US all the way back in august 2012? back when my parents supported me, and when puerto rico’s economy hadn’t collapsed due to government corruption and a hurricane, and when my mom hadn’t gotten cancer? back then my parents were well off enough to help me pay for half his ticket to the US as a graduation/christmas/birthday present. that is no longer my family’s reality.  a lot has changed in six years and my parents no longer support me or charlie. they CANNOT afford to help me with this. 

i’m not gonna lie… the tone of this question is hurtful. i’m trying my best to get a diagnosis so THEN i can focus on saving up for treatment, no matter what the treatment. will it take some time? yes, absolutely. but at least a diagnosis will help me and the vets develop a plan to better manage the injury until i can afford treatment.

i don’t care if the MRI tells me charlie can’t do anything more than sit in a pasture for the rest of his life, i will still pursue treatment. charlie is my family, and i intend to treat him as such for however long he’s on this earth. 

you don’t have to donate if you don’t want to to, i don’t expect you to and nobody is obligating you to. 


From personal experience with my own injury - I broke both hips in a riding accident in 2014 - I can tell you that x-ray and ultrasound imaging do not give a complete diagnostic picture. I didn’t learn of a labral tear in my left hip socket until this year, when I got a new primary care physician who sent me for additional MRI imaging. X-rays generally don’t show soft tissue injuries because they’re not designed for that, and ultrasound imaging is often very unclear, so it was missed completely the first time around.

After discovering the labral tear - essentially, I’ve ripped the cartilage girdle that holds the femoral head in its socket - my doctor was able to get me in with a physical therapy program that is better designed to accommodate my injury without further damage. (As it turns out, I really shouldn’t run; the impact causes my hip to slide around too much in the socket.) Thanks to a better management program, my doctor is not recommending surgical repair at this time and I have been successful in lessening the arthritis pain also associated with my injury.

Because the x-rays and ultrasounds have been inconclusive, an MRI could prove invaluable in diagnosing a soft tissue injury in Charlie’s case, too. Considering that a horse’s lower limb is held together entirely by tendons and ligaments with very minimal muscling, it seems entirely likely that soft tissues are the culprit. The area below the fetlock is home to the extensor branch of the suspensory ligament, the superficial distal sesamoidean ligament, the deep digital flexor tendon, and the superficial digital flexor tendon. Any one of them could be problematic. 

thank you so much for this response! you put it into words way better than i was able to. 

this is basically what it comes down to with charlie, his injury is likely soft tissue related--we just don’t know which soft tissue and it has, for the last two years, refused to heal on its own. even if i can’t pay for treatment immediately after i do the MRI, a management plan geared towards whatever his specific injury is will help him so much. 

i’m sorry about your hip <3 but i’m glad management is helping with your injury and that you finally have some answers!


hey friends,

as some of you may have noticed, i haven’t really been around much the past few months. that’s because i’ve been working as much as i can try and get this guy healthy again.

a little over two years ago, charlie started presenting with intermittent lameness (a limp, in layman’s term) in his front left leg, which has since progressed into a persistent lameness. over the past two years, we’ve done test after test in hopes of diagnosing whatever mystery injury he’s got he can receive the appropriate treatment but so far we haven’t been successful in pin pointing it.

at this point, charlie’s veterinarians have told me that we’ve exhausted all diagnostic avenues except for one: a very costly MRI. with no other diagnostic choices left, i called around to all the large animal hospitals in the state to get quotes, and eventually settled on getting it done at the University of Florida–they quoted the MRI at $2500-2800, way cheaper than anywhere else.

over the past few months i’ve been working as much as i can and saving as much as i can to be able to do this MRI. but it’s been hard. i lost my job over the summer bc my boss couldn’t afford to pay me and had to live off of my savings until i found another one, which was a major set back and it’s been hard to get back on my feet where it comes to saving for the MRI. and with my student loans going into primary payment soon, it’s looking like i won’t be able to save enough money any time soon.

so i’m here to ask for help in reaching my $2800 savings goal. so far i’ve saved about $1800, so i have $1000 to go.

it kills me to even ask because charlie is my responsibility, and i should be able to do this for him all on my own. but i can’t and he deserves better than that. charlie is my family in every sense of the word–i’ve had him for almost 8 years and he’s traveled with me from puerto rico, to indiana, to florida. he’s been there for me more than anyone else in this world. and for that i owe him more than i can give.

i know it’s the holiday season so a lot of you are strapped for cash and you guys don’t owe me a single thing. but if you can donate anything at all, even a dollar, here’s a link to my ko-fi and paypal accounts. i’ll also be posting a lot of dog gear on here for sale on here in the next few days, so stay tuned for that. 

(another picture of charlie for tax)

(please note, this post has also been posted to my other blog, @marvelthismarvelthat)

Anyone who donates $10 or more and sends me a screenshot of your donation, I’ll write you a poem/story of your pet(s)! You can find a bunch of examples of my previous ones here.

<3 <3 <3 thank you sooooo much for doing this! you’re the best!

Anonymous asked:

Just a question. If you have done all sorts of tests (nerve blocking, x-rays, etc.) wouldn't that really narrow it down? If something comes back on the MRI which you can't afford (although somehow being able to ship him from Puerto Rico to the US at some point?) how would you be able to afford the cost of whatever comes next?

we’ve done nerve blocking, ultrasound and x-rays. nerve blocking helped narrow it down to something beneath the fetlock. but as to what it is, we have no idea. it could be any number of things, and ultrasounding and x-rays gave us no definitive answers. the vets’ (vets plural, as in i’ve gotten multiple opinions) best guess is that he has something going on in a tendon or ligament on his left front that is not showing up in the ultrasounds. an MRI is a far more in depth diagnostic tool than x-rays or ultrasounds, so if either of those missed anything, it will show up on there. at this point an MRI is needed to appropriately diagnose so we can develop a better treatment plan than just stall rest with the standard rehab plan which we have already tried and didn’t help. 

also… you do realize that he shipped from puerto rico to the US all the way back in august 2012? back when my parents supported me, and when puerto rico’s economy hadn’t collapsed due to government corruption and a hurricane, and when my mom hadn’t gotten cancer? back then my parents were well off enough to help me pay for half his ticket to the US as a graduation/christmas/birthday present. that is no longer my family’s reality.  a lot has changed in six years and my parents no longer support me or charlie. they CANNOT afford to help me with this. 

i’m not gonna lie… the tone of this question is hurtful. i’m trying my best to get a diagnosis so THEN i can focus on saving up for treatment, no matter what the treatment. will it take some time? yes, absolutely. but at least a diagnosis will help me and the vets develop a plan to better manage the injury until i can afford treatment.

i don’t care if the MRI tells me charlie can’t do anything more than sit in a pasture for the rest of his life, i will still pursue treatment. charlie is my family, and i intend to treat him as such for however long he’s on this earth. 

you don’t have to donate if you don’t want to to, i don’t expect you to and nobody is obligating you to. 


hey friends,

as some of you may have noticed, i haven’t really been around much the past few months. that’s because i’ve been working as much as i can try and get this guy healthy again.

a little over two years ago, charlie started presenting with intermittent lameness (a limp, in layman’s term) in his front left leg, which has since progressed into a persistent lameness. over the past two years, we’ve done test after test in hopes of diagnosing whatever mystery injury he’s got he can receive the appropriate treatment but so far we haven’t been successful in pin pointing it.

at this point, charlie’s veterinarians have told me that we’ve exhausted all diagnostic avenues except for one: a very costly MRI. with no other diagnostic choices left, i called around to all the large animal hospitals in the state to get quotes, and eventually settled on getting it done at the University of Florida–they quoted the MRI at $2500-2800, way cheaper than anywhere else.

over the past few months i’ve been working as much as i can and saving as much as i can to be able to do this MRI. but it’s been hard. i lost my job over the summer bc my boss couldn’t afford to pay me and had to live off of my savings until i found another one, which was a major set back and it’s been hard to get back on my feet where it comes to saving for the MRI. and with my student loans going into primary payment soon, it’s looking like i won’t be able to save enough money any time soon.

so i’m here to ask for help in reaching my $2800 savings goal. so far i’ve saved about $1800, so i have $1000 to go.

it kills me to even ask because charlie is my responsibility, and i should be able to do this for him all on my own. but i can’t and he deserves better than that. charlie is my family in every sense of the word–i’ve had him for almost 8 years and he’s traveled with me from puerto rico, to indiana, to florida. he’s been there for me more than anyone else in this world. and for that i owe him more than i can give.

i know it’s the holiday season so a lot of you are strapped for cash and you guys don’t owe me a single thing. but if you can donate anything at all, even a dollar, here’s a link to my ko-fi and paypal accounts. i’ll also be posting a lot of dog gear on here for sale on here in the next few days, so stay tuned for that. 

(another picture of charlie for tax)

(please note, this post has also been posted to my other blog, @marvelthismarvelthat)

we’re now a little over $600 away from being able to do charlie’s MRI! 

i don’t even have the words to explain how deeply thankful i am for your help, your generosity has made me cry happy tears more than once in the past few days <3 


hey friends,

as some of you may have noticed, i haven’t really been around much the past few months. that’s because i’ve been working as much as i can try and get this guy healthy again.

a little over two years ago, charlie started presenting with intermittent lameness (a limp, in layman’s term) in his front left leg, which has since progressed into a persistent lameness. over the past two years, we’ve done test after test in hopes of diagnosing whatever mystery injury he’s got he can receive the appropriate treatment but so far we haven’t been successful in pin pointing it.

at this point, charlie’s veterinarians have told me that we’ve exhausted all diagnostic avenues except for one: a very costly MRI. with no other diagnostic choices left, i called around to all the large animal hospitals in the state to get quotes, and eventually settled on getting it done at the University of Florida–they quoted the MRI at $2500-2800, way cheaper than anywhere else.

over the past few months i’ve been working as much as i can and saving as much as i can to be able to do this MRI. but it’s been hard. i lost my job over the summer bc my boss couldn’t afford to pay me and had to live off of my savings until i found another one, which was a major set back and it’s been hard to get back on my feet where it comes to saving for the MRI. and with my student loans going into primary payment soon, it’s looking like i won’t be able to save enough money any time soon.

so i’m here to ask for help in reaching my $2800 savings goal. so far i’ve saved about $1800, so i have $1000 to go.

it kills me to even ask because charlie is my responsibility, and i should be able to do this for him all on my own. but i can’t and he deserves better than that. charlie is my family in every sense of the word–i’ve had him for almost 8 years and he’s traveled with me from puerto rico, to indiana, to florida. he’s been there for me more than anyone else in this world. and for that i owe him more than i can give.

i know it’s the holiday season so a lot of you are strapped for cash and you guys don’t owe me a single thing. but if you can donate anything at all, even a dollar, here’s a link to my ko-fi and paypal accounts. i’ll also be posting a lot of dog gear on here for sale on here in the next few days, so stay tuned for that. 

(another picture of charlie for tax)

(please note, this post has also been posted to my other blog, @marvelthismarvelthat)


hey friends,

as some of you may have noticed, i haven’t really been around much the past few months. that’s because i’ve been working as much as i can try and get this guy healthy again.

a little over two years ago, charlie started presenting with intermittent lameness (a limp, in layman’s term) in his front left leg, which has since progressed into a persistent lameness. over the past two years, we’ve done test after test in hopes of diagnosing whatever mystery injury he’s got he can receive the appropriate treatment but so far we haven’t been successful in pin pointing it.

at this point, charlie’s veterinarians have told me that we’ve exhausted all diagnostic avenues except for one: a very costly MRI. with no other diagnostic choices left, i called around to all the large animal hospitals in the state to get quotes, and eventually settled on getting it done at the University of Florida–they quoted the MRI at $2500-2800, way cheaper than anywhere else.

over the past few months i’ve been working as much as i can and saving as much as i can to be able to do this MRI. but it’s been hard. i lost my job over the summer and had to live off of my savings until i found another one, which was a major set back and it’s been hard to get back on my feet where it comes to saving for the MRI. and with my student loans going into primary payment soon, it’s looking like i won’t be able to save enough money any time soon.

so i’m here to ask for help in reaching my $2800 savings goal. so far i’ve saved about $1800, so i have $1000 to go.

it kills me to even ask because charlie is my responsibility, and i should be able to do this for him all on my own. but i can’t and he deserves better than that. charlie is my family in every sense of the word–i’ve had him for almost 8 years and he’s traveled with me from puerto rico, to indiana, to florida. he’s been there for me more than anyone else in this world. and for that i owe him more than i can give.

i know it’s the holiday season so a lot of you are strapped for cash and you guys don’t owe me a single thing. but if you can donate anything at all, even a dollar, here’s a link to my ko-fi and paypal accounts. i’ll also be posting a lot of dog gear on here for sale on here in the next few days, so stay tuned for that. 

(another picture of charlie for tax)

(please note, this post has also been posted to my other blog, @marvelthismarvelthat)


hey friends,

as some of you may have noticed, i haven’t really been around much the past few months. that’s because i’ve been working as much as i can try and get this guy healthy again.

a little over two years ago, charlie started presenting with intermittent lameness (a limp, in layman’s term) in his front left leg, which has since progressed into a persistent lameness. over the past two years, we’ve done test after test in hopes of diagnosing whatever mystery injury he’s got he can receive the appropriate treatment but so far we haven’t been successful in pin pointing it.

at this point, charlie’s veterinarians have told me that we’ve exhausted all diagnostic avenues except for one: a very costly MRI. with no other diagnostic choices left, i called around to all the large animal hospitals in the state to get quotes, and eventually settled on getting it done at the University of Florida–they quoted the MRI at $2500-2800, way cheaper than anywhere else.

over the past few months i’ve been working as much as i can and saving as much as i can to be able to do this MRI. but it’s been hard. i lost my job over the summer bc my boss couldn’t afford to pay me and had to live off of my savings until i found another one, which was a major set back and it’s been hard to get back on my feet where it comes to saving for the MRI. and with my student loans going into primary payment soon, it’s looking like i won’t be able to save enough money any time soon.

so i’m here to ask for help in reaching my $2800 savings goal. so far i’ve saved about $1800, so i have $1000 to go.

it kills me to even ask because charlie is my responsibility, and i should be able to do this for him all on my own. but i can’t and he deserves better than that. charlie is my family in every sense of the word–i’ve had him for almost 8 years and he’s traveled with me from puerto rico, to indiana, to florida. he’s been there for me more than anyone else in this world. and for that i owe him more than i can give.

i know it’s the holiday season so a lot of you are strapped for cash and you guys don’t owe me a single thing. but if you can donate anything at all, even a dollar, here’s a link to my paypal account. i’ll also be posting a lot of dog gear on here for sale on here in the next few days, so stay tuned for that. 

(another picture of charlie for tax)

(please note, this post has also been posted to my other blog, @marvelthismarvelthat)

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