Anonymous asked:

Do you think politically reasoned spells will be functional if I’m too young to vote?

I love that you want to use your practice to make change since mundane means aren’t available since you aren’t of voting age yet.

Short answer, yes. Age has nothing to do with it. Motivations and intent do.

I participated in some spellwork against trump, yeah, I’m one of those witches lol

But here’s the thing, things are still happening, and I know a ton of witches did just what you’re asking. Rather than add to the torrent of stuff that may cancel itself out for just being randomly directed energies, or whatever you believe in/what your practice is, here’s an alternative:

  • Protection spells for minority groups who are trying to make their voice heard.
  • Road opening spells and banishing obstacles to counter voter suppression.
  • Honey Jars to allow positive discussion and exchange of ideas for the good of the people.
  • Clarity spells to stop this “Us vs them” that’s so pervasive. It’s not a clear cut thing like some people make it out to be. “We shouldn’t build a wall. OH! So you want terrorists to get in. No Becky, it’s fiscally irresponsible and the resources should be spent on things to help the people, and our infrastructure. That’s literally not what I said and you know it.”
  • Empowerment and strength spells, motivation spells for those of age to get out and vote.
  • Bless the candidates you agree with.
  • Glamour the whole country as a personification to help with international affairs and approval.

There’s a ton of negativity out there, and righteous fury, rightfully so. It can be inspiring, but I’m doing my part by voting, and doing my witch duty by supporting others. Think of it as the passive aggressive hexing method. Instead of focusing your energy on one person, bless and raise up everyone around them.

Thank you for wanting to do something, and even if it doesn’t work out, don’t lose motivation. When you turn 18, instead of buying a lottery ticket, register to vote. It’s a far more useful gift to yourself, and it’s even free.


The Lorax and company are at their post tryna roll back transgender rights as we speak. Your time will be better spent Googling any local organization that represents or services trans people near you and volunteering on their behalf, rather than, like, arguing online with thots who want to snort Mary Daly’s ashes like bathsalts or any other brain worm sufferer with a dilapidated keyboard and doodoo-stained fingertips. Your time has always been needed, but this should surely mobilize you if it hasn’t already. Channel your anger into productive forces. If you believe in voting, chances are the democrats in your area need you to canvass for them, so seek out who’s running and see if you can get involved. Give a call to your state representatives. Sign up to volunteer at Planned Parenthood. Everyone has the capability to affect the present, but it requires your action. Any little action. Go to protests if you can, because a greater number of bodies mobilizing always matters. Create habits that involve action as these are the keys to moving beyond settling for depression and anxiety in the realm of politics. Lives are at stake, and you do have the power to help mitigate these attacks on trans people’s wellbeing in a significant way. Be kind enough to yourself to say, “No I will not argue with people who huff embalming fluids online for a living” and seek out these affirming alternatives. Thank you for attending my TED talk.

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