


im delaney 19 lesbian she/her. skate fast and eat ass is kinda just my thing at this point.

being tired all the time is such a mystery.... is it anaemia? vitamin d deficiency? chronic fatigue syndrome? depression? insomnia?? is it just the crushing weight of being alive in a capitalist society??? someone cure me


your man doesn’t have the mental strength to caramelize onions 

your man thinks it takes 5-10 minutes to caramelize onions

Who’s fucking carmelizing onions?

Have you sociopaths forgotten that apples exist?


do you think caramelizing onions is putting caramel on onions


your man thinks putting caramel on onions is caramelizing them


The guy behind the counter at the post office was just like, "can I getcha anything else? Stamps? Pint of blood?" And the ten seconds it took me to remember my mask has vampire teeth printed on it was the longest most bewildering moment of my year so far


if you call a nonbinary person cis bc they don't perform androgyny to a level you approve of i'm omw with a big hammer to shatter your kneecaps

This is incredibly important to remember. Nonbinary isnt just a middle ground or a third gender. Its not being in the binary. Thats it. That means something different to every nb person. So maybe someone does lean a bit more into their assigned gender at birth, they’re still nonbinary and calling them cis just because they arent preforming for you is transphobic- Yes even if you are trans too.


bi women who lean more towards men r literally so strong this isn't even a joke the biphobia they face for literally no reason is fucking crazy


so many people in the comments completely missing the point.... “plus they have to deal with MEN disgusting men are so gross!!” like bro that’s an example of the biphobia we’re referring to!!!!!


“large chests are not inherently sexual and they need to be desexualized, especially since many people with large chests are underage and sexualized by default because of the natural state of their bodies” and “99% of character designs where the character has a large chest, especially underage ones, are matters of blatant fetishization and not an attempt to normalize the body type” are realities that can and should exist

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