
@all-hail-queen-mycroft / all-hail-queen-mycroft.tumblr.com

I'm Madie and I am a gay, Christian, musical, 21 year old fangirl from Queensland, Australia. I'm currently a Paramedic Student at a great University! On this blog, you'll find mainly Sherlock, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Doctor Who, Game of Thrones, and Peaky Blinders. My ships include: Mystrade, Johnlock (only as fun. No tjlc here), Danyara.

things about the harry potter movies that bother the fans

  • movie hermione having all of ron’s good traits
  • movie ginny showing less emotion than a brick
  • harry casting the lumos spell in privet drive
  • peeves not being in any of the movies
  • hermione’s dress in goblet of fire being pink and not blue like in the book
  • ‘’calmly’‘

i love how everyone just knows what “calmly” means


i’ve just finished mercury & me and the last chapters are really sad so here’s a collection of my favorite moments to cheer myself up: 

  • “freddie delighted in running around as a tourist, snapping photographs of everything in sight. but he wasn’t very practical with a camera. in fact he had no idea what he was doing and was hilarious to watch.”
  • for his 39th birthday freddie threw a black & white dress-up party and brian may came as a witch
  • once david bowie was drying his hair in front of an electric fan and freddie told him it was about the only fan he had
  • freddie & jim would give each other roses almost every year for valentines day
  • the very first time freddie came over to hit on jim jim told him to fuck off. freddie did.
  • whenever jim was sick freddie would fuss around him like a “jewish mother” and run around like a “mother hen” trying to make him feel better
  • jim started working as the gardner at garden lodge at some point and the first thing freddie did when he got up in the mornings would be to go over to the window to watch him and call out ‘cooee!’
  • freddie always needed jim to reassure him that he loved him
  • one they had a row that put freddie in enough of a mood to call jim a bloody irish witch
  • freddie loved baths and always overdid it on the bubbles
  • once they couldn’t find goliath and freddie became so upset that the cat was missing that he hurled a beautiful japanese hibachi through the window of the guest bedroom
  • they previously spent days in japan searching for that specific hibachi
  • when goliath was finally found freddie cuddled him for five minutes “then, like a mother, freddie scolded the cat, shouting and screaming at tiny goliath for leaving garden lodge. the dark ball of fur just sat there, listening calmly to freddie’s outburst and purring loudly.”
  • freddie had one (1) driving lesson in his life. he got into the car, stalled the engine, got out and declared “i can’t be bothered with this”
  • once freddie gave jim a fancy silver magnifying glass because he wanted him “to be able to see the bugs” that were infesting the plants at garden lodge
  • jim thought freddie & roger were clearly soulmates
  • there was another time that goliath disappeared but they eventually found him asleep in a sink and freddie thought it was so cute that he screamed
  • freddie would visit his parents every thursday and his mum would often pack him a lunch box with biscuits
  • once, before they had guests over for lunch, jim was weeding the garden and freddie thought it looked fun so he wanted to help. when the guests started arriving freddie would commandeer them, one by one, to join them and by the time lunch was ready everyone was on all fours weeding the garden
  • freddie & michael jackson had worked on a rap number that was never finished
  • freddie had a rolls royce that was barely used, jim would only drive it out of the garage to play with his model trains (jim beach loved his model trains)
  • jim made furniture for freddie and freddie would always proudly show it off to visitors telling them “my husband made this for me”
  • whenever they got fish & chips freddie would insists they get an extra six fish (one for each of the cats) and it was jim’s job to take off all the batter and check for bones so none of them would choke
  • freddie would joke about wanting to form a band with rod stewart and elton john called Teeth, Nose and Hair.
  • freddie was quite dramatic and sometimes would tell jim to move out when they were arguing. once it got so far that jim even got an apartment but right before he moved freddie told him he didn’t want him to move and it turned out he didn’t even remember how the argument had started
  • when jim asked freddie why, out of all people, he was with him, freddie told him “you fought me. you won me.”

The moment the Parliament voted in Marriage Equality people burst into applause. At 1:20 the public start singing “We Are Australian” together in unity and it fills my heart with so much joy. This is such a wonderful day.


viggo mortensen’s appeal as aragorn is 70% the voice, 25% the scene where the wild horse saves him from drowning, 12% hair, 8% ‘the beacons are lit!’, 3% swinging around the broken blade, 1.03% spitting soup back into the bowl on a windy day, .3% the way he speaks elvish (which mostly fits into the voice, but its elvish so its special), and .0004% when he kicks the orc head and screams


This is blatant “smoking a pipe with his hood on in Bree” and “shoving the double doors of helm’s deep open” erasure and I will not stand for it.

this is also erasure of the time he brings a freshly caught deer back to camp, thrown across his shoulders like it’s nothing, and then sits down and sings to himself for a bit


rabbits only flop over like that if they feel completely safe btw

to elaborate: bunnies are prey animals and almost never have their guard down– even when they’re resting they’ll usually have their back legs in a position that allows them to quickly run away. if they’re jumping around it means they’re extremely happy!! and if they flop down w/o a care that means they feel very very comfortable and safe to the point of not having to worry about their surroundings. ^__^


This is just the happiest video IMO. 

“PLAY! FUN!  Happy!  Play?”  *looks at dog*  “No, no play?  Naps?  Okay.  Naps.”  *flop*

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