
yall probably think the allstate mayhem guy is hot

@phcking-detective / phcking-detective.tumblr.com

he/him, adult, reblogs horny content, explicit stuff tagged as "gavin breed" // other tags: "gavin loves cats" "robot stuff" "rat content"

patreon and commissions!

how’s it fucking everyone, I’m Morgan Arthur! either name is fine, but I’m slowly changing my MorganOfTheFey urls to Arthur_Of_Camelot. here’s some basic info about my writing if you want to read more or help support me:

FREE: search the tag “my writing” on this blog, and I also have a masterlist post. on AO3, my url is still MorganOfTheFey, and I have a reed900 series and a hankcon fic. some previous commissions I’ve done can be read here!

[Dec 2020] -- the latest fic in my reed900 series, If It Bleeds, is now fully published! I will try to start publishing the sequel for free on AO3 in spring/summer 2021! early access will be available through my patreon~

COMMISSIONS: I charge a flat rate of $10 per 1k words. I write primarily for reed900, but I’m open to hankcon or reed1700 too! I do not write incest, pedophilia, or beastiality. Invoices and payment are sent through paypal ^^

PATREON: my patreon helps pay my bills and fund my transition!

$1 per week: 3-5k of my commissioned fics, which are now exclusive to the patrons who order them and my patreon subscribers. as I work on the sequel to If It Bleeds, you’ll get early access to those chapters before AO3, plus patron rewards and fic recommendations!

$2 per week: deleted scenes and bonus content! you get exclusive access to the content I cut from my commissioned fics to keep them at the agreed upon word count, and occasional drabbles / bonus content I write for reed900

$3 per week: extreme early access to my Works-in-Progress--we’re talking 6+ months before they’re available for free on AO3! you’ll get full access to my completed A/B/O AU and Reverse AU, plus weekly ~1k mini-chapters of three more WIPs as I write them! these are: Pokemon AU, Exorcist!Nines x Incubus!Gavin AU, and the Human Pet AU~

$5 per week: personal book recommendations; I work as a librarian irl and have built a database of 1200+ titles featuring diverse rep, including LGBT+ identities, characters of color, disabled / mentally ill / neurodivergent rep, and more! you can request a genre, 3 identity tags, and unlimited content warnings ^^

$10 per week: (capped at 3 patrons) you get one personal book recommendation as above, but you can also specify the age range, length, and with unlimited identity tags! I’ll also toss in three more “similar titles” I think you’ll like based on your request / my rec :)

KOFI: don’t like patreon? can’t do a monthly commitment? only want to read one WIP and not pay for the others? you can find my kofi here!

a kofi donation is $3, and you can request either one 3-5k chapter of a commissioned fic or three ~1k chapters of any WIP. I’ll email you the PDF(s), just let me know which you’d like in your donation or by PMing me on tumblr!


Me, on the welcome desk in the library: Good morning, how are you today?

Customer: I have welcomed Jesus into my heart and so I am well today and every day.

Me, a little unnerved: Okay then! Is there something I can help you with?

Customer, digging around in his bag and pulling out an iPhone in a box: Unfortunately, Jesus can't help me with this fucking phone, so I came to the library.

The Library!

For When Not Even God Can Help You!


The Four Sacred Artistic Motives:

-what if this bad thing was good instead

-how about Make-Believe Land can have whatever I want

-would that be fucked up or what

-I think that shit's hot


I've seen posts going around claiming that petting animals is basically tricking them into thinking they're being groomed, and it's bugging me because, like, there's no trickery afoot. Petting and scritching are grooming activities. They help to dislodge loose fur and foreign objects and more evenly distribute protective oils, among other things. Primates are social groomers, and the human impulse to scritch is the legacy of our primate ancestors. We see an animal we like, even a dangerous one, and the monkey brain says "groom that thing".

Sucking a guy's dick is basically tricking him into thinking he's having sex

derin why


there are so many words to use in place of “penis” in regards to smut. there’s dick. or shaft. we got cock. member. organ. length. hell, even manhood! all are acceptable replacements.

but what do we have for the testicles? nuts? no thank you. ballsac or, lord forbid, just sac? i’d literally rather be tarred and feathered. using their government name and just calling them testicles? take me out back and gimme the ol’ yeller treatment.

how has the english language evolved so much yet we have no acceptable word for testicles in a sexy context? how can we claim we’ve advanced as a society when the best word for describing when two characters are fucking nasty and the noble and mighty testes are swaying about is balls?


wanna run that one by me again, champ?


Here ya go. My apologies.

cheers, mate.

you make an incredibly valid point as all of those cock replacements give me pause, but they don’t pack the same yank-me-outta-the-story-sucker-punch as balls does. i’d even go so far as to say balls slaps me in the face. balls smacks into you. i’m not fond of the way fondling must be described. it’s a hairy predicament, if i may say. one that makes me want to give it the sack. but alas, it’s one that seems to stand the teste-ment of time.


Yeah Gavin would probably be buff and all that. But have you thought about. A little tummy. Have you considered. Tummy.


I HAVE and in fact I reject all buff or muscular Gavins. Yeah he can throw a punch but my guy does not have washboard abs


Today I accidentally knocked a monarch caterpillar off its leaf and it fell and immediately began oozing green liquid. I was devastated. I thought I'd killed it. Turns out they do that on purpose to defend against predators. Fooled by a fat little worm. Irrecoverable


not a character who died and came back different or who died but came back the same but a character who died and came back extremely angry that you stopped digging for them

you were so close

why did you give up on me

why did I have to drag myself out of this grave without you


*holding my hat in my hands* well y'see the ppl in the cemetery were gettin all mad about. u know, the grave digging. aw babe don't bite my arm again don't be mad im sorry


I love you disabled tops. I love you disabled doms. I love you people who take Viagra. I love you people who have to use specific positions to spare their joints. I love you people who can't grip their partner very hard. I love you people who have to take frequent breaks from thrusting. I love you I love you I love you.


Something I love about writing fanfiction is that when canon drops an absolute dungheap of a writing decision, you do not have to just sit there and be disappointed about it. You have a whole world of interesting options.

1) Nothing here is salvageable. This plot point is a trash fire and it’s quickly setting the rest of the franchise ablaze. We as a fandom have elected to ignore it. It did not happen. I will write events as if they continued correctly.

2) Nothing here is salvageable, trashfire, etcetera, but let’s just play in the space for a moment. If we allow that fine, this incredibly stupid thing happened, can we mulch it down and grow something interesting from it? What led to things ending up so off the rails? Where do we go from here? What are the worldbuilding implications? I will dig deeply into this dungheap and make something worthwhile out of it.

3) There is the seed of a really good idea in here. The execution was garbage, but if it had been done differently, with better writing, with better pacing, with more thought and care and tact, it could have been golden. I will redo it, but better.

And there are many interesting combinations of correct/worthwhile/better! I love delving into this in my own writing, and seeing it in other people’s writing, because suddenly your fic is having a conversation with the original work. It’s transformative! It says something about what you personally loved and hated and took away from the story!

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