
🇩🇪German Learning And Language Resources🇩🇪

@mutant-german / mutant-german.tumblr.com


All about Easter in Germany!

A Brit in Germany explains German Ostern. 

This week I’m looking at how Easter is celebrated in Germany - including special food, customs and tons of vocabulary. Joining me are stone rabbit and stone bird. ;D

☆ Mini Deutsch dictionary: Alles über Ostern - everything about Easter Ostern - Easter der Gründonnerstag - Maundy Thursday der Karfreitag - Good Friday der Karsamstag - Holy Saturday der Ostersonntag - Easter Sunday der Ostergottesdienst - Easter mass der Ostermonntag - Easter Monday die Osterwoche - Easter week die Osterkarte - Easter card das Osterrad - Easter wheel der Osterbrunnen - Easter fountain die Ostereier - Easter eggs der Osterhase - Easter bunny das Osternest - Easter nest/basket der Osterstrauch - little branch or bush with eggs hanging on it der Osterzopf - plaited bread Osterlamm - cake/bread in shape of lamb das Osterbrot - Easter bread die Osterglocke - daffodil Frohe Ostern! - Happy Easter das Ostereiersuchen - Easter egg hunt”

Der Osterhase (Easter Bunny) is a German-Lutheran tradition - it started in Germany in the Middle Ages. Read more about it here.


die Ausbreitung – spread der Bademantel – bathrobe der Bezug – reference das Brettspiel (pl. die Brettspiele) – board game die Einstellung – attitude das Erdreich – soil; earth das Fotoalbum (pl. die Fotoalben) – photo album die Gesichtsmaske – face mask die Küche – cuisine die Langeweile – boredom die Laune – mood das Lebensmittelgeschäft (pl. die Lebensmittelgeschäfte) – grocery shop der Reiseführer – guidebook das Schaumbad – bubble bath der Tipp (pl. die Tipps) – tip; hint der Urlaub – holiday die Quarantäne – quarantine

(sich) aufregen – to get upset ausschlagen – to start to bud; to come into leaf faulenzen – to laze about genießen – to enjoy platzen – to fall through schlürfen – to slurp schmökern – to browse verderben – to spoil

bequem – comfortable daheim – at home fremdländisch – foreign; exotic krank – sick zuhause – at home

ins Wasser fallen – to fall through (jemanden) verrückt machen – to drive someone crazy schlimmer werden – to get worse auf Vordermann bringen – to whip (something) into shape in einem Buch schmökern – to bury (oneself) in a book Zeit verbringen – to spend time


German expressions you probably ought to learn (#2)

Honestly cannot think of a better title for this post. Essentially, I have a memrise deck dedicated to all the miscellaneous German expressions and terms that don’t really crop up in vocab lists or tumblr posts. A lot of them are phrases and collocations that never really occur to you… until you need to use them!

i. So musste es kommenit was bound to happen/come to that Beispiel: Heute glaube ich, dass es so kommen musste, damit ich erkennen konnte, wie falsch mein Leben bisher gewesen war Üb.: Now, I realize that it all had to happen that way, so that I could realize how wrong my life had been up till now.

ii. Ich bin ein hoffnungsloser Fall (in…) — I’m hopeless/a lost cause (at…) Beispiel: Ich bin in der Mathematik ein Hoffnungsloser Fall. Üb.: I’m hopeless at maths.

iii. Es ist herausgekommen, dass (…)It turns out/has come to light that (…) Beispiel: Es ist herausgekommen, dass Berichte über Störfälle getürkt worden sind Üb.: It has come to light that reports regarding the incident were faked.

iv. Ich nehme dich beim WortI’ll take you up on that / take your word for it Beispiel: Aber ich nehme Sie auch beim Wort, wenn Sie sagen, dass wir im Haushalt darauf achten werden,… Üb.: But I also take you at your word when you say that we are going to take great care…

v. (Immer) sachte! Easy does it! Or “Calm down!” (ugs.) Beispiel: Jetzt mal ganz sachte!“  Üb.: Would you chill out now!



Lovely German Vocabulary

die Brise - Breeze

der Bach - Stream

das Wasser - Water

der Spross - Sprout

die Sonne - Sun

die Wolke - Cloud

die Rose - Rose

Blühen - To bloom

Hüpfen - To skip

Entspannen - To relax

Rosa - Pink

Leise - Soft (Atmosphere)

Wolkig - Cloudy

Süß - Sweet

Sonnengeküsst - Sun-kissed

Angenehm - Pleasant

Erneuernd - Renewing

Üppig - Lush

Barfuß - Barefoot

Aufblühend - Blossoming

Fröhlich - Cheerful

Inspirierend - Inspiring


Please. Your Grace. I have done nothing.


Christmas vocabulary in Swedish

En jul - Christmas God jul! - Merry Christmas! God helg! - Happy holidays! December  - December Julafton - Christmas Eve Juldagen - Christmas Day   Annandag jul  - Boxing Day / St. Stephen’s Day Trettondedag jul - epiphany En högtid - holiday, festival En fest - party, celebration En lillajul - “little christmas”, christmas party En jultomte, en julgubbe - Santa Claus  En tomtenisse - elf (Santa’s helper) En ren - reindeer  En släde - sleigh En skorsten - chimney En julsång - christmas carol En julklapp - christmas present Ett julkort - christmas card En julkalender - advent calendar En julgran - christmas tree Ett julpynt - christmas decoration(s) En julbelysning - christmas lights En julmarknad - christmas market Ett ljus - candle En snö - snow En snöflinga - snowflake En snögubbe - snowman En istapp - icicle En julstrumpa - christmas sock En julkrans - christmas wreath En klocka - bell En julbock - yule goat En mistel - mistletoe En stjärna - star En tradition - tradition En familj - family En stämning - ambiance En kärlek - love En frid - peace En glädje - happiness Röd - red Grön - green Vit - white Gyllene - gold Silver - silver En julmat - christmas food En risgrynsgröt, julgröt - rice pudding En mandel - almond En skinka - ham En korv - sausage En köttbulle - meat ball  En kalkon - turkey En fisk - fish En sylta - head cheese, brawn  En sallad - salad Ett äpple - apple En kanel - cinnamon En ingefära - ginger En kryddnejlika - clove En kardemumma - cardamom En nöt - nut En marsipan - marzipan  En pepparkaka - gingerbread cookie Ett pepparkakshus - gingerbread house En jultårta - Christmas tart Ett godis - candy En choklad - chocolate En polkagris - candy cane En glögg - mulled wine  En kyrka - church En julotta - service within the Church of Sweden that celebrates the time of birth of Jesus Christ En kyrkogård - graveyard, cemetery En Jesus - Jesus En födelsedag - birthday Julevangeliet - annunciation to the shepherds En ängel - angel En julkrubba - nativity scene


die Ausnahme – exception die Erwartung – expectation das Geschenk (pl. die Geschenke) – present; gift die Kerze – candle der Muffel – grouch der (die) Normalbürger(in) – ordinary person der Promi – celebrity; VIP der Trubel – hustle and bustle der (die) Verweigerer(in) – objector der Weihnachtsrummel – Christmas rush die Weihnachtszeit – Christmas time

ableiten – to derive (etwas) erfahren – to learn (of something) knüpfen – to tie schenken – to give verbringen – to spend

albern – silly kitschig – kitschy; corny stressig – stressful

gespaltenes Verhältnis – ambivalent relationship (jemanden) zum Wahnsinn treiben – to drive (someone) crazy (etwas) nicht viel abgewinnen – to not get much out of (something) reine Folter – pure torture


die Beziehung – relationship die Freundschaft – friendship die Kluft – rift; gulf der Rausch – intoxication; ecstasy die Rücksicht – regard; consideration das Unverständnis – lack of understanding der Weichzeichner – soft focus

(sich) aufstauen – to accumulate berücksichtigen – to consider; to take into account besprechen – to discuss eingravieren – to engrave erwidern – to respond gegensteuern – to take countermeasures (jemandem etwas) gönnen – not to begrudge (somebody something) nachvollziehen – to understand schweben – to float teilen – to share übersprudeln – to bubble over verbergen – to hide (sich) verbiegen – to warp

gezielt – specifically öde – bleak schlagartig – suddenly unüberwindbar – insurmountable verliebt – in love vernünftig – reasonable

(jemandem) auf die Nerven gehen – to get on (somebody’s) nerves zu Lasten von – at the expense of; to the detriment of tief Luft holen – to take a deep breath



  • Die Hexe - witch
  • Der Zauberer - wizard
  • Der Topf - pot
  • Der Besen - broom
  • Der Trank - potion
  • Die Kerze - candle
  • Der Rauch - smoke
  • Der Altar - altar
  • Die Tarotkarten - tarot cards 
  • Das Orakel - oracle
  • Der Fluch - curse
  • Der Kessel - cauldron
  • Die Kristallkugel - crystal ball
  • Das Wachs - wax
  • Die schwarze Katze - black cat
  • Der Kristall - crystal
  • Der Zauberspruch - spell
  • Das Ritual - ritual 
  • zaubern - (to) perform magic
  • fliegen - (to) fly
  • (etw.) vorhersagen - (to) predict (sth.)
  • schädlich - harmful
  • harmlos - harmless
  • paranormal - übernatürlich

culture note ideas;

learning a language is like learning about a country’s culture. therefore, one should take some culture notes once in a while. if you need any ideas on what to research/study, take a look below! i might add more if i think of any.


  • countries that speak the language
  • common dishes/foods/drinks/alcohols
  • festivals
  • cultural tidbits (ex: why japanese uses kanji still)
  • world leaders/figureheads/etc
  • wars
  • history in gen
  • art
  • games
  • paintings
  • sculptures
  • instruments
  • music/genre-related
  • anything
  • pop culture
  • hit movies
  • celebrities
  • music
  • etc
  • history of the language
  • make a travel guide
  • recipes
  • traditions
  • holidays
  • places to see/go
  • sightseeing worthy/statues/etc
  • important people
  • common animals that live in certain country
  • cultural differences?
  • holidays they have that you don’t
  • do they celebrate (holiday) differently?
  • etymology of words – they can act make good history lessons
  • myths/fairy tales/ urban legends
  • dialects
  • provinces/states/etc


  • whats it like driving there?
  • how does schooling work?
  • how does a typical family live?
  • common stereotypes
  • do they go about finding love differently? (ex: is it common for arranged marriages?)
  • typical sbjs one learns in school
  • college?
  • beauty standards

Hi everyone, I’m back with another writing challenge for you! I tried my best, but please let me know if I had any repeats from last month. 

If you don’t know about this challenge: Want to maintain or improve your writing skills in your target language this summer? Try this 30-day writing challenge for June: Every day, answer the following prompts in your target language (in a personal journal or in a tumblr post). Good luck!

  1. Translate the first few sentences of your favorite book into your language (make sure to include the author and title!!).
  2. If you could live in any era (i.e. the roaring ‘20s), what would it be and why?
  3. Write a summary of your favorite TV show or movie.
  4. List 3-5 facts about your country (or your family’s country of origin).
  5. What are 5-8 songs that would be on your summer playlist? Translate their titles into your target language.
  6. Look up and list 3-5 slang terms in your language.
  7. Describe your favorite summer outfit.
  8. Name 3 things that have made you smile this week.
  9. Write today’s to-do list in your target language.
  10. How will you improve as a student next year?
  11. What is one goal you hope to achieve by the end of this month?
  12. Name a funny childhood memory.
  13. Where is your favorite study space? Why?
  14. Translate a few lines from a favorite song.
  15. Give a basic physical description of yourself (if you are posting online, protect your own privacy - don’t list anything super specific!!).
  16. Briefly describe some of your personality traits.
  17. What’s one nice thing that you’ve done for someone else recently?
  18. Why do you want to learn the language you are studying?
  19. List 3 useful phrases in your language (such as “Where is the bathroom?” or “There is an emergency.” I feel like we never learn these things in class lol)
  20. Name some terms and phrases that are specific to the career you are pursuing.
  21. Describe your favorite scene from a book, show, or movie.
  22. What would you do with $100? Why?
  23. What’s one good thing about the world in this day and age? What’s one bad thing?
  24. What are some things on your bucket list and why?
  25. What is one thing (food, a scent, a stuffed animal, etc.) that is nostalgic/brings back memories? Why?
  26. What is one thing that stresses you out, and what do you do to de-stress/avoid stress when you have to deal with that thing?
  27. Write a short letter to your past self (maybe 5 years ago?).
  28. What is your Myers-Briggs personality type? Describe it? Is it accurate?
  29. What is one worry/problem you have right now, and what are you doing/going to do to fix it?
  30. What is the nicest thing someone has said to you/about you?
  31. Favorite memory from this month?

If you participate in this challenge and post your prompt answers, make sure to tag me with #studyingsenseless or #writingchallengejuly ! I’ll be liking/reblogging them :)

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