

@aspacecocoon / aspacecocoon.tumblr.com

Hello lovelies! My name is Coco. Former human who got stuck in a backroom for a little too long. You can find me on twitch & youtube. This serves as my personal blog and you will be seeing my vids, writing, and personal thoughts. If you have any questions for me specifically, feel free to ask! I am and EN/ES Vtuber hence some fictional aspects in my comments.

"doomed by the narrative" this and "doomed by the narrative" that but none of these bitches will ever be as doomed by the narrative as ahiru, where the actual author of the story she's in shows up and tells her she's absolutely fucked from the start


this ^ is peak example of doomed by the narrative. and shes just a duck.


New discourse: it's actually predatory to date someone with a different star sign than you, because the differences in your personalities means you'll never be able to have exactly the same life experiences, thus leaving a knowledge and power gap between the two of you which will inevitably lead to an abusive relationship!

also if you're a Sag and you're dating a Taurus, that means you're secretly seeking a May-December relationship, which is age gap coded!

Also, humanoid signs like Aquarius, Gemini, and Virgo absolutely cannot date animal signs. That is interspecies erotica coded fucko and animals CANNOT CONSENT.


Aries, Capricorn and Taurus dating each other make me sick, they're all bovidae it's so obviously incest I-- 🤢


Schedule for this coming week!

New series starting with Virtue's Land Reward and Genshin Impact, both of which I am completely blind to!

Star Trek watch along will be on the discord!

And the Animorphs Charity Reading continues! Reading the Animorph book series to raise money for The Trevor Project.

🦋You can find me here!🌌

Anonymous asked:

AITA for starting a successful business?

I found a great resource that I could use to make clothing products that everyone needs, so I did what comes naturally and started chopping down the trees and made lots of money. But this little orange guy doesn’t like me chopping down trees and becoming successful. He keeps trying to find ways to stop me because he “speaks for the trees” but that’s whackery because trees can’t consent! He’s preventing my innovation and my customers from purchasing. AITA? It’s him right. I’m just following my destiny. Capitalism wins baby! 😎 The American Dream to build factories, sell, sell, sell and expand until there’s nothing left to take from the land. I’m so rich and successful right now, ain’t no way that little orange guy should be stopping me. I mean, how bad can I possibly be?


[ID: reply from gaytransgirl reading "YTA go fuck yoursel— wait no" End ID]


dont get me wrong this is #mood but just try eating a piece of bread with salt. please, seriously. ok? at least a tiny bit. salt helps with nausea, bread calms the stomach acid. if you really can’t face eating anything, just lick some salt like a damn elk, then wait and see if you can manage the bread. make some broth if you’re into that kind of thing. no spices, yes salt. if you’re feeling too weak and shaky to do much, just have a cup of tea with sugar (energy) and lemon (again, good against nausea). nibble on the lemon first, it will feel good, but don’t overdo - citric acid on an empty stomach is a majorly bad idea. take care of yourself, you’re the only you we’ve got

You’re the only you we’ve got”

“just lick some salt like a damn elk” is the new “touch grass”


Want more info? Here ya go: 


“The idea of two sexes is simplistic. Biologists now think there is a wider spectrum than that.”

As a biologist I am reblogging this so hard.

Biological sex is not and has never been a binary. The complexity of the natural world cannot be contained in neat little societal boxes. Stop using science to justify your bigotry.

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