
really wish "abolish the police" was trending with all the news, it feels like a lot of ppl have forgotten since the height of blm

please dont tell a black person to not view police violence as a pressing issue, thanks.

my post in no way even specified the US, and it didnt for a good reason. abolish the police is an INTERNATIONAL CONCEPT.

police literally openly all over the world participate in genocide. and yes, the police in the united states participate in genocide. there are several genocides occurring. im not distracting from shit. i have the capacity to care about multiple things and so should you. im simply highlighting that cops are in fact a tool of genocides, with an 's', and my sadness comes from the sudden burst of support during blm no longer being present.

these things are CONNECTED. the iof is full of cops. the iof TRAINS COPS. even if youre only focused on one issue, which apparently you are, attack it from multiple angles.

Also jumping on this as a Palestinian-American to say, in addition to everything OP said -- our liberation is as interconnected as our oppression is!!! Palestinians are deep supporters of Black liberation, and have always stood in solidarity with anti-police protests!

Plus it's fully wild to watch the same cops that brutalize BLM protestors brutalize these college students asking for divestment and go "hmmmm is this the time to talk about police brutality?" IT FUCKING IS. OF COURSE IT IS. YOU'RE WATCHING IOF TRAINED COPS GLEEFULLY BEATING COLLEGE STUDENTS, WHO ARE ASKING THE UNIVERSITIES THEY GO TO, FOR DIVESTMENT FROM AN APARTHEID GENOCIDAL STATE. COPS WHO BY ALL ACCOUNTS ARE STILL GOING AFTER BLACK AND BROWN STUDENTS IN HIGHER NUMBERS.

yeah this is the right time. it does not "take attention from the pressing issue" are you kidding me??? How can you watch what's happening right now, and not see how these issues are TIED together. BLOWS MY MIND. Any excuse to be anti-black truly.

all this to affirm... palestine isn't free until the police are abolished. palestine isn't free until prisons are abolished. palestine isn't free until black people across the globe are free.


Ok gotta talk about it.

As a Jewish historian, I fucking hate Israel in ways most probably will never be able to comprehend. I'm going to try and explain it anyways. The central creation myth of Israel is that it is Jewish, and then consequently, that Israel is a part of Jewishness. Its easy to simply state this is false, but fully comprehending this and putting it into practice in thought and deed seems rare to me.

The evil at the heart of this violence predates the recent acceleration of genocide. Israel is a colony, and more than that, an antisemitic fraud itself. After WW2, when Israel was being founded, the Jews of Europe generally did not wave goodbye to their neighbors and head to the promised land. Many were expelled from their homes. Zionism itself, as an action, was a false choice at the time. A mere excuse to place an ally in the middle east, and an excuse to complete the expulsion and destruction of the European Jew. The Zionist Jew is more than complicit in this, they actively seek the destruction and assimilation of all other Jews.

Many fail to realize, and largely because of Israel, that Jews are not inherently white, Ashkenazi, European-descended people. Our faith and culture has an immense variety that is spread all across the globe. Jewishness, in population and volume of culture, exists more so outside of Israel than within it. Israel is for a very specific kind of Jew. The kind that lets Yiddish die, that attaches themselves to European things, that makes themselves and their practices as white as possible.

And they have the nerve, the fucking belligerent GALL, to frame themselves as the necessary saviors of our people. To the Zionist, questioning Israel is to question Jewishness itself. They bake adoration for the colonial machine into their very prayers, and push them on us even as children. To *not* oppress, to *not* kill, to *not* genocide, is to invite death. This is the core of fascistic thought, of course. "Kill them before they kill us." And they KNOW this too, they really do. The truth of that irony does not matter, because as is true for all fascists, the truth itself does not matter to them. They wanted this, they wanted this even before the British saw it in their best interest to give them the land. Any excuse to RETVRN, as the neo-nazis say of Rome, or the German Empire, or whatever the fuck stupid country they want to poorly animate the corpse of. Some select Zionists even *sided with the fucking Nazis* in agreement they should abandon Europe to colonize Palestine. (Haavara Agreement)

My people have proved time and time and time again you don't need a nation state to have an enduring culture. We have protected ourselves for thousands of years without the help of these spiteful, doom-saying maniacs. I was going to post something like this on Passover, but that would be hypocritical. The state of Israel doesn't actually have shit to do with Jewishness. שְׁמַע יִשְׂרָאֵל יְה Vi tsu derleb ikh im shoyn tsu bagrobn. [my best translation] Hear Israel (beginning of a prayer in Hebrew) I should outlive him long enough to bury him. (an old Yiddish curse)

Free Palestine. Donate what you can, they need it right now.


On April 30th while reporting on the Students Revolution at Columbia University, CNN anchor Kasie Hunt made reference to Hind Rajab as 'A Woman Who Was Killed in Gaza." Hind Rajab was six years old.


The Rafah invasion would be so catastrophic that even Biden momentarily called it a red line, though of course he walked it back.

It's hard to say something could be worse than what's already happened, nothing I could say wouldn't already apply, but this would massively increase the scale of this ongoing atrocity. Any pressure that can be brought to bear to stop it must be applied.


thank you to the dishonest failing new york times for constantly erasing us and purposefully obscuring jewish participation in these protests just to make people less sympathetic to the movement opposing an ongoing genocide

btw you can see all the edits nyt makes to their article titles on this twitter account




the fact that there are white people going "omg they're just like us" about people in south, south east, south west asia and africa and south america like it's some huge revelation that we're all human is so fucking dismal to me. what do you mean you never considered the personhood of the people who don't look like you or don't have your culture? why do you think that you're unique in your suffering? why do you think you deserve praise for realizing that we're all human?


When trans women are mocked and made into jokes in the media, I get very upset, and I am often told “Kay, you can’t go through life getting offended every time someone makes a joke.” And I sputter and object but they don’t hear me. So I want to be clear for once, about why the jokes make me angry.

I learned to hate myself for being transgender before I knew I was transgender. I laughed at the jokes in stand up comedy routines, and prime time sitcoms, and animated comedy shows, and in the movies, and in books, and in games, laughing at trans women for existing, about “men in dresses”, about people who “got their dicks chopped off”, and I learned to think that was worthy of ridicule.

And then a day came when I felt a pang of envy at what my female classmates were wearing and I repressed it, and felt guilty, and a day where I felt incomplete because I had no breasts and I repressed it and I felt disgusting And a day when I realized the only images of romance that made me feel anything showed two women together and I repressed it and I felt like a monster And a day when I realized I felt sick when I looked at myself in the mirror after every shower before work and couldn’t bear to look at my own face, and I hated myself. And then there came a day when I hated myself so much, and I thought I could never understand why, and so I just wanted it all to end. And it was just a miracle that I swerved my car back into my lane in time.

And all of it started with a joke that I heard on TV, and then kept hearing from all the voices from the ether, over and over and over, worming an idea into my mind before I was old enough to realize I was absorbing it, the idea that a man in a dress is funny, and that changing your body parts makes you a freak, and that women who have penises instead of vaginas are liars and hurt men. And they’re still making these jokes. And somewhere out there right now, just like all those years ago, there is a little girl in a t-shirt and cargo shorts with buzzed off hair watching the TV, hearing that joke and absorbing it without knowing it, who will someday have to pry herself apart to tear it out of her head, just like I did.

That is, if she doesn’t kill herself first.

I know this is a really heavy post but if you read it and you appreciated it, I’d appreciate it in return if you reblogged it. This is really important to me and I want people to read it and understand it. Thank you.


University of Texas at Austin students standing their ground against the state troopers sent by Governor Greg Abbott to suppress the campus protests


Heads up a bunch of people got shoved in busses and detained last night and are in jail being denied food water and medical care. The jail's number should be 512 854 9889 for the 10th Street location if you want to call to demand that they release or otherwise provide aid to those detained.


student and community protestors at UT yesterday were denied water, tear gassed, pepper sprayed, and flashbanged. they are still being held!! and even after this major police repression students retook the lawn where they had set up their encampment. Free Palestine From the River to the Sea 🇵🇸

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