
plura recognosces, pauca docendus eris.

@pomegranates-and-blood / pomegranates-and-blood.tumblr.com

Luce, she/her, Latina, 24 || Multifandom || Currently procastinating on writing || Here are my Masterlists

Wish I was a late bronze age girl

I would have my homeland invaded by the sea peoples. I would be lain siege to by the sea peoples. My cities would be sacked by the sea peoples. I would make bronze tools and pottery. My shores would be invaded by the mysterious sea peoples. I would be mustering my armies to fend off the sea peoples.


Internet Safety

Being hyper-secretive online is probably the only good kneejerk reaction boomers have put into our heads twenty years ago and now both them and the next generation look at you like you're a freak if you don't list your social security number in your carrd.


The most valuable thing I learned doing a Masters degree with depression, anxiety and ADHD was to change my “things I’m bad at” list to “things I can’t do on my own.” Stop thinking of them as things I could do if I tried hard enough, and accept that I can’t accomplish them by effort and willpower alone; they’re genuine neurocognitive deficits, and if I need to do the thing, then just like a blind person reading or a mobility impaired person going up a storey in a building, I need to find a different method.

I’m “bad at” working on long-term projects without an imminent deadline or someone breathing down my neck? Okay, let’s change that: I can’t work on long-term projects without an imminent deadline and someone breathing down my neck. So let’s create an imminent deadline and recruit neck-breathers. Find a sympathetic prof who will agree that 3 weeks before the due date they expect me to show them my preliminary notes and bibliography. Get a friend I trust to block off an hour to sit with me and keep asking, “Are you working on your project?” Write a blog post about my progress. Arrange to trade papers and proofread them with another student.

Accept your limitations and learn to leverage them, instead of buying the neurotypical fairytale that they’ll go away if you just try hard enough.

I needed this so much.

…holy shit

holy shit


actual criticisms of academia:

  • cost of education acting as class barrier
  • exploitation of graduate workers
  • colonialist past and present
  • ties to military industrial complex
  • danger of power structure entrenching and justifying orthodox views on social issues

criticisms of academia that get made:

  • those damn ivory tower academics are wasting money learning about things

shoutout to everyone who wants to infodump but cant string together coherent thoughts to form sentences and instead just look at you like this

Luke: you killed my father! Vader: I've killed a lot of fathers. Luke: Obi-Wan's other apprentice! the one you betrayed and murdered! ringing any bells? Vader, internally: ...was Ahsoka trans? is this guy part togruta?? he doesn't look like it, but fuck if I understand how togruta biology works? who did she (he?) even fuck?? when did she (he??) even have the time???

Absolutely dying over the idea of Obi-wan watching this disaster of an interaction go down while Vader is there like, totally supportive of Ahsoka’s transition, but also looking at this completely human-looking kid like:


i've been thinking and i think a lot of celebrity discourse wouldn't be a thing if more people understood how PR works and that these famous people have been carefully curated as products for consumption 99% of the time. the reason a lot of actors seem so much like their characters is because, a lot of the time, they're deliberately playing that aspect of themselves up to promote the project they're in. why do you think so many straight actors starring in gay films have vaguely gay anecdotes prepared for interviews? why do you think leads promoting rom-coms often play up their chemistry in interviews? none of it is accidental. pedro pascal isn't walking around calling himself daddy because he happens to genuinely call himself that. it makes him more marketable. i think a lot of us know that celebrities' public personas are curated, but it doesn't stick because we want to be entertained and to like these people. the more I interact with PR people as part of my job and am made aware of the "rules" surrounding celebrity interactions and interviews - the more I've realised just how much of a performance all of it is. now i am not saying it's a Bad thing, i think this curation is mostly in place to protect privacy and keep promotion focused on the show/film. but i don't think it would hurt for more people and fans to remember that almost everything you know and see about celebrities is incredibly curated and tunnel-visioned to make them living breathing promo material for whatever they're in, which is to say that these are the last people who should be looked to as role models for moral and ethical guidance because they aren't *for* that.


this man is the one true ally



Brother: What does the order mean?

Person filming: They/she?

Brother (increasingly frantic): Yeah but I’m, I don’t wanna fuck it up. Is it— what does that mean you said she/they and then you said “oh wait no use they/she,” which one do I use?

Person filming: They- they more than she.

Brother: Oh god

[laughter from the person filming]

Brother: Okay, like, how- how much more though? Is it like if- do I- am I being an asshole if I say, like, they maybe like 4 times and she 2 times?

[more laughter]

Brother continued: Or is it like, 60-40? 65-35?


I can't do that post that's like "why did you start following prev" bc I truly do not remember why I started following any of you guys. It's probably just because we were brothers in a past life


amber heard had to legally change her name, abandon her career and move to spain because she had the audacity to write an article about how she was abused (without even naming the abuser) and the fucker sued her for it and made sure it was televized for maximum humiliation. I truly hope depp never knows a moment of peace for the rest of his pathetic life and the same goes for anyone who supported him. you people are genuinely the scum of the earth


for several weeks now this tweet has been causing wars on twitter

So true, everyone knows that the only way to bring about political change is writing on the magic paper.

Just pick your favorite pre-approved name brand politician and assume they'll fix everything exactly like you want! You don't have to even think, let alone actually do anything.

If you like the smell of your own farts, electoralism is for you!


Tumblr uses will really be like ‘You believe in voting? That pales in effectiveness to my strategy, firebombing a Walmart’ and then not firebomb a Walmart.

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