
@dianacopland / dianacopland.tumblr.com

I write books about love. The fact my lovers are all men doesn't negate the romance one bit.

The Republican Party is about to approve its 2016 platform, and their proposed draft takes a stronger stance against LGBT rights than ever before. 

Among many other backwards views on social issues, the platform says:

  • Marriage equality should be overturned with a constitutional amendment
  • Judges to be appointed (ahem, SCOTUS) should be advocates for “traditional family values”
  • Parents should have the right to put their LGBT children through conversion therapy
  • States should be able to dictate which bathrooms trans people use
  • Kids who have one mom and one dad are less likely to be drug addicts or “otherwise damaged” 
  • Religious principles should guide lawmaking: “man-made law must be consistent with God-given, natural rights”

Please do not vote Republican in this election. This platform could literally mean life or death for LGBT youth, transgender people, and so many others who will be targeted – strategically and legally – for being who they are. 


This is vile.

Please vote for Hilary in the presidential election if you’re USian and support queer rights. I don’t care what you think about her as a person, but if Trump becomes president, I am absolutely terrified about what will happen to those of us who identify as LGBTQIA in this country. You may think your vote doesn’t matter, but it absolutely does.

Same for your local/state races. Vote Democrat, vote progressive, hell, vote socialist if you have a candidate! Start pushing for change where you live–the more we do that, the more progressive ideals will hopefully grow and spread. There is an extremism at play in the GOP right now that is frightening. Even some of my staunchly Republican family members are voting for Hilary because the way the GOP is trending in this election unsettles them. Please, let’s put our collective feet down and say NO to this platform.


This is terrifying. Please, please READ AND VOTE!!


I did this as a gift for a fest last year. Thought I’d share.


The LGBTQ Push Back Charity Giveaway!!

Please consider participating in the LGBTQ Push Back Charity still taking place.  Make a donation to the LGBTQ charity of your choice and comment at the attached link.  That’s all you have to do!  224 LGBTQ authors have donated works, including me.  I’m proud to be associated with this wonderful charity, and I hope money can be raised for the wonderful organizations doing work with the LGBTQ community.  There are so many punitive laws being based in states all over the country, and the big money in opposition to equality is making its presence felt with laws like RFRA in Indiana.  Let’s do what we can, and PUSH BACK.



Cover Reveal for "Secrets of Neverwood"

Wow, does it feel like forever since I've been here! Hello, all. I hope the long absence can be forgiven. Today is a big day. Today is the date of the official cover reveal for the anthology I wrote with G.B. Lindsey (rurounihime), and Libby Drew (Sansa). It's an exciting moment. Sometimes when you've written something and it's picked up by a publisher, you despair of it ever actually being published. You go through content edits, then copy edits. You go through rounds of art and back cover copy decisions. And then you wait. And wait. And wait. Well now, at least part of the waiting is over. The 'Secrets of Neverwood' Anthology is available for pre-order at

Three foster brothers are called home to Neverwood, the stately Pacific Northwest mansion of their youth. They have nothing in common but a promise to Audrey, the woman they all called mother—that upon her death, they would restore the house and preserve it as a home for troubled boys. But going home is never easy.  Cal struggles to recover from past heartbreak, while Danny fears his mistakes are too big to overcome. Devon believes he may never break down the barriers that separate him from honest emotion.  On the path to brotherhood, they discover the old mansion holds more than dusty furniture and secret passageways. Audrey’s spirit still walks its halls, intent on guiding “her boys” toward true love, and an old mystery stirs up a new danger—one that could cost the men far more than just the house. Secrets of Neverwood includes: One Door Closes by G.B. Lindsey The Growing Season by Diana Copland The Lost Year by Libby Drew 166,000 words

Stories also available for purchase separately.

I really wanted to put this here, on LiveJournal, because I know without a doubt that being of member of this fandom, this community is the only reason I had the guts to try to be published in the first place.  It's also where I met Grete (G.B.Lindsey/rurounihime) and Libby (Libby Drew/Sansa).  I have always been a HUGE, HUGE fan of their writing, and feel really honored to be included in this with them.  It was a dream come true for me, and I can only thank them.  They have been wonderful collaborators, and each of our 'brothers' Is a very different, unique individual.  Grete's Cal is a gentle, thoughtful man overcoming decades old demons in order to find his way back to the man he's always loved.  Libby's Devon begins his story closed off, tired, just home from a heartbreaking natural disaster that's left him hallowed out and sad.  When Nicholas comes to him for help, Devon recognizes the pain inside the man, and finds his way out of his emotional inertia to reach out and help.  And Danny.  It's surprisingly hard for me to talk about Danny.  When I'm writing a character, they sometimes take up residence in my head, talking, in Danny's case snarking, often driving me just a little bit crazy.  My relationship with Danny was more complicated than with any character I've ever written.  And I think it's because my mom died while I was crafting Danny's story, doing the re-writes.  My dad has deteriorated while Danny has come to life.  Danny is 21, and been through more than anyone his age should have to endure. He has a chip on his shoulder and an attitude born of humiliation and abuse, and Sam Ignatious, the man who reawakens parts of Danny long dormant, has his hands full.  But I've come to care about Danny, the little shit.  Bringing him to life has been a test of endurance, and the whole time he was whispering in my ear, urging me to buy the sugary Yoohoo he craves at the market, pulling me into the local garden center to talk to landscaping experts about what plants would survive and thrive here in zone 4.  It's been an experience, and giving Danny his 'happy ending' was the biggest challenge of my professional writing career to date.  As a result, I want to both thump him upside his head, and hug him.  I'm delighted to say I think he was worth the trouble. So today we reveal the covers, which I think are beautiful.  The books are available for pre-sale at Amazon, the link above.  Obviously I've forgotten how to do the links and make them shorter and cute, but that will get you there.  And the "Secrets of Neverwood" and all of the individual titles will be available June 30. I hope you like our boys.  We sure do!


Can't  wait for tomorrows cover reveal at :https://www.facebook.com/MrsConditAndFriendsReadBooks?ref=br_tf


The night before the burial of her husband 2nd Lt. James Cathey of the United States Marine Corps, killed in Iraq, Katherine Cathey refused to leave the casket, asking to sleep next to his body for the last time. The Marines made a bed for her, tucking in the sheets below the flag. Before she fell asleep, she opened her laptop computer and played songs that reminded her of him, and one of the Marines asked if she wanted them to continue standing watch as she slept. “I think it would be kind of nice if you kept doing it” she said. “I think that’s what he would have wanted”. -Not sure what is more honorable: Being married to this faithful wife to the end or the Marine standing next to the casket watching over them both. IN HONOR OF ALL OF OUR ARMED FORCES PLEASE SHARE THIS.

forever reblog. forever.

Never forget those who were lost. To all those in uniform, thank you.

I’m bawling

This will never not be reblogged from me.


What I want to know is when did Neville and Harry do this in the Harry Potter books?  Did I miss a book 8 or something?  Okay I know they didn’t but dammit they really should have.  ;-)


So, we've got Neville and Harry getting their kinky groove on, and Harry and Draco screwing each other's brains out.  I like it!!


May the Force Be With You

You might remember that when I came up with the “Lying in a Puddle of Feels” art, it was while I was reading Eric Arvin's “Woke Up in a Strange Place”.   What a beautiful pair of souls he and his partner fellow author TJ Klune, are.

Eric is currently in the hospital, gravely ill.  So hard for me to believe, as I was just chatting with him less than a week ago on FaceBook, when he let me know he’d received the print of “Feels” in the mail.  He was so thrilled about it.

TJ asked that we keep the messages of love and support coming, as he was reading them all to Eric.  This is what I posted on TJ Klune's FB timeline last night:

Since Eric is already fully aware that I have a goofy artistic sense of humor, I decided that to help cheer both of you up I would give you something to make you smile. Since Star Wars is popular in your house, I got the idea to turn both of you into…Ewoks. Note the signature hipster glasses. Okay guys, know that you are truly surrounded by the Force of major love of your friends and family and you’re going to get through this. But man, what a pain in the ass, huh? Every time you need a smile or a giggle, maybe this will give you one.

One of the commenters to my post wanted this on a tshirt.  I wish I could figure out how to do that - offer up the design on tshirts and donate all the proceeds to Eric and TJ.

I can’t do that, but you can do this.  There is a fund set up to help Eric and TJ’s family and friends with expenses.  They are in from out of town and staying in hotels to be nearby and that is expensive.  If you can spare even a tiny little bit, even a dollar or two helps.  You can donate here at the Eric Arvin Support Fund.

TJ is so appreciate for the support and love.  Grab a tissue and see how much here.

Can I be just the teeniest bit smug about this??

Yes, Diana Copland…be as smug as you want to be. You own the rights.

Back in March, Diana and I were having this conversation. You see, Diana and I are best friends in RL. We...


I love you just as much, my darling.  Just as much.


Writing while surrounded by chaos.

I've decided to keep a writing blog while I go forward with new projects.  I'm working on the sequel to 'A Reason To Believe', and am making notes on a sequel for a project that's... well, I can't really talk about yet!  I haven't utilized Tumblr the way I should up to now, but that changes today.  I think it's the perfect forum for blogging 'stream of consciousness' type posts.  And my stream of consciousness is... spastic at best.

Perhaps I should explain.  I am a writer trying to finish a book while in the equivalent of an asylum.  My Mom died in June, and I'm the full time caregiver for my Dad, who has advanced dementia.  He's sort of like having a large toddler around, and while he understands that I need to work, he doesn't really.  He needs to be able to see me, because if I'm not in the room, he forgets I'm in the house.  My adult son is a huge help, as is my adult daughter who lives here with us, but this is a full time job.  And while I've been living in a 'mother in law' unit downstairs, I've recently come to the decision that I'm going to have to move upstairs into the guest bedroom.  My son is currently rearranging another small room so that I have an office, which will be great, but he's sorting through 68 years of stuff.  My mother was the original pack rat.  Every drawer in every piece of furniture in this house has just... crap in it.  And her beautiful oak roll top desk?  OMG, I never need to buy a greeting card, ever again. Or post it notes.  Or note tablets.  She was addicted to stationary, and I now have...tons.  And that's a problem.  Because my son, who is right by the way, says I should toss it.  But to me?  It's like throwing money in the trash can.  So I need to overcome my thread of hoarder (hey, I come by it honestly) and get rid some of this stuff.  But man, it's hard.  The cards and notes and tablets are all brand new, and.... sigh.  Yeah, it sucks.

So, I'm sitting here in the living room, because the office isn't ready, trying to keep a train of thought while my son curses in the next room as he sorts  through crap and my daughter unloads groceries in the kitchen because she's making ratatouille for dinner.  It is the definition of controlled chaos. Oh, and then let's add in the cats: four of them.  Mom didn't like them, but Daddy finds them entertaining, so they're upstairs now, acting like cats.  Which means independent little people who think jumping up on the table is perfectly normal behavior.  We're working on it.

 Yeah, not sure how much I'm going to get done in terms of productivity, but I'm trying.  God knows, I'm trying.


Happy Birthday, Catherine-dair!!!

Happy Birthday, darling Catherine-Dare!  Love you to pieces!!!! Everyone should get what they really want for their birthday.  Semper Fi!!

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