
@ayermite / ayermite.tumblr.com

♎️☀️♏🌙♍⬆️ | Aka @concordia-libra and @memorias-lilii | Random drawings and shenanigans will be posted here.

going to the bottom of uquiz results to see what percentage of quiz takers got my result to see if im a special little snowflake or an ordinary schmuck


Every bit of lore @sercphs and I come up with our characters always ends up retroactively fitting random details we slapped onto them years prior out of sheer coincidence or as a joke

It keeps happening and I'm scared what the fuck—


♋: What drew you to this muse?


♋: What drew you to this muse?

My wife!

Time for some lore, I had never originally had an interest in writing Fischl. The character I was most interested in writing was actually Zhongli, but I was nervous about the saturation of writers of him - a popular character in a fresh community was bound to have a bunch of interpretations, and I knew well enough the possible backlash of not writing in accordance with other people's perceptions of a character.

So, at my wife's suggestion, I opted to write Fischl instead! Needless to say, we can see that has worked well!


I remember you asking me if you should write Fischl or Zhongli, and I knew that I was gonna choose which timeline for you to go through lmao

Either way, you do both of them justice! Your Zhongli was pretty good when we did those RPs with Concordia ^^

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