
pansies bloomed all night

@qcrip / qcrip.tumblr.com

23 // genderfucked
professional model, amateur drama queen, hobbyist animal whisperer & aspiring patron saint of glitter
please tell me if you need anything tagged, captioned, or fixed on my theme to make it more accessible

Dear community,

I’m writing on behalf of two trans youth (20 and 21), and their found family. I will be keeping this anonymous for safety reasons. Thank you for taking the time to read this and for your care for trans kids everywhere.

Recently one of my close friends reunited with their younger brother. The two were separated due to parental abuse in 2017. Now, years later, they have found each other again - and both happen to be transmasculine. The younger sibling, age 21, has been living homeless on the streets of Kentucky in freezing temperatures with his fiance - a transfeminine person. My friend group pulled together some money to get them to the Sacramento Valley from Kentucky where they will be safer and have more access to resources. My friend with the younger brother in question also lives locally and can offer some resources as well.

However, money is tight for this whole friend group/found family and we are all struggling to make rent. One of us works multiple jobs, one of us has been job searching for over six months, one of us is on disability. We are turning to our community of trans people and allies across the globe to help make stability a reality for these two extremely deserving kids. My friend, the older brother, also deserves to be able to go to sleep at night and wake up in the morning without fear and stress. Finding his younger brother after so many years of believing they would never see each other again should be a celebration, not a source of worry.

The kids are now in California and job hunting, working on signing up for assistance, etc but are still homeless. We have some viable housing options for them and are not only trying to raise money for that but also some money to replace the many items they didn’t have while homeless including clothing, hygiene items, and items they will need once they secure housing. The money we are asking for may seem like a significant chunk but it will help these kids get on their feet and achieve housing and stability, which they deserve so wholly. All trans kids deserve safety.

We ask that if you regularly donate to charity or a mutual aid fund for the holidays you choose this cause to donate to as it is immediate and imperative. We also ask that you share this with your following on social media and especially with the allies in your life so they can make good on their promise as allies and walk the walk of supporting trans youth. Thank you for taking the time to read this and for caring what happens to trans kids. Not enough people do but the people who give us their love and support make all the difference.


I reappear from the abyss to let you all know I’m doing a Party Poison burlesque act to Destroya on May 21st. It’s virtual so you fan watch from anywhere & sliding scale- if you can’t afford to pay for a ticket you can also dm me and I’ll hook you up with a comp ❤️

tickets are open for 40 more minutes if youre feeling sexy


I reappear from the abyss to let you all know I’m doing a Party Poison burlesque act to Destroya on May 21st. It’s virtual so you fan watch from anywhere & sliding scale- if you can’t afford to pay for a ticket you can also dm me and I’ll hook you up with a comp ❤️


I'm still struggling and desperately need help!!


Thursday, January 26th: Hello everyone, I’m Gemma, a bi, mentally ill, and disabled woman who is in desperate need of help, as I'm struggling to keep my utilities on and to pay my overdue account before the 31st!!

As most of you are already aware from my previous posts, I have been struggling financially these past few years due to Covid-19 and my welfare benefit (Universal Credit) being under continuous review, which is due to my worsening mental/physical health and the UK’s controversial changes to how benefits are assessed and assigned. Currently, I am waiting to go for a DWP health assessment, which is due next month via video call, and I'm still waiting a response from my ADP application for Disability, which could take a while to process.

The most pressing issue right now is that I'm struggling to keep my gas and electricity utilities on which are getting close to their emergency credit, and now my bank is overdrawn due to overdue bills and late fees. I don't receive my U.C. welfare again until January 31st, and I could really use some help!!

If anyone could spare any amount to help me, even if it’s just £1/$1/€1, it would save my life, and sharing definitely helps just as much. Thank you so much for all your help!! ❤



every night we’re like oh god what if they play one of their songs. what if gerard wears clothes.


More disabled people need to be using mobility aids fr. I hear so many ppl talk about chronic knee and back pain who don't use mobility aids because they're worried they aren't in enough pain, don't want to take up too much space, don't want to get looks, etc. Bitch you are worth it. You deserve it. You deserve to feel more comfortable in your day to day life. Besides, mobility aids kick ass and every time I see someone else my age with a cane I feel immeasurable joy.


"i support queer people," says person who apparently cannot comprehend the idea that identities that seem counterintuitive, contradictory, or jokes are real terms by virtue of being terms that real people use

sorry that futch pisses you off because you most commonly see it used in the butch-femme scale or that transsexual pisses you off because you're used to hearing it from transphobes or that fagdyke pisses you off because you think slurs are organised by demographic but real people identify as futches and transsexuals and fagdykes and your righteous anger ain't gonna get rid of them


trying to weed out the “fakers” will inevitably lead to you harassing real disabled people who can’t perform their disability well enough for you


ppl will rly be like “god I hate disabled people. anyways I can’t wait to get my medical degree”


i cannot believe that before MCR frank iero was going to be a therapist. imagine walking into therapy and your therapist is frank iero and after youre done talking about your problems he goes “man… shit sucks” and hands you the world’s most poorly rolled sickly anemic joint as compensation for your woes


my one fear is if a vapire drank my blood and made a face and then tried to politely cover it up for my sakes like 'nooooo your blood is fine i swear mmm yum' i think id literally kill myself in front of them

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