
“Observations Broken Into Lines”


Tine (she/her), lesbian💕20
Always looking for more besties<3
AO3: 1TheArtOfLosing1
Tik Tok: .milxf.edits
Instagram: miranda.all.the.way

madeline usher is actually great sapphic rep the more you think about it because who among us hasn’t found themselves in a messy situationship with the personification of death?


me as a writer: Oh no I can’t write that, somebody else already has

me as a reader: hell yes give me all the fics about this one scenario. The more the merrier

This one is so hard to accept. Reblogging to knock that into my brain.

Me as a writer: I feel like I’m repeating myself, I’ve already used that theme, I’ve already written that kink, that other character uses that speech pattern so this one in another fandom can’t, I feel like I’m writing predictable things, is this different enough from that other thing I wrote, are people filling out bingo cards by my work? :sobbing:

Me as a reader: oh hell yeah this hit the spot exactly, I hope this writer has written 20 more just like it


As one friend said when I felt I was reusing a theme too much, nobody ever says, Did Agatha Christie write about murder again?

I actually laughed out loud at the last one. A very good point.


“I love this, I hope there isn’t anything else out there like it!” Said no one ever


PSA. Memo. Note to self.


More cake is always something to celebrate 🙏💕💕💕💕


don’t ever feel bad for setting high standards. you deserve good people in your life who will reciprocate the same energy back


bring back tumblr ask culture let me. bother you with questions and statements


reblog to let people know it's ok to bother you with questions and statements


Ao3 subscriptions are so fucking wild to me. Every time I write my silly fanfictions and post them 124 people get an email just to let them know that this idiot is posting their fanfictions again. I send 124 people an email every time I write smut. Imagine sending 124 physical letters out just to be like “hello everyone, I put some guys we made up in our heads through the horrors again.” Absolutely absurd. I am kissing all of you on the lips.

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