
I Love You


I am Tink, I'm 30, she/her. This is a Supernatural blog, Destiel and lots of general Supernatural meta and discussions. I also enjoy speculating. Here also be crack, headcanons and general fun stuff. A happy Team Free Will is my jam. Endgame positive. Endgame Destiel positive. This blog is a happy place. If you're looking for episode meta my tags are eg "spn 12x01 meta"

Not parasocial love nor parasocial hate but a secret third thing where I respect the celebrity for their talents and achievements while acknowledging that I do not have a personal relationship with them and that they are a human with flaws


Parallels: 2x08 Cross Road Blues & 15x18 Despair

In its original context, 2x08 is made to draw parallels between Dean and a man who made a crossroads deal to save his wife’s life and John, who made a demon deal to save Dean. However, time is a flat circle and we know Supernatural loves to recycle plot lines, so theoretically, if the Supernatural final never happened, I would imagine this is the kind of perspective Season 16 Dean would have on Cas’ deal with The Empty.


Wonder if she got a dog


I don’t subscribe to the “sam and cas couldn’t care less about each other” belief like I think they genuinely love each other and are chaotic besties HOWEVER I do think an essential part of their dynamic is that they periodically forget that the other exists


One of my fave thoughts is how Sam looks like a dick if Destiel isn’t real regarding his and Deans different dynamics towards Cas 😂


absolutely robbed of a scene where dean realizes that cas LETS him hold him back


mmmmmmm just a scene where cas is with another person, crowley perhaps, where something is happening and cas tries to charge forward and crowley is the one to put his hand on cas’ chest and cas just. fucking ragdolls him out of the way and dean watches crowley, the demon king of hell crowley, fly at least 6 feet away and whoever cas was going after is already on the ground because dean was trying to process this entire thing

@crawldoutofthesea LITERALLY


How is it is supposed to work: your emotions are a response to your situation and surroundings. It is OK to feel the emotion. Now take that emotion and use your logical brain to decide which parts of the emotion fit the facts of the situation and which do not and why, and how you're going to respond to said emotions (which is what tweet said, and what therapists say)

How people seem to interpret it: any emotional reaction is perfectly fine and I am not responsible for what I do out of emotion.


What’s Visual Snow Syndrome (VSS), and why do so many autistic people have it?

I learned about this the other day, when I posted about palinopsia (visual trailing/afterimages) being common in autistic people, and a couple of our followers told me about their VSS. I did some more research, and discovered that I also have it.

Visual Snow Syndrome is a neurological condition that interferes with visual processing. It’s caused by hyperactivity and hyper-excitability of nerves in certain areas of the brain that process visual information.

The core feature of VSS is constantly seeing tiny, fuzzy “feedback” in the environment. It’s kind of like seeing the world through a staticky TV screen. Some people’s visual static is larger than others. Mine is relatively fine-grained, but it gets bigger and more obvious in low lighting.

Some of the other symptoms of VSS include:

  • Palinopsia (visual trailing/afterimages)
  • Photophobia (sensitivity to light)
  • Increased and enhanced ectopic phenomenon, such as floaters, phosphenes, and Scheerer’s phenomenon
  • Seeing glare, starbursts, and halos around lights
  • Difficulty seeing at night/in the dark
  • Seeing random flashes of light and/or color, without cause from the environment

It’s common for people with VSS to experience comorbid migraines, but VSS is not the same thing as migraine aura.

So, why do autistic people often have VSS?

It comes down to the fact that VSS is caused by the hyper-excitability of neurons in areas of the brain that process visual information. A core feature of autism is hyper-excitable neurons, especially in areas of the brain that have to do with sensory processing. So it makes sense that autism would often inadvertently cause VSS.

Here are some illustrations of visual phenomenon that VSS causes, in case you want a better understanding of what the world looks like for me and many other autistic people.

Visual snow/static:


Palinopsia/image trailing:

Scheerer’s Phenomenon (tiny bright moving dots):

Starbursts around lights:


I hope y’all have learned something :)

I’ve found it very intriguing to realize that the way I see the world is more unique than I once knew!





“oh, I definitely don’t have that part of it” she says until she scrolls down and finds out the world doesn’t look like that to everyone. (I don’t have the image trailing, and I’m not sure about the one below it, but all the others yes)


I was recently diagnosed with BVD but I didn’t realize all these other visual effects were connected to adhd (also recently diagnosed).



I have all these after laser eye surgery but ?!

“I do look good in florals”

Oh, Cas, you do hon, you really do!!! (Don’t worry, he turned around in time to see the sky 😉 )


Hands up if you were the child that read thousands of books and as an adult you hit burn out and now only read stories about the same 2 idiots falling in love over and over as you don't have the brain power to get emotionally attached to new characters.


Ultimately supernatural is about a flock of gay people who all hate eachother because they’re obsessed with the same man


@kenobians Cas is literally Dean’s special princess who nobody else can compete with and absolutely everybody knows it except Cas


Supernatural is the gay bachelor sent tweet


The sheer amount of people on Adam Rose's tiktok with Jensen just commenting "IS THAT SOLDIER BOY???" God they do not know he's at a Supernatural convention filming a tiktok with the guy who played his gay thing

Anonymous asked:

https://twitter.com/Variety/status/1562899130170503169?t=AkruLn-7gkugC7Ytyt_qmA&s=19 a cameo 🥴😭💀💀💀

the cast when jared shows up on set:

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